DECRETO-LEY 8912/77 Texto Ordenado por Decreto 3389/87 con las modificaciones del Decreto-Ley N° 10128 y las Leyes N° 10653, 10764, 13127, 13342 y 14449. ARTÍCULO 1°.- La presente Ley rige el ordenamiento del territorio de , y regula el uso, ocupación, subdivisión y equipamiento del suelo. ARTÍCULO 2°.- Son objetivos fundamentales del ordenamiento territorial: a) Asegurar la preservación y el mejoramiento del medio ambiente, mediante una adecuada organización de las actividades en el espacio. Green Design Institute The Green Design Institute is a major interdisciplinary education and research effort to make an impact on environmental quality by partnering with companies, government agencies and foundations to develop pioneering management, manufacturing, and regulatory processes that can improve environmental quality and product quality while enhancing economic development. Students from many different degree programs at Carnegie Mellon can participate in the Green Design Institute activities. Through the Green Design Institute, we are solving problems and building tools that help businesses accomplish more with less.
Sustainable Design Sustainable design seeks to reduce negative impacts on the environment, and the health and comfort of building occupants, thereby improving building performance. The basic objectives of sustainability are to reduce consumption of non-renewable resources, minimize waste, and create healthy, productive environments. Sustainable design principles include the ability to: optimize site potential; minimize non-renewable energy consumption; use environmentally preferable products; protect and conserve water; enhance indoor environmental quality; and optimize operational and maintenance practices.
10 Futuristic Materials Lifeboat Foundation Safeguarding Humanity Skip to content Switch to White Special Report 10 Futuristic Materials MIT Sustainable Design Lab Welcome to the MIT Sustainable Design Lab. We are an inter-disciplinary research group with a grounding in architecture that develops design workflows, planning tools and metrics to evaluate the environmental performance of buildings and neighborhoods. Products originating from our group – such as DIVA, Mapdwell, DAYSIM and umi – are used in practice and education in over 90 countries. Our goal is to change current architectural and urban planning practices by developing, validating and testing analysis methods that lead to improved design solutions as far as occupant comfort and building energy use are concerned.
Bikinis Made from 3-D Printers Custom Fit Every Curve Despite being of the male persuasion, even I know that bikini season is no day at the beach. Finding the right fit in a style and cut that threads the needle of decency is enough to make any woman throw up her hands and opt for a one-piece with shorts. Well ladies, Jenna Fizel and Mary Haung of Continuum Fashion have heard your dressing room distress calls. In search of the elusive 'perfect fit,' they've designed the N12 bikini, the world's first 3-D printed two-piece made of small nylon discs held together by thread-like springs. The N12 gets its name from the material it's made of: Nylon 12. Shapeways uses their 3-D printing technology to create the material for the designers and calls Nylon 12 "ideal swimsuit material as it is innately waterproof."
Conceptos y técnicas de la Arquitectura Bioclimática Siendo el sol la principal fuente energética que afecta al diseño bioclimático, es importante tener una idea de su trayectoria en las distintas estaciones del año. Trayectoria solar Radiación directa, difusa y reflejada Formas de transmisión del calor Capacidad calorífica e inercia térmica Confort térmico Efecto invernadero Fenómenos convectivos naturales Calor de vaporización Efecto climático del suelo Pérdida de calor en viviendas (invierno) Microclima y ubicación Ubicación Forma y orientación Captación solar pasiva Aislamiento y masa térmica Ventilación Aprovechamiento climático del suelo Espacios tapón Protección contra la radiación de verano Sistemas evaporativos de refrigeración Trayectoria solar Sin entrar en detalles técnicos, y particularizando para el hemisferio norte, por encima del trópico de Cáncer (es decir, una situación geográfica en la que está España): También hay que tener en cuenta que el horario solar no es el horario oficial. Conducción.
10 ejemplos de diseño sostenible que mejoran nuestra vida Os presentamos una serie de proyectos que se han presentado este año a los Index Award, los premios con la dotación económica más importante en el ámbito del diseño sostenible. Aunque los premios de este año ya han sido fallados, nos ha parecido interesante mostrar una serie de ejemplos que ilustran lo que es el diseño sostenible. Lepsis Terrarium: cria saltamontes comestibles en tu casa Cuando la población del mundo está creciendo y los recursos para producir comida son escasos, la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) nos propone incluir insectos en la dieta.
Ecodiseño, el camino hacia el Diseño Sustentable Buenos días, hoy posteamos una nota de la diseñadora industrial Gabriela Soler, que gentilmente la envió para ayudar a entender los significados Ecodiseño y Diseño Sustentable. Ecodiseño, el camino hacia el Diseño Sustentable Los conceptos de Ecodiseño y Diseño Sustentable se aplican a variadísimos productos y en variadísimas circunstancias. The Best of Bankside at London Design Festival 2015 South of the Thames, 'Bankside' is LDF's newest design district, and home to the iconic Oxo Tower Wharf, which is filled year-round with over 30 independent retail design studios, exhibition spaces and shops offering furniture, jewellery, homeware, and fashion. In its 18th edition this year, Designersblock was situated in the derelict but beautiful Bargehouse, showing multidisciplinary work from over 100 independent designers over three floors. Designersblock at Oxo Tower Wharf. The Kirigram collection by Constanze Schweda. Inspired by Kirigami, the Japanese art of cutting and folding paper, Constanze Schweda has designed a series of furniture that creates three-dimensional furniture from flat steel sheets.
Urbastyle - All in one page - Finocrete UHPC Street Furniture Paving Buildings URBAXXES Memorials Colours and Finishes - All - Benches Seats Tables Planters Bollards Barbecue Signage Post and Barrier Litter bins Ashtray Tree grate Urban Games Steps Palissades Retaining walls Accessories - All - Large Size Slabs Tiles Eco Paving Pavers Mobility Pedestals - All - Plinths Cornices Sills Balconies Wall Copings Wall Panels Window Frames Access Ramps & Decking Elements - All - Tactile slabs Platform Edges Access Ramps & Decking Elements Steps Tram / Bus Lanes - All - Altar Burial vault Columbarium Monument of the rememberance flame Slab for burial vault Urns Cellars