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Themes by her

Themes by her
These themes are made by ADESSIVE. They are very simple purposely to be convenient and clean. I try to update and manage my themes weekly. For further help on setting up your theme, go to the FAQ page along with other questions you may have. If your question isn't answered, submit your question in the ask box. I currently haven't been answering theme questions. Hello everyone. ALL themes are back up and running. Thank you! NAIVEPreview—Download One columnOptional width sizing, post spacing, image fade, show borders, show date on index page, and show captionsEndless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors GLOBALPreview—Download Two columnsOptional show description and link borders, captions, and endless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors Columns vary depending on screen resolution with larger 1st and 5th photo postsOptional image fade and endless scrollingEdit fonts, font sizes, and colors Please be aware that photosets and videos are set to default 250. RADIATEPreview—Download

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