Related: Ötletek online tanításhoz, hasznos weboldalak, stb. • AMEP sites • erikalakos80details?id=com.masterkeygames Learn English - Listening Master is and educational game for kids and students of all ages. Listening Master will help you understand and learn English better, improve your English language skills and help you learn real English spoken in everyday situations. Learn English - Listening Master makes a game out of helping you to practice and improve your English listening skills through dictation using real English conversations in a fun, enjoyable and educational way. Learn real English and practice your English listening skills by typing the letters of the words you hear or tapping the words of the audio to form the sentences.
Immunisation - City of Greater Dandenong Immunisation advice and 'catch up' service Every Monday from 9.30am-10.30am, Dandenong Civic Centre, 225 Lonsdale Street, Dandenong. This service is for newly arrived families (migrants and refugees) to present their child’s vaccination records to be assessed, and then a vaccination 'catch-up' schedule will be determined by a registered nurse. All newly arrived families who have had any vaccinations overseas must attend this specific Monday morning service, as this 'catch-up' advice cannot be provided at a general immunisation session. Please bring all documentation related to your child’s previous vaccinations (this must be in English), as well as your Medicare card and child health record (if available). This service also caters for parents who have concerns about any vaccination issues.
Learn English Sentence Master – Alkalmazások a Google Playen Learn English and grammar free by ordering the words to form correct sentences and sayings. Sentence Master is a fun and educational game for kids and English language students of all ages who want to learn English and improve their language skills in a more entertaining way. How do you play? It’s easy. The game consists of putting the scrambled words from each level in order to form a correct sentence and learn English in a fun way.
My Licence - The Driver's Handbook - Seatbelts Wearing a seatbelt doubles your chances of surviving a serious crash yet despite the benefits shown by road safety research, time and time again too few people buckle up their seatbelt. One third of all drivers and passengers killed and 9% of vehicle occupants seriously injured are not wearing a seatbelt at the time of the crash. Many of these deaths and injuries could have been prevented, or be less severe, if the people were wearing a seatbelt.
44 Amazing Comparison Photos That Will Give You A New Perspective - DailyBee One thing can be said for sure: perspective is a really beautiful thing. If you truly want to appreciate something, you should do it by making comparisons with slightly altered parameters. Here we have gathered a series of beautiful photos that will shake up your perspective and reveal the world in a new light. 1. 11 Days Difference
5 Fun Activities for Irregular Verbs In English, the simple past tense is formed by adding -ed to the end of the regular verbs. If only all past verbs were that easy! The problem for English language learners is the many, many changes that occur when forming the past tense of irregular verbs. Classroom Timers - Fun Timers Online-Stopwatch Classroom Timers - Fun Timers for classrooms and meetings :-)Holiday Timers - More Fun Timers - But these are Holiday Themed! :-)Random Name Pickers - Probably the BEST random Name Pickers online!
Person-Centred Practice Across Cultures resources Person-Centred Practice Across Cultures is a series of resources focusing on the crucial importance of cultural awareness and sensitivity in disability support and service delivery. The below 14 workbooks assist you to be sensitive to and maximise cultural and linguistic diversity in your work. They cover issues such as choice and control for CALD customers, attracting people, engaging with local communities, bilingual workers and interpreters, and the business case for culturally-sensitive service delivery. The Person-Centred Practice Across Cultures project was designed by futures Upfront for NDS. Funding was provided by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services, Ageing, Disability and Home Care.