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Gerd Arntz Web Archive

Gerd Arntz Web Archive
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Hoboglyphs: Secret Transient Symbols & Modern Nomad Codes this is onformative a studio for generative design. Brainforest Brainforest is the name of a piece by Gerda Steiner & Jorg Lenzlinger but I think it’s also a great way of describing the style that all of their work has. Steiner was originally a wall painter and Lenzlinger was creating stalactite-like forms when they joined forces in 1997. The amount of detail in their large scale installations is staggering. You can tell how much I love their work by the number of images I have included in this post. Mysterious number 6174 March 2006 Anyone can uncover the mystery The number 6174 is a really mysterious number. Kaprekar's operation In 1949 the mathematician D. It is a simple operation, but Kaprekar discovered it led to a surprising result. When we reach 6174 the operation repeats itself, returning 6174 every time. We reached 6174 again! A very mysterious number... When we started with 2005 the process reached 6174 in seven steps, and for 1789 in three steps. Only 6174? The digits of any four digit number can be arranged into a maximum number by putting the digits in descending order, and a minimum number by putting them in ascending order. 9 ≥ a ≥ b ≥ c ≥ d ≥ 0 and a, b, c, d are not all the same digit, the maximum number is abcd and the minimum is dcba. We can calculate the result of Kaprekar's operation using the standard method of subtraction applied to each column of this problem: which gives the relations for those numbers where a>b>c>d. For three digit numbers the same phenomenon occurs. How fast to 6174? and

Meaning Of Time by Bomi Kim Making Your Own Clock The Meaning of Time is a brilliant clock concept perfect for all those crafty people out there. It supplies the mechanism to keep time, you supply the hour and minute hands. Designer: Bomi Kim La licorne - Ép. 1/16 - Objets inattendus de la philosophie Figure de contradiction, d'illusion, de doute : pourquoi la licorne cristallise-t-elle autant de problèmes philosophiques, et autant de représentations ? Pourquoi est-elle si fascinante ? Quelle est son histoire ? Elles sont partout : sur des t-shirts, dans des jeux vidéo ou des chansons... colorées, pailletées, mignonnes, elles ont envahi un imaginaire pop et parfois un peu moche. Les invité.e.s du jour : avec Jocelyn Benoist, professeur de philosophie à l'université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne et Elisabeth Taburet-Delahaye, historienne de l'art, directrice du musée de Cluny de 2005 à 2019 Le concept d'existence Multiples représentations La Licorne existe dans les textes depuis au moins le 5ème siècle avant Jésus-Christ, et nous en avons des images. Textes lus par François Raison : Marco Polo, Le livre des merveilles (aussi appelé Le devisement du monde), 1298Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets à Orphée, 2ème partie, n° 4, 1922, traduction de Lionel-Edouard Martin Sons diffusés :

Garbage pin! » Fabrik Project Mostrando resultados 1 a 50 de 53 (100%) Fabrica de block blog ar fabricacion, venta y distribución de block hueco y macizo, block para fachada rustico y diamantado, adoquín en diferentes figuras y colores, piezas especiales. perote veracruz carretera federal perote - xalapa km. 6 sierra de agua fabricacion de block block hueco block maci... (98%) blog ar fabricacion, venta, y distribucion de block de tepezil y arena, hueco y macizo, block para fachadas rustico y diamantado, adoquin en diferntes figuras y colores, piezas especiales, contamos con mas de 70 productos. surtimos a toda la republica. mejoramos cualquier presupuesto. perote veracruz...

The properties of symbol systems and their 'discovery' The images used to mark the sections in this lecture come from the first modern army drill manual, published in 1607, illustrating the training methods developed by Maurice of Nassau, Prince of Orange, and captain-general of Holland and Zeeland between 1585 and his death in 1625. Why think about drill? Here's one clue. Piaget, in his comments regarding the development of Darwin's conceptualising of the evolutionary process, provides a useful orientation to the problem at hand in this lecture: the two results which seem the most interesting to me are, first, the time that Darwin needed to become aware of ideas which were already implicit in his thought, and, second, the mysterious passage from the implicit to the explicit in the creation of new ideas ... If we put this into Vygotskian terms, we could say that the role of a zone of proximal development is to enable what Piaget calls here 'reflective explication'. Symbols Quite how symbols 'work' is not fully understood. So, you ask? 1. 2.
