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4 Great Twitter Applications for Teachers Using Twitter In The Classroom

4 Great Twitter Applications for Teachers Using Twitter In The Classroom
These tools offer free functionality that extend and enhance the possibilities for instructional uses of Twitter. Twitter is playing a role in more classrooms every day. Articles like “6 Examples of Using Twitter in the Classroom” and “100 Ways To Teach With Twitter” have drawn tens of thousands of readers, a clear testament to the high level of academic interest in this wildly popular microblogging platform. Teachers are finding new ways to use Twitter to engage their students, build stronger academic and professional relationships, and to share information in a richer learning environment, and they are using tools like these to bring more fun and functionality to the process. It’s easy to get started with these applications. Users can sign up using their Twitter accounts (although GroupTweet does get a little more involved). Twtpoll ( and survey tools provide teachers so many capabilities. About Kelly Walsh Print This Post

What Mel Brooks Can Teach Us about “Group Flow” In 1949, the comedian Sid Caesar brought together a legendary group of comedy writers and created one of the biggest television hits of the 1950s, Your Show of Shows. Caesar’s team included Mel Brooks, Carl Reiner, and Neil Simon. It may have been the greatest writing staff in the history of television. They developed the show in a small suite of rooms on the sixth floor of 130 West 56th Street in Manhattan. Famed psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihaly coined the term “flow” to describe a particular state of heightened consciousness—what some people refer to as being “in the zone.” Csikszentmihaly discovered that extremely creative people are at their peak when they experience “a unified flowing from one moment to the next, in which we feel in control of our actions, and in which there is little distinction between self and environment; between stimulus and response; or between past, present, and future.” Carl Reiner (left) and Mel Brooks worked together on Your Show of Shows. 1. 2. 3. 4.

The Ultimate Guide To Using Twitter In Education Twitter seems to be here to stay. As one of the most popular ways for teachers, students, and the general public to communicate, it’s becoming a must-have tool in almost every teacher’s toolbox. However, numerous recent studies have shown that education in general has been slow to adopt social media. In an effort to speed up this adoption process, below you’ll find a boatload of resources on the past, present, and future of Twitter in education as well as some helpful guides to using the tool in the classroom. This guide is by no means exhaustive and is meant to be added to on a regular basis. To do that, Edudemic needs your help . The History of Communication The following is a guest post excerpt from Ernesto Priego of The Guardian (UK). With that in mind, the future of communication in the form of social media is examined as a way to forever alter the world of education. Read the full article on here . The Nuts and Bolts of Twitter In Education The Twitter Experiment Dr.

7 Twitter Users to Follow If You Are Interested in Education Technology A great mix of individual experts and enthusiasts and education technology professionals to follow and stay informed with. Guest post by Maria Rainier. Though Twitter’s contribution to the world of social media and progressive society was at one time a strongly argued point, there is no doubt today that the popular social media platform has become a valuable tool for various aspects of education. Sure, Twitter can be the perfect place to waste hours on mundane details about people’s lives or worthless celebrity gossip. But, the microblogging platform also enables us to create and participate in meaningful conversations concerning education, technology, and society. Twitter has played a growing role in technology within the classroom and in promoting education technology to the world. Teach Paperless Focused specifically on teaching, Teach Paperless delivers an open conversation about how the digital revolution can and has influenced the way in which we teach and learn. About Kelly Walsh

Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Twitter sans jamais oser le demander Les institutions diffusent leurs informations via ce canal, les bibliothèques, les chercheurs, les veilleurs, les enseignants, les classes mêmes se sont emparés de ce média social. Nous twittons et vous ? Le site pour découvrir et comprendre Twitter, créé et alimenté par Sophie Bocquet et Nadya Benyounes. Elles proposent un annuaire Twitter avec des comptes listés par thèmes. Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur Twitter sans jamais oser le demander Ce site est le fruit d’une amitié née grâce à Twitter. Vous trouverez dans ce site tout le nécessaire pour débuter sur Twitter, les comptes à suivre en premier, un annuaire de comptes, des interviews… En espérant que cela vous aide à tweeter… Diaporama de la formation Luis Serra-Sardinha - CDDP Beauvais - 6 mars 2013 (9,4 Mo). Bibliographie - Sitographie Réseaux sociaux Twitter un outil au service de la pédagogie. Le site Web :

Does Google Make Us Stupid? Overview of responses In an online survey of 895 technology stakeholders’ and critics’ expectations of social, political and economic change by 2020, fielded by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center: » Google won’t make us stupid: 76% of these experts agreed with the statement, “By 2020, people’s use of the Internet has enhanced human intelligence; as people are allowed unprecedented access to more information they become smarter and make better choices. Nicholas Carr was wrong: Google does not make us stupid.” » Reading, writing, and the rendering of knowledge will be improved: 65% agreed with the statement “by 2020 it will be clear that the Internet has enhanced and improved reading, writing and the rendering of knowledge.” » Respondents hope information will flow relatively freely online, though there will be flashpoints over control of the internet. ‘Tension pairs’ were designed to provoke detailed elaborations

All About Twitter Hashtags After writing my Teacher Challenge guest post on using Twitter to build your PLN, I was asked by a number of people about hashtags. I know when I first started using Twitter, it took me a little while to get my head around what the # symbol meant. This is a handy feature of Twitter that is worth learning about. What is a hashtag? The # symbol + a word/acronym in a tweet is called a hashtag. Why use hashtags? There are so many tweets flying around at any one time that they can get lost in the crowd. If you click on a hashtagged word in any tweet, you can find a list of other tweets with that hashtag. Hashtags can help you connect with people who have similar interests. If you use a desktop application like TweetDeck, you can add a column with all the tweets on #daily5 so you don’t miss anything. In TweetDeck just click on the + sign at the top of your screen and then put #daily5 (or your favourite hashtag) into the search box. Hashtag etiquette Where do you put hashtags? Who makes up hashtags?

10 Ways Students Can Use Twitter for Paper Writing It been a while since we’ve posted any content on using Twitter in the academic context, so this submission from Leslie Anglesey is welcomed. These suggestions are directed towards students but teachers may also glean some ideas from them. Please be sure to comment and share your own favorite ways to use Twitter in the classroom, and be sure to check out the other related articles offered below! As an educator, you know that when students are given a writing assignment, many of them may need a bit of help to get it done on time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Last Name, First Name (User Name). Do keep in mind that not everything that can be shared in 140 characters should be included in a school research paper. Twitter is a tool that can help students gather information to research and frame a good paper. About Leslie Anglesey Leslie Anglesey is an educator who works at University of Southern California. Print This Post

État de la question Description de l’outil Le microblogue est un puissant outil qui allie les fonctionnalités du Web 2.03; il permet de communiquer avec d’autres sites (dont Facebook), il est convivial et disponible en ligne. La croissance de l’utilisation de Twitter ne fait pas de doute : entre février 2008 et février 2009, son nombre d’utilisateurs a crû de 1 382 %. Mais qu’en est-il au Québec? En 2010, le CEFRIO s’est penché sur la question et publiait que l’utilisation demeure encore marginale au Québec. Définition Twitter est un outil de microblogage permettant de partager des réflexions, des commentaires, des liens ou autres dans un maximum de 140 caractères.

The Disposable Film Festival - Events One of the world's "coolest film festivals" according to MovieMaker Magazine, the Disposable Film Festival premieres its 7th annual competitive shorts program here in San Francisco before screening it around the world. Be the first to see this year's collection of the best disposable films made on everyday devices like cell phones, pocket cameras, and webcams. Opening Night at the Castro TheatreThursday, March 20th, 2014From 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. (PDT)San Francico, CA | The Castro TheatreCLOSED Creativity Workshop: Set Your Inner David O. Russell FreeSaturday, March 22nd, 2014From 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. The Concrete Kitchen: A Night of Food + Film about Urban FarmingSaturday, March 22nd, 2014From 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Lights, Camera, Social Action! Disposable to Sustainable: A SFFS PanelSunday, March 23rd, 2014From 3:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closing Night PartySunday, March 23rd, 2014From 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Link to this event is:

Twitter Series-A New Kind Of Twitter PD This week I am going to do a series of posts on Twitter. I get asked a lot of questions about it so I though, why not write about it and put all the details in one place. You can read Part 2 here and Part 3 here. Today I am starting with Twitter Professional Development. As many times as I have talked to folks, done workshops for and even preached about Twitter, there are some that just won't (for whatever reason) jump in. Huh? Yep. Take a step back and think about PD done about Twitter. After the example comes the registration process. Then comes the terminology. And there is still so much more to cover... Now comes the first Tweet. When someone leaves this session one of twothings will happen. They will be super excited about it all. Then there are the others. I used to teach PD like that. So I had to do something different.. I developed a new method of teaching folks about Twitter where I don't actually teach them how to use Twitter. I always break my Twitter PD into several sessions.

L’expérience Twitter d’une classe de terminale bac pro J’ai récemment découvert via Twitter qu’une classe de terminale bac pro vivait une « expérience » Twitter. J’ai commencé par lire le blog. J’ai voulu en savoir davantage. C’est pour cela que j’ai demandé à Laurence Juin, l’enseignante de cette classe, de répondre à mes questions. Rencontre : 1-Tout d’abord, pouvez-vous vous présenter ? 2-Parmi vos élèves, vous enseignez à une classe de terminale bac pro commerce. Sur le temps scolaire, Twitter est utilisé pour favoriser l’interactivité dans le cours : alternant cours classique et présence devant un poste informatique, l’élève devient acteur de son cours et pas seulement consommateur. Hors temps de classe : Il est support à un soutien scolaire lorsque l’élève est demandeur. 3-Pour quelles raisons avez-vous souhaité démarrer cette expérience ? J’ai vu ensuite en ce nouvel outil l’occasion d’ utiliser les TICE dans mes cours et comme support à ma pédagogie. 5-Comment ont réagi vos élèves au début de l’expérience ?
