Junior - A front-end framework for building HTML5 mobile apps with a native look and feel. A front-end framework for building HTML5 mobile apps with a native look and feel. CSS3 Transitions optimized for mobile performance. Swipable carousels using flickable.js. Integration with backbone.js views and routers. Installation Javascript Dependencies Each of these dependencies is included in the lib/javascripts directory. junior.js junior.js is included in the src/javascripts directory. ratchet This dependency is included in the lib/stylesheets directory. junior.css junior.css is included in the src/stylesheets directory. junior.js expects you to have a #app-container and #app-main in your body like this. Examples Annoted example.js The best and most detailed example for how to get started is the Annotated Example for example.js. Jr.Router Jr.Router is simply an extension of Backbone.Router. Jr.View Jr.View is optional for you to use. Jr.Navigator Jr.Navigator is how you trigger a navigation using an animation. Currently the only animations that we have is SLIDE_STACK. Apps that use Junior
Gestion des alias dans wamp server | Veille technologique et technique par l'agence de développement web iMDEO De Damien Bouvier dans Technique 26sept2012 Voici une petite astuce afin de gérer facilement les multi-projets dans wamp server sans avoir de problème par rapport aux réécritures d’url. Cette manip permet de transformer l’url : en sans avoir a changer l’alias manuellement dans le fichier httpd.conf à chaque fois que je change de projet. Retour sur l'Apéro #21 chez Studio Meta | WdStr Pour cet apéro #21, nous avons été accueilli chez Studio Meta, encore merci à eux ! Cet évènement était un apéro #sharethelove où chacun pouvait partager ses outils, ses bonnes pratiques, … Nous remercions particulièrement Arnaud qui était le seul à avoir proposé un outil. Mais en creusant un peu, nous avons identifié et discuté de pas mal d’autres outils. Ne sous-estimez pas votre potentiel de partage 1. Flaticon Un plugin Photoshop permettant de rechercher des icônes facilement et directement dans l’application au format vectoriel. Inconvénient : pas d’icônes en SVG Ce n’est pas seulement un plugin mais aussi une bibliothèque en ligne permettant de mettre dans le panier et de télécharger dans divers formats IconFont / PNG /SVG / PSD. Voir la ressource 2. Application en ligne pour générer des fonts d’icônes. Il peut y avoir des soucis d’alignement des icônes sur le texte (si on utilise des icônes de différentes bibliothèques et si les icônes sont déjà bien centrés de base). 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Online JavaScript beautifier A New Collection of Free HTML5 and CSS3 Templates Jul 18 2012 Professionally designed and neatly coded templates always make life easier for developers, not only because they save time, but also for the effort they save. Since web development is an ever expanding field, it is important for developers to keep their work up to date with the latest changes. HTML5 and CSS3 templates are there to make your websites future proof and make them even more accessible. In this round up, we are presenting a brilliant collection of some fresh and free HTML5 and CSS3 templates that you can download today. With these templates, you can also learn how to code your websites in HTML5 and CSS3. The Templates Template for Powerful Business Startup ( Demo | Download ) The visually pleasing layout is the first thing that catches the attention when you look at this theme, but it’s certainly not the last. Animated Neoarts ( Demo | Download ) This is a modern and elegantly designed web template suitable for Design/Studio websites. More on Page Two
davist11/jQuery-One-Page-Nav Dredd Dredd — HTTP API Testing Framework¶ Dredd is a language-agnostic command-line tool for validating API description document against backend implementation of the API. Dredd reads your API description and step by step validates whether your API implementation replies with responses as they are described in the documentation. Supported API Description Formats¶ Supported Hooks Languages¶ Dredd supports writing hooks — a glue code for each test setup and teardown. Continuous Integration Support¶ Documentation Reference¶ Useful Links¶ Example Applications¶ Read the Docs Versions latest stable Downloads Epub On Read the Docs Project Home Builds Downloads On GitHub View Edit Search Free document hosting provided by Read the Docs.
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Image Placeholder APIs In a previous article I discovered fake images please which allowed you to put image placeholders on your webpage by using an image placeholder API. I had a number of comments about this post from other people sending links to other image placeholder APIs. Here is a list of some more APIs. PlaceKitten A quick and simple service for getting pictures of kittens for use as placeholders in your designs or code. To display this image just use the following URL Placekitten Placedog If your more of a dog person then you can use the API placedog, it works the same way just pass in the parameters to the image and it will display an image of dogs for your application. Placedog Bacon Mockup A simple way to use pictures of tasty meat as placeholders in your design. Bacon Mockup Lorempixel Lorempixel Placehold.it Placehold.it Fake Images Please? Fake Images Please Dummy Image Dummy Image Place Ape Place Ape Place Skulls Place Skull Placebear Placebear hhhhold hhhhold PixelHoldr PixelHoldr