International Open Government Data Camp looks to build community There’s a growing international movement afoot worldwide to open up government data and make something useful with it. Civic apps based upon open data are emerging that genuinely serve citizens in a beneficial ways that officials may have not been able to deliver, particularly without significant time or increased expense. For every civic app, however, there’s a backstory that often involves a broad number of stakeholders. Governments have to commit to open up themselves but will in many cases need external expertise or even funding to do so. Citizens, industry and developers have to use the data, demonstrating that there’s not only demand but skill outside of government to put open data to work in the service of accountability, citizen utility and economic opportunity. Galvanizing the co-creation of civic services, policies or apps isn’t easy but the potential of the civic surplus attracted the attention of governments around the world. What will this camp change?
QSR 2010 - Changement climatique - De quels problèmes s’agit-il? Le changement climatique est largement reconnu mais son rythme et ses impacts sont incertains Le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) de l’ONU a averti que si les émissions de gaz à effet de serre se poursuivent à un niveau égal ou supérieur au niveau actuel, le réchauffement sera plus important. De nombreuses modifications du système climatique global se produiront au cours du XXIe siècle et, selon les projections, devraient être plus importantes que celles observées pendant le XXe siècle Figure 3.1. Ces changements pourraient dépasser la variabilité multidécénale naturelle et entraîner des modifications permanentes des écosystèmes. Toute une série d’impacts sur le milieu marin sont attribués au changement climatique Figure 3.2, soit directement (modification de la température de la mer) soit indirectement (modification de la saisonnalité, de la distribution et de l’abondance des espèces). stratification efflorescences algales nuisibles .
Analysing the water crisis in Australia's Marray-Darling Basin Here is how one might go about developing a model like this: 1. Create a model, a hypothesis - describing the problem, and consequences of attempted solutions to date 2. Elaborate the model with subject matter experts - from all walks, agriculture, industry, government, science, ... - Bring in other people's perspectives on the model 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Robin Hood tax The Robin Hood tax commonly refers to a package of financial transaction taxes (FTT), proposed by a campaigning group of civil society NGOs. Campaigners have suggested the tax could be implemented globally, regionally or unilaterally by individual nations. Conceptually similar to the Tobin tax, it would affect a wider range of asset classes including the purchase and sale of stocks, bonds, commodities, unit trusts, mutual funds, and derivatives such as futures and options. The Tobin tax was proposed for foreign currency exchange only. By autumn 2011 the Robin Hood campaign had gained considerable extra momentum and support from prominent opinion formers, with a proposal from the European Commission to implement an FTT tax at EU level set to enter the legislative pipeline. Early history of the terminology[edit] In 2001 the charity War on Want released The Robin Hood Tax,[12] an earlier proposal presenting their case for a currency transaction tax. The 2010 UK campaign[edit]
Simple Business Improvement Model This Southbeach Notation diagram illustrates some of the Southbeach Semantics in a simple model of a business. Its purpose is both to describe the situation and provide a basis from which to agree on key facts (e.g. there are insufficient sales) and priorities (e.g. marketing is the focus of attention). Southbeach models exist to support the analysis process in improving the situation. Thus, each element of a Southbeach model can provide a pivot point for improvement. Some examples are provided below. Here is how to read this diagram: Spending produces (arrow) materials which are used (small box end) by the manufacturing process to create (star) products which produce sales which produce revenue which produce profit. Note the short dashed lines across some of the effects. Here are some improvement alternatives illustrated by this diagram: All green boxes are useful, so increasing them is likely to increase the usefulness of the overall system. Blue boxes are improvement actions.
Seismic Monitor - Recent Earthquakes The actual min mag shownon the map is about 4.2,to get a uniform distribution. Drucker - Spirit of an Organisation This Southbeach model shows a perspective of Peter F. Drucker; "the man who invented management". The column on the left represents qualities of the people in an organisation, and on the right, we have the activities of the organisation itself. These two systems are inextricably interlocked and require each other in order to succeed. In Drucker's book, The Practice of Management, at the beginning of Chapter 13: The Spirit of an Organisation, he says: "Two sayings sum up the 'spirit of an organisation'. Here lies a manwho knew how to enlist in his servicebetter men than himself The other is the slogan of the drive to find jobs for the physically handicapped: It's the abilities,not the disabilities,that count. Management by objectives tells a manager what they ought to do. Sustainable success for an organisation is a result of individual success at every level, and individual success is enabled and amplified by the organisation that focuses on its people and on building on their successes.
Dragonfly Drones 2007 Dragonfly Drones 2007 The Dragonfly Drone Investigation and Isaac's Report, (below) alleges some sort of confirmation about alien intervention on the planet for past decades, if it is indeed true. One has to wonder, is it all a government set-up? Is this the time for disclosure about alien visitors and their agendas? Don't think the public will like what went/goes on behind the scenes, but then again it can blame past administrations. Dragonfly Drones - Dragonfly Symbology - Quote from the book Mystery of The Crystal Skulls ... The Drones: Are They Real, and What Do We Do? Drone Updates Earthfiles - July 12, 2007 Another "Drone" This Week Near Maxwell AFB (Podcast) Earthfiles - June 30, 2007 Highlights from the file above ... The four subjects are listed as: 1. 2. 3. 4. is BLACKED OUT entirely. The photographs show what are described as extraterrestrial instruments used for antigravity and for 3-dimensional image recording and projecting. Dragonfly Drones - Reverse Engineering? ShareThis
Risk Management This Southbeach model shows some general principles of risk management. In this example, Work is the focus and is done in order to achieve the Goal. Issues and Risks may counteract achievement of the goal. The following Southbeach model provides a more detailed example of risk management in action with the addition of a grid to separate the agents in the model by timespan and aspect. This example shows swim lanes running across the page separating different aspects of a project into meetings, activities, Issues & risks, and mitigations. The focus of this model is "delivery of phase 1 of the solution". Sébastien Freudenthal @chaacattac Écocide Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Un écocide est un acte de destruction ou d'endommagement important d'un écosystème, notamment par l'exploitation excessive de celui-ci dans le but de subvenir à d'autres processus ou systèmes (écophagie). Par exemple, l'assèchement de la mer d'Aral est dû aux prélèvements excessifs par l'homme de l'eau des fleuves qui la constitue. Ce néologisme est construit à partir des mots écosystème et génocide car il symbolise la destruction systématique et totale d'un écosystème, à la nuance près que cette destruction n'est pas forcément intentionnelle. Le concept de crime d'écocide est débattu depuis 1947 au sein de la Commission du droit international pour préparer le Code des crimes contre la paix et la sécurité de l'humanité[1]. La notion écologique d'écocide[modifier | modifier le code] L'assèchement de la mer d'Aral[modifier | modifier le code] Assèchement progressif de la mer d'Aral Cet assèchement a de multiples conséquences néfastes :
Ecosia, le moteur de recherche vert pour la forêt amazonienne Ecosia est un moteur de recherche écoresponsable ou « vert ». La plupart des revenus est reversée au WWF, et plus particulièrement au projet Rainforest , qui œuvre pour la préservation de la forêt amazonienne. Une façon d'allier technologie et environnement. Christian Kroll, fondateur d'Ecosia, nous raconte la genèse de son projet et nous explique quels sont les principes d'Ecosia, sa politique et son fonctionnement. Christian Kroll est un développeur écoresponsable. Futura-Sciences : En quelques mots, Ecosia , c’est quoi ? Christian Kroll : Ecosia est ce qu'on appelle un moteur de recherche « vert ». Ecosia fonctionne grâce aux annonces sponsorisées des moteurs de recherche. © Ecosia, YouTube Futura-Sciences : Avez-vous toujours été sensible aux questions environnementales ? Christian Kroll : Je ne me considère pas comme un écomilitant de longue date. Futura-Sciences : Qu’est-ce qui vous a conduit, en 2009, à créer votre propre moteur de recherche écoresponsable ?