Excel Formulas- free tutorial 70 Things Every Computer Geek Should Know. The term ‘geek’, once used to label a circus freak, has morphed in meaning over the years. What was once an unusual profession transferred into a word indicating social awkwardness. As time has gone on, the word has yet again morphed to indicate a new type of individual: someone who is obsessive over one (or more) particular subjects, whether it be science, photography, electronics, computers, media, or any other field. A geek is one who isn’t satisfied knowing only the surface facts, but instead has a visceral desire to learn everything possible about a particular subject. A techie geek is usually one who knows a little about everything, and is thus the person family and friends turn to whenever they have a question. If you’re that type of person and are looking for a few extra skills to pick up, or if you’re a newbie aiming to get a handhold on the honor that is geekhood, read on to find out what skills you need to know. How to become a real computer Geek? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Substring in Excel - Easy Excel Tutorial Mid | Left | Right | Substring between parentheses | Substring containing specific text | Flash Fill There's no SUBSTRING function in Excel. Use MID, LEFT, RIGHT, FIND, LEN, SUBSTITUTE, REPT, TRIM and MAX in Excel to extract substrings. Mid To extract a substring, starting in the middle of a string, use the MID function in Excel. Explanation: the MID function starts at position 7 (O) and extracts 6 characters. Left To extract the leftmost characters from a string, use the LEFT function in Excel. To extract a substring (of any length) before the dash, add the FIND function. Explanation: the FIND function finds the position of the dash. Right To extract the rightmost characters from a string, use the RIGHT function in Excel. To extract a substring (of any length) after the dash, add LEN and FIND. Explanation: the LEN function returns the length of the string. Substring between parentheses To extract a substring between parentheses (or braces, brackets, slashes, etc.), use MID and FIND in Excel. 1.
Excel SUMIF function – formula examples to conditionally sum cells This tutorial explains the Excel SUMIF function in plain English and provides a numbers of SUMIF formula examples for numbers, text, dates and wildcards. If you are faced with the task that requires conditional sum in Excel, the SUMIF function is what you need. This tutorial will briefly explain the function's syntax and general usage, and then you will extend the new knowledge in practice with a number of SUMIF formula examples. A good thing is that the SUMIF function is identical in all Excel versions, from 2013 to 2003. Another great news is that once you've invested some time in learning SUMIF, it will take you very little effort to get the insight of other "IF" functions such as SUMIFS, COUNTIF, SOUNIFS, AVERAGEIF etc. SUMIF in Excel - syntax and usage The SUMIF function, also known as Excel conditional sum, is used to add cells based on a certain condition, or criteria. SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range]) 2. criteria - the condition that must be met. Note. Note. Note. Note. Note. 1.
Fitbit One Review: Slightly Flawed, But Still A Great Way To Quantify Yourself The original Fitbit first saw the light of day over four years ago, and boy how things have changed since then. Now it seems like everyone from old incumbents to ambitious upstarts have offered their own takes on the activity-tracking formula, so how does Fitbit’s newest offering stack up to the competition? The Fitbit One is… A small, two-tone doodad that will set you back $99 and track your movement throughout the day. Before I ramble on for too much longer, know this: the Fitbit works like a treat. The only thing that didn’t impress as much as I expected it to was the One’s oft-touted sleep tracking feature — I could never get the Fitbit to proffer an amount of time slept that matched up with how much sleep I thought I got. What else does it do? The Fitbit experience is only as solid as its other half — the part that takes all of that activity information and turns it into a comprehensive suite of personal analytics. And then there are the touches that you’ll hardly ever notice.
23 things you should know about Excel pivot tables | Exceljet Many Excel experts believe that pivot tables are the single most powerful tool in Excel. According to Bill Jelen (a.k.a. Mr. Excel) "No other tool in Excel gives you the flexibility and analytical power of a pivot table". I agree completely. 1. Many people have the idea that building a pivot table is complicated and time-consuming, but it's simply not true. Select any cell in the source data On the Insert tab of the ribbon, click the PivotTable button In the Create PivotTable dialog box, check the data and click OK Drag a "label" field into the Row Labels area (e.g. customer) Drag a numeric field into the Values area (e.g. sales) Video: How to quickly create a pivot table Select any cell in the data to start. A very simple pivot table in about 30 seconds 2. To minimize problems down the road, always use good quality source data, organized in a tabular layout. Video: How to quickly fill in missing data Perfect data for a pivot table! 3. 300 first names means we have 300 employees. 4. 5. 6.
Excel COUNTIFS and COUNTIF with multiple criteria – examples of usage The tutorial explains how to use COUNTIFS and COUNTIF formulas with multiple criteria in Excel. You will find a number of examples for different data types - numbers, dates, text, wildcard characters, non-blank cells and more. Of all Excel functions, COUNTIFS and COUNTIF are probably most often mixed up because they look very much alike and both are purposed for counting cells based on the specified criteria. The difference is that the COUNTIF function is intended for counting cells based on a single condition in one range, while COUNTIFS allows using several criteria and ranges. In practice, however, you can use Excel COUNTIF with multiple criteria as well. Excel COUNTIFS function - syntax and usage As I've already mentioned, the Excel COUNTIFS function is purposed for counting cells across multiple ranges based on one or several conditions. COUNTIFS syntax The syntax of the COUNTIFS function is as follows: COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]…) Example 1. Tip.
21 Stunning Creative Resume Templates The Two Online Security Steps You Should Stop Putting Off - NYTimes.com My favorite password manager is LastPass — which our friends at The Wirecutter, a New York Times company, also recommend — because it works with every browser, it works with most mobile phones, and its interface is relatively simple. Most password managers generally work the same way: You set up one master password for the manager itself, and from then on you use its browser plugin (or mobile app) to create and manage every other password you need. Every account gets a unique password, meaning that if one account is compromised (like in a mass data breach), your other accounts will remain safe. If you’re still not convinced about the paramount importance of strong password management, here’s some further reading. Two-factor authentication goes a step further by requiring a username, password and access to your mobile phone to log in to an account. And, while we’re on the subject, here are more ways to protect your identity online. Have a great week! —Tim Best of Smarter Living
Excel Formulas: Defining and Creating a Formula In this lesson, we introduce you to basic rules for creating formulas and using functions. We feel one of the best ways to learn is through practice, so we provide several examples and explain them in detail. The topics we will cover include: rows and columnsexample math function: SUM()operatorsoperator precedenceexample financial function: PMT(), loan paymentusing a “string” function (“string” is shorthand for “string of text”) inside a formula and nesting functions Formulas are a mixture of “functions,” “operators,” and “operands.” Rows and Columns To understand how to write formulas and functions, you need to know about rows and columns. Rows run horizontally and columns run vertically. Columns are labeled by letters; rows by numbers. Example: Function Sum() Now let’s demonstrate how to use a function. You use functions by typing them directly in or using the function wizard. The wizard tells you what arguments you need to provide for each function. #NAME? Calculation Operators
How to setup a remote desktop and connect to your PC from anywhere – Computer Chips & Hardware Technology Remote desktop, which lets you access another computer over the internet just as if you were at the keyboard, is incredibly handy when you need to make changes to your home Minecraft server, get Steam to start downloading a game, or just keep an eye on a progress bar. As an added bonus, it’s also the tool of choice for providing occasional family or friend tech support. There are a few ways to setup a remote desktop, but if you’re running Windows you’ve already got one built right in: Remote Desktop Connection. To get started with this useful, yet under-used Windows feature, you’ll just need to be comfortable changing Windows and router settings and have a few minutes to configure and test it. Pave the way As you might expect, allowing a remote user full control over a computer isn’t something that’s enabled by default. On the machine you want to access, click the Start button, then right-click Computer and choose “Properties”. Test it out Other approaches