Joyful braided bracelet tutorial So I wrote this post 2 weeks ago but I’ve been trying to think of a way to make tutorials easier for me and for you, that’s why I had it on hold. And this weekend the idea came to me! I made a techniques and parts-of-tutorials-I-use-often page, so that way I can refer to them instead of making that part of the tutorial each time. YAY! I love bracelets and I am always looking for bright colors and unique looking bracelets, so last time I visited Joann’s I bought 6/8″ ribbon ends and lobster clasps to make fabric bracelets. I also wanted to share that this tutorial is for very light-weight fabrics, since I didn’t have much of it, I could not just roll 4 big pieces and make the braid, instead I made little straps and run pieces of cord on the inside to give them volume. First I cut 2″ wide of my fabric. After that I folded the traps with the wrong side of the fabric facing out and sewed them, you can see the details of how to turn the straps inside out here
DIY Chainmail Necklace You’ll need: Start by separating the jump rings into two halves: 175 open and 175 closed. Thread three closed jump rings onto an open jump ring. Keeping the rings in place with your forefinger and thumb, take an open jump ring and hook it through the front side of the two rings. Add 2 closed rings to the open ring and close. Spread the two rings apart in the same way as the first set of rings. Add 2 closed rings and close. To add an optional fourth row, lay the necklace flat and hook an open ring through first and second closed rings on the right side. I stopped at 4 rows but you can continue adding rows for a more bib-like necklace. Connect the two ends with a single jump ring or clasp. Fini! (top image from here, rest of images by HonestlyWTF)
Shashi inspired Adjustable Gemstone Friendship Bracelet After braiding, knotting, and friendship bracelet-ing my way for summer, it’s time to retire my armful of crazy friendship bracelets and bright colors for just a bit more sophistication. As much as I love neons and brights, I’m craving rich jewel tones for Fall. When it comes to my wristwear of choice, Shashi’s Rachel Gemstone Bracelet fits the bill. A little more luxe, a little more polished, but still ready to pile on by the armful. (And, lucky for us… incredibly easy to make, as well.) Materials / Where to Buy: Embroidery Floss (I used Lion Brand Cotton Bon Bons) // Glass or Gemstone Beads of your choice // Gold Beads // Beading Needle (Get this easy to thread kind.) *To make the square knots, refer to this tutorial if you are not already familiar.
DIY Woven Bead Necklace After a little inspiration from Diva (seen in this post), I decided to try out something similar with a whole lot of beads I bought (initially reserved for S and my craft day, but I couldn't wait that long... We'll have to make a larger more epic version!). Not too shabby, ey? DIY Woven Bead Necklace Step 1: Rustle up your bits and pieces. Step 2: Time to weave! Separate your hank into 4 equal parts, then lay them out flat, taping them to the table. It should look something like this if you use 4 strands! Step 3: Once you've finished the weave, it's time to secure the ends. Step 4: Attach one of those hooky things, then thread the pen nib on to hide the ugly knot! Et voila! Style it with a button-up shirt, with the necklace just peeking out from below :) xx T
Make a t-shirt headband Of all the headbands I've made, I think this is my new favorite. It's like wearing sweats on your head, without the dumpy look. It's so cushy and comfortable! And yes, I am wearing the shirt with the bottom cut off in the picture. Scrounge around for an old t-shirt. Fold in half lengthwise and pin in place. Fold the headband right side out. Make a flower or two and hand stitch it over the seam. The Real Deal: It cost me pretty much nothing. DIY : bracelet coloré avec des perles ! | Blog mode | Let's Go To The Mall ! C’est un peu mon truc de l’été : faire des bracelets. Devant une série (en ce moment je suis totalement accro à Modern Family, c’est juste à tomber par terre de rire !) ou en lezardant au soleil, ça occupe les mains ! Celui-ci est déclinable dans de nombreuses matières et coloris, et très facile a faire ! Le materiel Coupez quatre fils : les deux du centre un peu plus longs que votre tour de poignet et les deux des extrémités d’un mètre à peu près. De cette manière vous n’aurez plus qu’à monter les perles unes à unes au fur et à mesure. De la corde, du cordon, peu importe ! Le tuto Montez la première perle et faites un noeud carré (comme ici), sachant que le fil qui passe au dessus et celui du coté de la perle (cf. photos).
Braided Irish Linen Wrap Bracelet Tutorial | Make Bracelets! After many requests, I have just completed a video tutorial showing you how to make waxed Irish linen wrap bracelets. Here are some bracelets I’ve made for myself. Post Production Notes: The small 3mm beads are sterling silver plated. I hope this video inspires you to make your own sparkly Irish linen bracelets for yourself or to give as gifts. Go have fun and Make Bracelets! Tracy
anthropologie knock off vintage lace bracelet The prettiness from Monday and yesterday continues today with a little anthro-inspired bracelet tutorial. In a word, lovely. The lace-and-pearls embroidered on vintage lace is just loveliness. The idea came from Anthropologie (shocker, right?). You’ll need--two lengths of 6″x2″ ribbon or lace for the base and the backing (doesn’t have to be vintage, it gets covered)-enough vintage lace/trim to cover the your ‘base’ (see above)-extra lace/trim to tie-embroidery thread-invisible thread-beads, pearls, etc. for embellishing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Perlenarmband mit Quaste Neue Liebesgeschichte: Taschen individualisieren Vor ein paar Wochen hat bei uns eine neue Liebesgeschichte begonnen :-) Ausnahmsweise handelt es sich dabei nicht um einen Mann sondern um Taschen, um ganz genau zu sein: Stofftaschen! Um den vollen Artikel zu lesen, auf “Weiterlesen” klicken. Wir sind schon länger verliebt in die praktischen und süssen Stofftaschen mit diversen Motiven. Als wir aber wieder einmal über einem DIY mit Stofftaschen brüteten, kam uns die Idee die Taschen individualisierbar zu machen. Soll heissen: Der “I like” Aufdruck ist fix auf den Taschen und unsere Botschaft kann mit den Stiften aufgemalt werden. Nach ein paar Tests kam die aufwändige Handarbeit (die sich aber gelohnt hat!) Am Warehouse Markt letzten Samstag, haben wir die Taschen auch an unserem Stand verkauft. DIY: Türkises Armband mit pinker Quaste Dieses Orelia Armband habe ich wiedereinmal bei einem Kreuzzug durch den Asos Online-Shop entdeckt. WerkzeugNadelSchereZange Tutorial 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (v.l.n.r. 1.
DIY Braided Hex Nut Bracelet We’re nuts for nuts. Is there a more versatile and inexpensive DIY component than a hex nut from the hardware store? You can imagine our excitement when we first discovered Philip Crangi’s Giles & Brother Hex Collection. Honestly, nuts braided into jewelry is WTF genius! With a few items that we always seem to have lying around, we tackled the technique and made our own spine-like braided hex nut wrap bracelet. You’ll need:3 strands of cotton butcher’s twine cut into one yard pieces18 small brass hex nutsa bit of dexterity! Gather the 3 strands of twine and tie a knot at the top, leaving about 2 inches of slack. Keep your thumb at the base of the braid, holding the nut in its place. Repeat the steps, by threading the rest of the nuts to the outer pieces of twine before they are crossed over. The bracelet should wrap around your wrist at least two or three times. Good luck!! (top image from here, rest of images by Honestly…WTF)
DIY Wrap Bracelet There are so many great wrap bracelets out there, but Chan Luu is my fav! But for 220 Euros a piece they are a bit pricy!! Well, not to worry because they are suuuper easy to make yourself! it is a bit time consuming depending on how many times you want them to wrap, but so worth it!! When you are done, make a few knots that way you can regulate the size!! ** updated instructions here** You tie your thick cotton string and a transparent beading line (or fishing line, whatever you have around) to your button. Start by adding a bead to the transparent line, loop it around the left one cotton string, then back through your bead. Hope you are as thrilled by this as me!! Gold Bead Triple Wrap Bracelet with Brown Leather von JillEliz123