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Music for Video

Music for Video
Just a friendly reminder. We know, the FMA is a great resource for all sorts of people - filmmakers, remix artists, people who wanna hear strange new sounds - but we've been getting a LOT of messages lately from confused people about whether or not they can use X song in Y video. It depends on the license, and how you intend to use the music, my friend! And best of all, you can find out all the information you need on your own. We have a robust FAQ (complete with webinar!) 1. 2. 3. 4. We have pre-screened a lot of stuff and it's tucked neatly in the Music For Video curator page (though this includes NC and SA tracks - so make sure to look for the license you need). If you need guidance, please consult our FAQs, License Guide or read up on the Creative Commons website before asking - you may find the answer right in front of you!

Viinyl - 1 Song. 1 Site. 1 URL. The Public Domain Review MP32tube - Upload mp3 to youtube Free stuff: ebooks - Project Gutenberg Email Marketing and Email List Manager Open Content Program (The Getty) The Getty makes available, without charge, all available digital images to which the Getty holds the rights or that are in the public domain to be used for any purpose. No permission is required. For additional information please see the related press releases, as well as overviews of each phase of the program on The Getty Iris. Why Open Content? What's in Open Content? Access to Open Content Images All of the images can be found on Getty Search Gateway, and the J. Open content images are identified with a "Download" link. If you need new photography, resizing, or color correction, you can request these services by contacting Museum Rights & Reproductions (for J. Public Domain and Rights Open content images are digital surrogates of works of art that are in the Getty's collections and in the public domain, for which we hold all rights, or for which we are not aware of any rights restrictions. Attribution to the Getty Please use the following source credit when reproducing an image:

SCM Music Player - seamless music for your website Mind Mapping Software - Create Mind Maps online Community is King - How to Cultivate Relationships with the People That LOVE Your Work You’ve heard the drum beat for a decade – ever since the innernets really started popping… “content is king”. As a content creator (both in front and behind the scenes) this has, of course, always made me feel great about my chances to succeed in cutting through the noise online. Pump out good content and you can make your mark. Welllll, I’ve come to know that this target is a moving one…and that, while content is the most TANGIBLE thing for us creative types to latch on to, I’ve come to revise my position over the past year or so that it’s actually waaaaay more that COMMUNITY that’s king. For one, the purpose of making and sharing content, is really to cultivate COMMUNITY (in this case you’re probably here because we’re all of the creative + photography communities, right?!). So that gets me to a conversation I recently had with good friend, Brendan Gahan. Thanks, Chase. “Community is king.” Maybe you’re a singer and you have a new album. 1. So let’s break it out. 1. 1. _Name 2. 1. 3.

This is one of my favorite finds of the semester. Free Music allows for searching by style and "mood" of freely available and usable music. The best feature is the powerful search ability by all types of CC license and public domain. by katrinahsmith Mar 4
