The HTG Guide to Getting Started with Raspberry Pi Over the last year the Raspberry Pi, a cheap credit-card sized computer, has taken the computing and DIY world by storm. Read on as we guide you through everything from buying to powering to running the tiny dynamo. What Is the Raspberry Pi? The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized general purpose Linux computer designed and manufactured by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to making computers and programming instruction as accessible as possible to the widest number of people. Although the original mission of the Raspberry Pi project was to get inexpensive computers with programming capabilities into the hands of students, the Pi has been embraced by a diverse audience. The Pi features a system-on-a-chip setup built around the Broadcom BCM2835 processor (a tiny but fairly powerful mobile processor commonly used in cellphones) that includes a CPU, GPU, audio/video processing, and other functionality all on a low-power chip. What’s On The Raspberry Pi Board?
Make Your Own Wireless Printer With A Raspberry Pi Wireless technology is perhaps the best improvement to home printing for years. Fewer cables, flexibility about where you can put your printer – it’s win-win. Unless you have an older printer. While it might be easy enough to buy a new printer for under $50, you might have spent enough on your last one, and be unable to justify the outlay. The solution, then, is to make it wireless. Benefits Of Wireless Printing If you haven’t already enjoyed the benefits of wireless printing, then this project is definitely the place to start. With a wireless printer you can move your printing into a separate room (perhaps even your shed) and collect your print jobs when they’re complete. Wireless printing really is about making printing flexible rather than “locking” it to the desk. Preparing For Wireless Printing With The Raspberry Pi For this project, you’ll need to ensure you have connected and setup a wireless USB dongle for your Raspberry Pi. To update, enter sudo apt-get update followed by lsusb
How to Configure Your Raspberry Pi for Remote Shell, Desktop, and File Transfer So you have a Raspberry Pi and you would like to maximize its tiny footprint by turning into a totally stand alone box—no monitor, keyboard, or other input peripherals. Read on as we show you how to set up remote shell, desktop, and file transfer access on your Pi. Why Do I Want to Do This? The Pi, even clad in a sturdy case, is a tiny computer. It’s perfect for tucking somewhere out of sight without a gaggle of wires sticking off of it—for many projects you simply don’t need a permanent monitor and peripheral accompaniment. That doesn’t mean, however, that you won’t need to connect to the box to make changes, update things, transfer files, and so on. What Do I Need? If you’re brand new to working with the Raspberry Pi, we strongly suggest checking out The HTG Guide to Getting Started with Raspberry Pi to get a handle on the basics of the device and get up to speed. For this tutorial you will need the following things: Setting Up and Connecting to the SSH Server sudo raspi-config #! sudo reboot
Mappages de broches Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 broches - Windows IoT Les interfaces matérielles pour Raspberry Pi 2 et Raspberry Pi 3 sont exposées via l’en-tête J8 de 40 broches sur la carte. Les fonctionnalités incluent : 24x - Broches GPIO1x - UARTs série (RPi3 inclut uniquement mini UART)2x - Bus SPI1x - Bus I2C2x - Broches d’alimentation 5V2x - 3.3V broches d’alimentation8x - Broches au sol Broches GPIO Examinons le GPIO disponible sur cet appareil. Vue d’ensemble du code pin GPIO Les broches GPIO suivantes sont accessibles par le biais d’API : * = Raspberry Pi 2 UNIQUEMENT. Exemple GPIO Par exemple, le code suivant ouvre GPIO 5 en tant que sortie et écrit un « 1 » numérique sur la broche : using Windows.Devices.Gpio; public void GPIO() { // Get the default GPIO controller on the system GpioController gpio = GpioController.GetDefault(); if (gpio == null) return; // GPIO not available on this system // Open GPIO 5 using (GpioPin pin = gpio.OpenPin(5)) { // Latch HIGH value first. pin.SetDriveMode(GpioPinDriveMode.Input); Épingler le Muxing UART série Bus I2C
WTware for Raspberry Pi 2 — thin client operating system Turn your Raspberry Pi into a wireless access point | The MagPi This article explains how to convert your Raspberry Pi into a wireless access point using a simple WiFi USB dongle. You will need - A Raspberry Pi model B (of course!) - An SD Card for your Raspberry Pi: I used a 4GB for this but whatever you have should be good - A USB WiFi Dongle: I used a ZyXEL Communications Corp. Setting up your SD card First install Raspbian from the Raspberry Pi site at the URL below: Install the image to your SD card as explained here: Logging into your Raspberry Pi Log in to your Raspberry Pi – I setup mine via SSH but no reason why you can’t do it via a keyboard and screen if you have it connected that way. If you’re using SSH then you’ll need to locate your Raspberry Pi’s IP address on your LAN using (on Linux systems, at least): $ sudo nmap -sP Nmap scan report for UNKNOWN ( is up (0.65s latency). Configuring your Raspberry Pi #!
Quelle différence entre apt update, upgrade, dist-upgrade et full-upgrade ? Si vous utilisez un système Linux Debian ou basé sur Debian (comme Unbuntu ou Linux Mint) en ligne de commande, vous avez sans doute déjà utilisé l’instruction apt-get, apt ou encore aptitude. Grâce à ces dernières, vous pouvez installer et mettre à jour des paquets sur votre distribution Linux. Mais quelle est la différence entre un apt update, apt upgrade, apt dist-upgrade ou apt full-upgrade ? Laquelle de ces options devriez-vous utiliser ? Les mises à jour en ligne de commande APT est une interface de gestion des paquets des systèmes Linux Debian. apt-get est le programme de base permettant d’installer, de mettre à jour ou de supprimer des paquets. L’utilisation d’apt-get reste toutefois recommandée dans les scripts Shell sinon c’est apt qu’il convient maintenant d’utiliser. apt update # apt update L’instruction update va rechercher les mises à jour disponibles pour votre système et vos programmes installés en se basant sur les sources définies dans /etc/apt/source.list. apt upgrade
Raspberry Pi Scratch Robot | Eric Barton Fuller I found an application for the Raspberry in my classroom! With the endless possibilities of the Raspberry Pi in education, it is difficult to focus on one application. This is my attempt to document a focused application. I am sure this idea will branch out into other ideas or supplemental ideas will follow. Goal: The students are presented with an easy to develop hardware system on top of the robot chassis consisting of the Raspberry Pi, Pi Cobbler, Battery pack, H-bridge motor controller, and a Breadboard. The students are presented with an easy to use graphical/block based software programming environment using a modified version of Scratch for the Raspberry Pi which allows for control of GPIO pins. Students will be provided with resources such as wiring pin-outs, diagrams, schematics, hardware tutorials, software tutorials so they may create working robots in class (hopefully in about 10 minutes). Autonomous vs. Summary: This project will take a work on the back end. Resources:
Creating a LAMP server (web server - Linux Apache Mysql PHP) on the Raspberry Pi - Linux tutorial from PenguinTutor This provides details of how to configure a Raspberry Pi as a webserver. This is similar to the guide to using Xubuntu as a LAMP webserver, but adds some of the things that need to be handled differently for the Raspberry Pi. It is termed a LAMP server which is one of the most common configuration for webservers which standard for: Linux – operating system Apache – webserver (http) software Mysql – database server PHP or Perl – programming languages This setup is probably overkill for most uses of the Raspberry Pi, but it is the setup that most users will be familiar with and is a good way to learn about setting up a webserver. I’ll be looking at setting up a lightweight setup in future. All this configuration is done at the command line. Why use the Pi? Avoiding the geeking answer of “because I can” I think there are some good reasons for doing this. Learn Linux The main aim of this site is to teach Linux skills. Debian Linux Security passwd and follow the prompts for changing the password.
Créer un point d'accès (hotspot) WiFi en quelques minutes avec raspAP Quand on a besoin (rapidement) de mettre en place un Point d’Accès AP (AP = Access Point) WiFi avec un Raspberry Pi, la solution qui vient immédiatement à l’esprit est hostapd. Accessoirement il faut installer un serveur DHCP pour distribuer des adresses aux machines qui se connectent. Tout ça en ligne de commande et dans les fichiers de configuration. Heureusement, RaspAP vient à la rescousse ! Que celui qui n’a jamais fait de connerie d’erreur dans ces moments là, en oubliant de supprimer un #, en mettant une virgule en bout de ligne à cause d’un doigt qui traine ou autre… me jette la première pierre ! Cliquez pour avoir une information sur les niveaux Pour permettre aux deux Raspberry Pi de l’article sur MQTT de communiquer, sans passer par une box, j’ai décidé de transformer le Raspberry Pi récepteur de données en hotspot (point d’accès) pour que l’autre (plus tard les autres) Raspberry Pi puissent y accéder même en cas de problème avec la box. Préparer le Raspberry Pi Edit 29/06/2021
We're writing a FAQ for the weather station - help wanted! Hi Clive and Fellow/Fellowette Weatherheads EveryWhere! Yes, it's li'l ol' me, I'm still alive, and I've been banished to the badlands of Northwestern W(h)yoming ... by choice - I'm an hour East of Yellowstone National Park, the first NP in the world and home to the incredible, world-famous geysers, hot springs, and waterfalls! I'm taking charge of an incredible real Computer Science and Robotics program that includes dual-credit accredited college courses that qualify anywhere an accredited college transcript is accepted, one of the few high schools in the entire U.S. to have such an in-depth program. Somehow, the application I submitted for a "whether" station (as in, "whether we can get this to all work" ) a year ago February (when the Pi 2 was still brand new - remember those halcyon days?) was misplaced onto the Approved pile, and Steph just notified me that a kit is en route! Just to calibrate everyone's understanding of exactly where I am, here's Static RAM: and here's Dynamic RAM:
Fabriquer un Récepteur AIS pour 20€ – APAC Association des Plaisanciers d'Agde et du Cap 1. Présentation On peut bel et bien faire un récepteur AIS pour une vingtaine d’euros. Cela peut constituer un moyen secours en cas de panne de son AIS ou tout simplement un récepteur à bas coût quand on ne souhaite/peut pas acheter un AIS. Voici un tutoriel en français (!) Cet article n’a pas la prétention d’être un cours sur les AIS. Cet article regroupe également ci-dessous en téléchargement tous les logiciels nécessaires (pour vous éviter d’aller un peu à la pêche sur le net avant de tout trouver) zadig ou sur zadig sdrsharp-x86 AISDECO2 ou sur xdeco Nota: Ces fichiers sont compressés (.zip) pour les décompresser: vous pouvez utiliser ashampoo zip (gratuit), winzip ou autre logiciel de compression Il faut également OPENCPN (gratuit) considéré comme déjà installé sur votre ordinateur. Attention, le récepteur AIS en question n’est pas un produit de type « plug and play » que l’on brancherait et que l’ordinateur reconnaitrait tout seul… Ce serait trop facile. 2. GPSvitesse anémoAIS… ! 3. 1.
Take Photos Through These Raspberry Pi Powered Binoculars The Over-Engineered version The Quick and Dirty version Read articles from the magazine right here on Make:. Don’t have a subscription yet? Get one today. Upgrade a pair of binoculars (or a telescope or microscope) with a Raspberry Pi 2 and a Pi camera and use one of Adafruit’s touch LCDs to view and take pictures at a distance. This project is more time-consuming, expensive, and clunky than if you were to purchase a commercial product. We created two versions. 1. The Adafruit crew put together a specific version of the Raspbian OS to make it easy to interface with their 2.8″ capacitive touchscreen. Unzip the image after it finishes downloading. 2. Remove the microSD card from the adapter. Figure A Next, attach the other end of the cable to the Pi, silver tabs facing the HDMI port, blue side facing the network jack, again disengaging the clasp first if needed. Figure B Attach the LCD panel to the Pi — be aware that it fits a bit loose and floppy. Figure C 3. Boot the Pi. Figure D A. B. Run 4.