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Digital Humanities Questions & Answers

Digital Humanities Questions & Answers

Concordia IP.Board Discussion Forum Software for the IPS Community Suite Unrivaled discussion capabilities As leading forum software, the discussion tools included in IP.Board are second to none Organization of content is key IP.Board supports categories, forums and sub-forums in whatever hierarchy makes sense for your community. IP.Board automatically keeps track of unread content for your users It's tough to keep up with all the content that is posted to an active community. Plus, browsing into the topic will automatically take them to the first post they haven't seen before. Quickly preview topics With the Topic Preview feature, users can get a sample of a topic without leaving the page. Multiple sorting options Topics in a forum can be sorted in multiple ways: by last post, by topic started, by views or by a custom filter. Topic tagging helps related content discovery Users can choose to add tags to their topics to describe the subject they're writing about. Protect your forum from threats Built-in spam defence Honor staff roles with AdminCP Restrictions

Guidelines | EEBO Interactions Welcome to EEBO Interactions , an experimental forum designed to let users engage collaboratively with the works in ProQuest’s Early English Books Online (EEBO) database. If you're a researcher, a graduate student, a librarian, or a frequent EEBO user we are interested in having you participate in the EEBO Interactions community. While we welcome everyone to search and read all of the content in EEBO Interactions, only authenticated EEBO users can register to create a profile, contribute or edit Interactions, or become an editor. Participants can use EEBO Interactions to share their insights or questions about particular works or authors. EEBO Interactions is intended to enhance the EEBO experience through scholarly dialogue and comment. Please participate by sharing your knowledge, observations and questions! What is EEBO Interactions? Early English Books Online™, 1475-1700 (EEBO) provides digital access to more than 125,000 literary and historical classics via subscribing libraries.

Un MOOC, qu'est-ce que c'est ? | Bibliothèque de Paris-Dauphine 26 juillet 13 Un concept protéiforme On retrouve sous le nom de MOOC beaucoup de choses différentes, qui peuvent aller de simples vidéos en ligne à des ensembles très structurés de cours et d'exercices. Pour plus de détails sur le sujet, on pourra consulter les différents articles du blog La révolution MOOC. Suivre un MOOC peut être un moyen de compléter ses connaissances dans son domaine de spécialité, d'acquérir une compétence supplémentaire ou simplement d'enrichir sa culture générale. Des plates-formes internationales A l'heure actuelle, les MOOC se trouvent soit sur le site institutionnel de l'établissement qui les produit (comme les cours de l'université Stanford), soit sur des plates-formes qui référencent chacune plusieurs centaines de cours. Le site Class-central répertorie la plupart des MOOC de ces plates-formes. Quels MOOC pour les Dauphinois ? L'université Dauphine réfléchit actuellement à mettre en place des MOOC.

Fall 2012 CUNY Digital Studies/Digital Humanities Seminar Schedule » CUNY Digital Humanities Initiative We are delighted to announce our schedule for Fall 2012, sponsored by the Center for the Humanities at the CUNY Graduate Center. All events are free and open to the public, and take place at the CUNY Graduate Center. Thursday October 4: Seminar Meeting & Provost’s Digital Innovation Grant Awardees Time & Place: 6:30pm-8:30pm, Room C205 Join us as we welcome current and new members of the Seminar to an open meeting where we will discuss plans for the upcoming year and winners of the Provost’s Digital Innovation Grants will present their project work to date. This newly-launched award supports innovative digital projects designed, created, programmed, or administered by doctoral and master’s students at the CUNY Graduate Center. Wednesday October 24: “Modeling the Past: New Projects of The Virtual World Heritage Laboratory”Co-Sponsored by the M.A. Bernard Frischer (University of Virginia) Time & Place: 6:30pm-8:30pm, Room C201/202 Monday November 26: “Digital Publishing Today”

Readers' 10 best books of 2014 We asked you to nominate your favourite books of 2014 and here, in no particular order, are the results - the 10 books that attracted the most consensus. Below you’ll find acclaimed fiction, memoir, fantasy and polemic. Interestingly, the list differs greatly from readers’ choices halfway through the year – take a look at those here. “Five hundred pages-plus of effortless reading. “Sarah Waters is well-informed and skilful in unfolding a story, presenting detailed descriptions of people whose inner lives and social histories are generally ignored by traditional literature. What we said: “Satire meets costume drama” – read the Guardian review “A stunningly honest and moving memoir of Dr Marsh’s life as a neurosurgeon.” stilllistening “This is the book which explains why I so often prefer non-fiction to fiction these days. “Honest, fascinating, funny and moving.” “Gripping, surprisingly honest, very well written memoir of a brain surgeon.” howardjl “Michel Faber is a wonderful author.
