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Map of Consciousness

Map of Consciousness
A Powerful Framework For Your Personal Growth In this article, I’m very excited to share with you the map of consciousness, developed by Dr. David Hawkins in Power vs Force. This is the same map I alluded to in Are You Sleepwalking Your Life Away? Firstly, having the map of consciousness empowers us in knowing where we stand in our current state of growth. Secondly, this map lists all the different levels of consciousness attainable, thus serving as a critical framework for conscious living. For me, having this map of consciousness has been very helpful in identifying where I currently stand in my pursuit of growth, becoming more conscious of my reactions toward life events and what they represent, understanding the limitations of the level I am at and what I should do in order to further up my consciousness. Consciousness Defined What is consciousness actually? Being conscious is more than just being physically awake. Why Increase Your Consciousness Level? 17 Levels of Consciousness 1. 2. Related:  Lifestyle InfoEverything in your mind

How To Be a Better Person: 101 Ways “We cannot become what we need to be, remaining what we are.” - Max Depree How does one become a better person? I remember when I was studying in university, I didn’t like myself very much. I was rude, selfish, emotionally stingy, self-centered, judgmental, highly critical, very obnoxious, and arrogant. When I think back about it, a lot of that came from insecurity with myself – a lack of self-esteem. I didn’t like myself, and this projected in my behavior toward others. Subsequently, I decided to work on becoming a better person. Today, I’m a lot happier with who I am. In this massive list post (yet another in the 101 tips series! If you just follow a tip a day, you’ll go a long way toward becoming a better, more likable, person. Here goes:

Are You Sleepwalking Your Life Away? by Celes on Jan 2, 2009 | ShareThis Email This Post “The first step toward change is awareness.” – Nathaniel Branden (Originally written and published on Jan 2 ’09) Do you have a clear direction for your life? Sleepwalkers – These are people who live through their lives in an unconscious state. Sleepwalkers look like any one of us, but are really just physical shells living through their lives as drones. These people are the sleepwalkers. How do you know if you are a sleepwalker? 1. What is life to you? 2. Do you know what your purpose in life is? 3. Are you caught in the loop of ‘going through the motions’ or ‘running the rat race’? Occasionally events happen which derails the motion, such as the transition to a different life phase, changing careers, loss of a job, etc. 4. When sleepwalkers are not busy getting caught in the motions, they fill the gaps in their lives with random activities. 5. This is the common motif of “Living on a day to day basis” and “Live and let live”. 6. 7. 8.

Two Important Things that Led to My Discovery of My Real Purpose by Celes on Dec 20, 2008 | ShareThis Email This Post This is part 4 of a 7-part series on how to discover your real purpose in life. (Originally written and published on Dec 20 2008. In this article, I will be sharing my experience on pursuing imposed purposes by others for over a decade, what happened along the way; how I eventually realized that they were fallacies and how I finally came to discover my real life purpose. The article is so long because I want to ensure that the essence of what led to my discovery is properly encapsulated here, so that you, the reader, can get the most value. As you read, bear in mind that these represent my opinions – I am not trying to subject you to my way of thinking and I have no underlying agenda except to share with you my personal lessons in helping you be a conscious creator of your life. Inculcation of imposed purposes as a kid Among us students, our conversations generally circled around studying, preparing for exams and doing projects. 60.

101 Ways To Live Your Life To The Fullest “Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living the result of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinion drown your own inner voice. How do you feel about your life today? If your answer to any of the above is a no, maybe or not sure, that means you’re not living your life to the fullest. This is a list of 101 timeless principles I use to live my best life, and I hope they’ll help you to do so too. Here are 101 ways to live your life to the fullest:

laziness--an obstacle to living life fully People with lyme disease or iron deficiencies or any other such ailments may appear to be quite lazy, especially if they forego activities that their friends and families partake in. These problems are especially troublesome if they're undiagnosed, for no one can see or know of a specific cause of a person's inactivity. Of course, all of the possible causes (save the physiological) don't justify a life without accomplishment. Nor does knowing that you're being lazy because of fear compensate for what you miss out on in life because of your unwillingness to act. The key to dealing with laziness is taking action, and the key to taking action is finding the motivation to do so. And how do we define "lazy"? My definition most certainly would be different than yours. Of course, the answers aren't simple. I don't know the answers to those questions, but I do know that if laziness is the determiner of your behavior, then you're missing out on much of what this beautiful world has to offer.

How To Overcome Procrastination – Part 1 by Celes on Aug 28, 2009 | ShareThis Email This Post This is part 1 of a 6-part series on How to Overcome Procrastination. Is there something you are procrastinating in your life now? Some may not see procrastination as a real problem, because they receive benefits from procrastinating on something. Let’s say it is Monday now and you have an important report you need to finish by Friday morning (a 20% high value task). Then, Thursday arrives and you are trapped – you have to work on the report or it’s going to jeopardize your job. So net, the task gets done, it’s submitted in time, and everything turned out fine. Did you realize what just happened here? Leaving it to the last minute creates a high sense of urgency which appears to boost your productivity, giving you a higher value on time spent working.You experience short-term gratification from not having to deal with the report on Mon-Wed.Procrastinating didn’t jeopardize anything in reality.

Bucket List Ideas: 101 Things To Do Before You Die “Every man dies – Not every man really lives.” ~ William Ross“The only people who fear death are those with regrets.” ~ Author Unknown A few days ago, I was surfing online when I came across someone’s bucket list. It quickly inspired me to create my own list and write an article about it at the same time. What’s a Bucket List? If you haven’t heard about the term “bucket list”, it is a list of all the goals you want to achieve, dreams you want to fulfill and life experiences you desire to experience before you die. Why Create a Bucket List? If you don’t live your days by personal goals and plans, chances are you spend most of your time caught up in a flurry of day-to-day activities. Even if you frequently live by goals or to-do lists, they are probably framed within a certain social context e.g. performance, career, health. It’s just like planning ahead all the highlights you want for YOUR whole life. To get the free ebook, enter your name & email: Create Your Bucket List 1. How about you? 2.

The Battle for Your Mind: Brainwashing Techniques Being Used On The Public By Dick Sutphen Authoritarian followers Mind Control Subliminals By Dick Sutphen Summary of Contents The Birth of Conversion The Three Brain Phases How Revivalist Preachers Work Voice Roll Technique Six Conversion Techniques 1. keeping agreements 2.physical and mental fatigue 3. increase the tension 4. Summary of Contents The Birth of Conversion/Brainwashing in Christian Revivalism in 1735. I'm Dick Sutphen and this tape is a studio-recorded, expanded version of a talk I delivered at the World Congress of Professional Hypnotists Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada. Although I've been interviewed about the subject on many local and regional radio and TV talk shows, large-scale mass communication appears to be blocked, since it could result in suspicion or investigation of the very media presenting it or the sponsors that support the media. Everything I will relate only exposes the surface of the problem. In talking about this subject, I am talking about my own business. The Birth of Conversion Charles J.

How To Know What You Want To Do In Life by Celes on May 21, 2010 | ShareThis Email This Post Hi Celes, I have no idea what I want to do. I wish I am strong enough to concentrate on one single thing and do everything to be the best at it. I believe it is the only way of attaining something. Getting clarity on what to do is one of the most common questions I get from readers and clients alike. Here’s the thing though. For example, let’s say you want to buy a mobile phone. What gives? Will you: Sit at home and mull over what mobile phone you should buy, waiting for the answer would pop in at some point. Which option will help you make progress in your dilemma? If you are thinking option 2, we are thinking the same thing. You see where I’m getting at with this? The fog in your mind For you to know what you want to do, you have to have some kind of experience you can refer to. It’s like asking what’s your favorite sport when you’ve never exercised in your life. The fog will remain as long as you stay still. And that was what I did.

Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes {March Challenge} - Tirzah Magazine Yelena Bosovik Yelena is the founder and editor-in-chief of Tirzah Magazine and a second-year law student at the University of Missouri School of Law. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, writing, and traveling. Latest posts by Yelena Bosovik (see all) I suck at dieting. So, I vowed to give up the idea of diets once and for all. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of being exhausted all day because of all the processed food I put in my body, the late nights, a dependence on caffeine and not enough fresh air and exercise for my body. We often forget our body is a temple of God and therefore should be treated and maintained as such. “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” -1 Corinthians 10:31 It’s about making sure I have the energy to work hard in the ministry the Lord has given me. It’s been slow going, but since March is National Nutrition Month, I decided it was the perfect monthly challenge for the Year of the Lord.
