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How to Create a Beaded Leather Wrap Bracelet

How to Create a Beaded Leather Wrap Bracelet

Chan Luu Single Wrap Macrame Bracelet Chan Luu bracelets are just so cool! What's great about them is that they use simple macrame techniques to produce different results, this time with the addition of beads! This tutorial adds on to my previous Square Knot Friendship Bracelets, but utilizes the beads in a different way; on the outside of the knots as opposed to the inside. What you get is a totally different result! Step 1: Gather materials. Step 2: Start the knots. Once you have a couple of square knots, take either side of the thread and add beads to these threads. Take two beads right up to the last knot. Make a square knot, making sure the beads are caught in the knot and lie right on either side of the center thread. Step 2: Continue this method. Once you have gotten one square knot set, continue to knot in this way, until your bracelet is as long as you need. You're finished! If you share/use/post this tutorial, please link back to me.

DIY Chainmail Necklace You’ll need: Start by separating the jump rings into two halves: 175 open and 175 closed. Thread three closed jump rings onto an open jump ring. Close the ring. Spread the three rings apart, with the rings looking exactly as shown below. Keeping the rings in place with your forefinger and thumb, take an open jump ring and hook it through the front side of the two rings. Add 2 closed rings to the open ring and close. Spread the two rings apart in the same way as the first set of rings. Add 2 closed rings and close. To add an optional fourth row, lay the necklace flat and hook an open ring through first and second closed rings on the right side. I stopped at 4 rows but you can continue adding rows for a more bib-like necklace. Connect the two ends with a single jump ring or clasp. Fini! (top image from here, rest of images by HonestlyWTF)

Shrinky Bracelet If you grew up in the 80's, like I did, you're probably already familiar with the awesomeness that is Shrinky Dinks...but did you know that you can still buy Shrinky Dinks? Yep, they're still out there - in craft stores, hobby shops, and even on Amazon. But you don't have to buy a Shrinky Dink kit to have all the fun. Just look for #6 plastic containers and you can make your own! There is a great tutorial on Instructables (courtesy of Dabbled) with all the instructions for making your own shrinky projects from #6 plastic containers, so I won't go into too much detail here. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Use a pair of pliers to open the rings. 8. Surprise mom with a priceless piece of jewelry made by her little artists! I was also able to make a pendant from a long, skinny piece I had left over after cutting apart the "beads" for the bracelet. Cute, right?

Tuto - Un collier tressé en perles de rocaille Pondu par Flo le 24 avril 2012 Voici un tuto photos pour réaliser très simplement un collier tressé avec de petites perles de rocaille. Un collier que vous pouvez adapter selon les tendances et les saisons, en choisissant des harmonies de couleurs différentes ! Matériel Trois couleurs de perles de rocailleDu fil à coutureDes cache-noeudsDes anneauxDe la chaîne avec un fermoirDes ciseauxUne aiguilleUne pince (facultatif, souvent les cache-noeuds sont souples et se ferment à la main) Étapes Préparez deux rangs de perles de chaque couleur, sur un fil double, histoire d’assurer la longévité de votre collier. Vous allez ensuite assembler les deux rangs de même couleur avec un cache-noeud. Faites la même chose à l’autre extrémité des rangs : attention, cela demande beaucoup plus de minutie puisqu’il va s’agir de bien tendre les fils pour ne pas laisser de vide entre les perles. Voici le résultat. Rassemblez les trois extrémités des doubles rangs en passant les cache-noeuds dans un anneau.

{macramé: square knot} string & hexnut bracelet By Kate on September 13, 2011 This bracelet has been inspired by this really wonderful “Braided Hex-nut Bracelet” tutorial which I pinned on Pinterest a while back. Two things I absolutely love about this project are: 1) It’s cheap as chips: I already had string in the cupboard and the brass hexnuts were 3p each from the hardware shop. 2) It’s my kind of jewellery: I’m not really a girly girl IYKWIM! The bracelet I made is a bit different to the ‘braided hex-nut bracelet’ and uses macrame instead, which is great, because I promised some tutorials a while back and felt a bit bad that I hadn’t written any yet! Full instructions after the jump! Square Knot Please note: I have used different colored cord in the tutorial so that it’s easier for you to figure out whats going on! 1. 2. 3. 4. This might seem a little tricky a first but I promise once you have done it a dozen times you’ll be sorted….! If you need a hand then leave a comment and I’ll get back to you.

{Tutoriel} Fabriquer ses Bracelets Shamballa Exprimez votre personnalité en fabriquant l’accessoire incontournable du moment: Les Bracelets Shamballa Les Fournitures qu’il vous faut: - 30 cm de fil de nylon noir - 150 cm de fil de nylon rose - 1 Perle à strass Fuchsia 12 mm - 2 Perles nacrées Gris Anthracite 12 mm - 2 Perles en verre Noires 8 mm - 2 Perles en verres à Facettes Noires 8 mm - 2 Perles en verre Givrées Roses 6 mm Première étape: Préparer le fil du milieu - Enfiler toutes les perles sur le fil de 30 cm (noir) dans l’ordre final souhaité. Les 2 petites perles de 6mm doivent être aux extrémités. - Nouer un petit nœud à chaque bout (on peut rajouter un point de colle ou bruler l’extrémité pour être sûr que ça tienne bien). - Ce fil sera notre fil du milieu. Deuxième étape: Apprendre à faire les nœuds Astuce: Vous ne savez plus si vous venez de commencer par le fil de gauche ou de droite ? Variante: Vous pouvez faire un bracelet torsadé en commençant toujours par le même fil pour le tressage.

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Tuto - Des bracelets porte-bonheur par milliers Pondu par Flo le 17 août 2012 Les bracelets porte-bonheur en coton et perles sont très en vogue en été. Pour que vos poignets soient au top dans quelques mois, voici un tuto très simple pour réaliser ces petits bijoux colorés ! Publié initialement le 30 avril 2012 Les bracelets porte-bonheur sont très en vogue quand arrive l’été : petits, légers et souvent très colorés, ils décorent vos poignets nus d’une très jolie façon ! Vous pouvez en trouver vraiment partout et pour tous les prix (voir la sélection d’Émilie), mais vous pouvez aussi en confectionner vous-même : c’est facile et peu coûteux, vous pourrez ainsi en avoir de toutes les couleurs pour cet été ! Le matériel Du fil coton ciré (comptez minimum 1m pour un bracelet ; à trouver dans les magasins de loisirs créatifs, au rayon rubans et fils)Des fermoirs « repliables » (deux par bracelet)Des perles de rocailles (faites attention au diamètre pour qu’elles s’enfilent sur le coton ciré, souvent épais)Des ciseaux, une pince, un cutter

•DIY• Mes bracelets Funny ! | Malice et Astuce Aujourd’hui, je vous propose de réaliser des bracelets sympa et punchy car à vrai dire je commence à avoir envie d’un peu de couleur et de gaîté pas vous ? Pour les réaliser il vous faut : - des feuilles de plastic fou (oui oui comme quand vous étiez petites) - des crayons de couleur - une perforatrice – un compas - des fils de coton colorés - un four Conseil important : Avant de faire toutes vos petites pièces pour vos bracelets, je vous conseille de découper un carré de 3 cm sur 3 cm et de le mettre au four en suivant les instruction de l’emballage. Comment faire ensuite ? Prenez ensuite les crayons de couleurs de vos enfants (qu’il va falloir tailler car si c’est comme ici toutes les mines ont disparu.. ) et coloriez votre plastic fou. Info importante, la couleur de votre crayon de couleur sera plus belle et plus intense après le passage au four. Ensuite on oublie surtout pas de faire les petits trous et on passe le tout au four ! Et voilà ! Like this: J'aime chargement…

wednes-diy a few of you have asked about the amazing rope swirl tapestries in our new store displays and you’re in luck because one of our display artists put together a tutorial on how to make them! it looks like such a fun rainy day project. what you need: a large piece of cardboard, black marker, scissors, rope in various sizes and colors, neon twine, pompoms. use a variety of different colors and textures to create a fun swirl – these purple and orange tassels are just another piece of string woven in with the others! once you’ve got it down, you can make a whole bunch in different sizes and colors, to create a whole wall tapestry just like the ones in our stores :) i can’t wait to try this! Be sure to check out our new DIY Projects category for more DIY Inspiration! Trending on Floral dresses, high waisted bikinis, bralettes, off the shoulder tops, party dresses, gladiator sandals, lace dresses

DIY Macrame Bracelet Growing up by the beach in Southern California, the ability to knot a macrame bracelet was practically a right of passage. Although those days are long behind us, we’ve never forgotten the ever-so-simple square knot technique. This time, however, we’re replacing hemp and wooden beads for more updated elements like colorful nylon cord and glossy metal charms. Happy knotting! You’ll need: Start by cutting the knotting cord into two 30 inch, two 20 inch and one 10 inch lengths. Center the 30 inch cord under the two middle strands. Pull tightly and slide the knot up to the top. Finish the 2nd half of the square knot by folding the left cord over the middle strands and under the right cord. Pull tightly and repeat the steps – left, right, left, right . . . To finish the knots, thread one of the cords onto a needle and sew up the center of 3-4 knots along the backside. Repeat the same step on the other cord. After sewing up both knotting cords, trim away any excess.

DIY | DIY Steel & Ombre Ring Hey everyone! I have a quick tutorial up over at For the Makers today on how to make a ring from dark annealed steel wire from the hardware store (3!) and embroidery thread. The thread I used was leftover ombre floss from the January box, but you can use any color that you have lying around. DIY Wood Jewelry Holder I love junk wood. Months ago when I was having some fun with dimensional paint for the Martha Stewart craft article, I experimented with a dot stippling method that could make some interesting designs. So all you need for this project is a an old piece of wood, 3-dimensional paint, and some hooks to screw into your wood, and a little elbow grease to screw them in. It’s a Great Day For… It’s a cool rainy day here, one that calls for some indoor cozy activities – like embroidery. (Pattern from the September For the Makers box. Also, with the weather change, it seems to have brought out some big spiders around our house. Is the weather changing where you are?

Suzys Artsy Craftsy Sitcom: Feature Friday- Faux Metal Wall Art Looking for the Faux Metal Wall Art? Since this project was originally published on The Sitcom in December 2010, it has been my most popular project by far. Who knew that a bunch of toilet paper tubes and an idea would become so big? You can now find the full tutorial and FREE patterns on Suzys Artsy Craftsy Sitcom here: Faux Metal Wall Art I want to personally thank all my readers for making my Faux Metal Wall Art so popular! A similar project to check out would be my Faux Metal Filigree Frame. For more tutorial fun, please check out my Tutorial Page. Signing you up! If you enjoyed this post...
