Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms Glossary Home | Text Version Designed to help learners at any level better understand genetic terms Guided by national science standards Explained by scientists at the NIH The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) created the Talking Glossary of Genetic Terms to help everyone understand the terms and concepts used in genetic research. Enter a search term or explore the list of terms by selecting a letter from the alphabet on the left and then select from the terms revealed. The Talking Glossary At the bottom of most pages in the Talking Glossary are links to help you get the most out of this glossary.
Rutas Cervantes :: Paris :: Instituto Cervantes :: Ruta Rayuela La Anécdota A la hora de diseñar la cubierta de Rayuela, Julio Cortázar tiene claro que quiere una rayuela. El 8 de octubre de 1962, durante el proceso de producción del libro, le escribe a Paco Porrúa, su editor en Sudamericana: "Voy a ir el sábado a las librerías de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, y miraré los álbumes de Brassaï y otros fotógrafos en busca de una rayuela". Debió ser ese día que compró Graffitis, fotolibro publicado por Brassaï el año anterior. Juan Manuel Bonet La Sugerencia "Cuantos viajeros no han buscado la rue de Seine para asomarse al arco que da al Quai de Conti en un atardecer de diciembre y tratar de distinguir sobre el Pont des Arts la figura delgada de una mujer inclinada sobre el agua" asevera el autor de la ruta de Rayuela, el escritor José María Conget. Ese pequeño "pasadizo" en el que comienza la novela es el punto sugerido e inevitable de la ruta, el número uno de nuestro recorrido.
ARS Electronica | Prix Ars Electronica Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN is the new international competition for digital artists to win a residency at CERN the world’s largest particle physics laboratory in Geneva. It is the first prize to be announced as part of the new Collide@CERN artists residency programme initiated by the laboratory. This new prize marks a 3 year science/arts cultural partnership and creative collaboration between CERN and Ars Electronica – which began with CERN’s cooperation with Origin – the Ars Electronica Festival in 2011. The aim of the Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN prize is to take digital creativity to new dimensions by colliding the minds of scientists with the imaginations of artists. The residency is in two parts – with an initial two months at CERN, where the winning artist will have a specially dedicated science mentor from the world famous science lab to inspire him/her and his/her work. The winning artist will receive 10,000 Euros prize money Submission Details Checklist for Submissions:
Learning to Give - Teachers Moments of Service Lesson Plans Themed teaching resources to support calendar events. Includes lesson plans, toolkits, project ideas, and more. Toolkits Guides designed for service coaches to support teachers and volunteers with resources, ideas, tips, and stories. Webinars Monthly webinars designed to support leaders of youth in service. Project of the Month Each month, we post a new, simple and innovative service project for youth to do by themselves or with their family, school, or club. Magnifying the Universe Embed this infographic on your site! <iframe width="500" height="323" scrolling="no" src=" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe><br />Copyright 2012. <a href=" the Universe</a> by <a href=" Sleuth</a>. The above is an interactive infographic. Introduction: This interactive infographic from Number Sleuth accurately illustrates the scale of over 100 items within the observable universe ranging from galaxies to insects, nebulae and stars to molecules and atoms. While other sites have tried to magnify the universe, no one else has done so with real photographs and 3D renderings. We hope you have a blast magnifying the universe, know that each time you zoom in a depth, you're magnifying the universe 10x ... and every time you zoom out, the bigger objects are 1/10th of their prior size. How To Use: Credits:
The MRC Molecular Haematology Unit El Hierro, la isla de los mil volcanes 2012 March 12 - The Scale of the Universe Interactive Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 2012 March 12 The Scale of the Universe - Interactive Flash Animation Credit & Copyright: Cary & Michael Huang Explanation: What does the universe look like on small scales? Tomorrow's picture: dust before galaxies Authors & editors: Robert Nemiroff (MTU) & Jerry Bonnell (UMCP)NASA Official: Phillip Newman Specific rights apply.NASA Web Privacy Policy and Important NoticesA service of:ASD at NASA / GSFC& Michigan Tech.
ATRX The Science Behind Foldit | Foldit Foldit is a revolutionary new computer game enabling you to contribute to important scientific research. This page describes the science behind Foldit and how your playing can help. What is a protein? Proteins are the workhorses in every cell of every living thing. Your body is made up of trillions of cells, of all different kinds: muscle cells, brain cells, blood cells, and more. What are amino acids? What shape will a protein fold into? Why is shape important? What do proteins do? Proteins are present in all living things, even plants, bacteria, and viruses. Photosystem I is a collection of proteins in plants that captures sunlight for photosynthesis.Luciferase catalyzes the chemical reaction that makes fireflies glow.Hemagglutinin helps the influenza virus invade our cells. You can find more information on the rules of protein folding in our FAQ. What big problems is this game tackling? How does my game playing contribute to curing diseases? Firas Khatib, Seth Cooper, Michael D.
Glastonbury Festivals - Welcome To Glastonbury Festivals Staff Picks: Sports Science Staff Picks: Sports Science Staff Picks: Sports Science Collisions on Ice What happens when two hockey players collide? Putting Something on the Ball When you pick up a baseball, it immediately suggests its purpose: to be thrown fast and with considerable accuracy. Girls of Summer In the 1870s, an American woman could not vote. Reaction Time Measure your reaction time with just a meter stick and some help from a friend. Human Power Why is the bicycle the most efficient way to travel? Fastball Reaction Time Are you quick enough to hit a 90 mph fastball? Baseball Time Machine Send your favorite baseball player on a journey through time. Frontside Forces and Fakie Flight The Physics of Skateboarding Tricks Styro Curveball Learn to throw a curveball, a slider, or even a screwball by throwing a Styrofoam ball. Bike Frame Materials Explore the important engineering concepts of yield strength, ultimate strength, and elasticity as they relate to building a better bicycle. Besuboru Skateboarding Glossary