AppMakr :: iPhone App Maker | Make your own iPhone App | Free iPhone App Maker With the rise of smartphones and mobile apps, businesses of all sizes are looking for ways to develop their own applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge or hiring expensive software development team members. In this era of technology, no-code app builders have emerged as a popular solution, allowing individuals and businesses to create their own customized applications with ease. Appy Pie is one such no-code app maker that has gained significant traction in recent years. But how does it compare to traditional app development? Here, we’ll explore the key benefits of using both the app development methods. Minimize risk Building an app from scratch is fraught with potential pitfalls, and investing a significant amount of resources into traditional app development can leave you exposed to considerable risk. Manage your app without a developer For many people building their first app, managing it effectively can be an afterthought. Faster GTM Cost-effectiveness
How To Create Your First iPhone Application - Smashing Coding Update: 01/10/2012: The original version of this article by Jen Gordon was published in August 2009. It was thoroughly revised and updated by the author and published in September 2012. Update: 01/10/2012: The original version of this article by Jen Gordon was published in August 2009. It was thoroughly revised and updated by the author in September 2012. — Editorial Team Since the iTunes App Store launched in 2008, over 500,000 apps have been approved by Apple, and thousands more app ideas are scrawled on napkins across the world every day. Be sure to check out our previous articles: The good news is anyone can make an iPhone app, it’s just a matter of knowing the series of actions you need to take to make it happen. More after jump! What Is Your Goal? The first thing to look at when embarking on any product development or entrepreneurial venture is your goals for the project. Let’s look at an example. Here are some examples of project goals: What Are Your Expectations? Where Do I Begin?
Como App Maker - Create Android and iPhone Mobile App How to Build an iPhone App in 6 Easy Steps - CBS Last Updated Apr 5, 2011 11:35 AM EDT This post has been updated. See the slideshow here. The message: If a Dallas-based middle-schooler can create an iPhone app, so can you. Find your niche: You might imagine the vast riches you could earn by making the next "World of Warcraft" for mobile devices. Download the new CBS MoneyWatch app Hodges, for example, was constantly measuring her height in the doorway, marking her progress from toddler to tall. Research the competition: Once you come up with a great idea, you need to figure out if you're the 57th person to come to the same conclusion. There's nothing stopping you from creating and selling an application that's similar to what's already out there, of course. Lay it out: Not only does your application have to be serviceable, it needs to look good. How do you find a good and reasonably priced app developer? Price your product: You're doing this for both fun and profit, right?
Desarrollo Web, Tu mejor ayuda para aprender a hacer webs. Andromo | Make Android Apps for Free. No coding required. AppInventor En el actual diseño del Bachillerato en España se propone “Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación como asignatura optativa”. Entre los objetivos generales de esta asignatura se puede leer “Usar los recursos informáticos como instrumento de resolución de problemas específicos” o “Integrar la información textual, numérica y gráfica obtenida de cualquier fuente para elaborar contenidos propios y publicarlos ... y formatos que faciliten la inclusión de elementos multimedia decidiendo la forma en la que se ponen a disposición del resto de usuarios”. Son muchos los profesores que enseñan algún lenguaje de programación como una de las herramientas para alcanzar estos objetivos. En este artículo se propone usar App Inventor1 como parte del curriculum de esta asignatura. App Inventor fue desarrollado por Google, pero en Agosto de 20112 fue publicado como Software Libre bajo la licencia Apache 2.0 y su desarrollo se traspasó al Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts (MIT). Sentencias