Educational Videos and Games for Kids about Science, Math, Social Studies and English PBS-Wind Power Lesson Plan This lesson is designed for physical science, earth science, or environmental science classrooms, grades 9-12. Middle school science teachers may also find this lesson helpful. Lesson Objectives By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: Explain the use of wind power as a renewable resource. Physical Sciences Standard 9: Understands the sources and properties of energy Standard 10: Understands forces and motion Level IV, Benchmark 1 Knows that magnetic forces are very closely related to electric forces and can be thought of as different aspects of a single electromagnetic force (moving electric charges produce magnetic forces and moving magnets produce electric forces); the interplay of these forces is the basis for electric motors, generators, radio, television, and many other modern technologies Nature of Science Standard 12: Understands the nature of scientific inquiry Standard 13: Understands the scientific enterprise Estimated Time to Complete Lesson Materials Needed 1.
Best Science Apps for Middle School and Upper Elementary School Kids Today’s Best Educational Apps for Kids list is Best Science apps for middle school and upper elementary kids (Age 10 to 15). I did not include those animal related apps, as there will be a separate list of “Best Educational Apps for Kids” on ”Nature and Animals”. Most science apps I listed for kids age 6 to 10 are also appropriate for this age group. VideoScience (Free): the app has a growing library of over 80 hands-on science lessons that are great for home and the classroom. Britannica Kids: Volcanoes ($4.99): Like other Britannica Kids apps, this one integrates multimedia materials teaching kids everything about volcanoes: the Erupting Earth, Lava and Magma, Types of Volcano, Decade Volcanoes, and more. Chemist ($4.99): it is like a Chemistry Lab on the iPAD. NASA App (Free): carries a wealth of NASA information right on your iPad. 3D Brain (Free): It is fun turning the 3D brain around and see the different parts of the brain. What is your child’s favorite science app?
The Power of the Wind 4-H The Power of the Wind Curriculum is part of the National 4-H Curriculum Collection and is designed for middle school aged youth to learn about the wind and its uses. Youth work with members of a team to design, create, build, and test a wind powered devices and are given opportunities to explore wind as a potential energy source in their community. This site is the online resource to supplement The Power of the Wind National 4-H Curriculum. Download The Power of the Wind overview This curriculum is a joint project of the Office for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (MSTE) , the College of Engineering and University Extension at the University of Illinois. Science Fair Projects This is selection of ideas for 1st grade science fair projects with short project descriptions or examples as well as links to the actual science fair projects. Some of this ideas could also be used for 2nd and 3rd grades (and vice versa). Also some second grade science project ideas and third grade project ideas could be used in the first grade so check them out. At this age science projects resemble either simple games or magic tricks. Then unlike the magician you should try to explain what's going on. The goal of parents/teacher here is to help with organization of the project and experiment setup, provide simple explanation of the sciencenproject subject, and - entertain kids! There are few fundamentally different types of science projects for this age and this is how they are sorted. Hobby or Collection. Leaf Collection. When you back home it's time to do some sorting. Collected leaves can be sorted in number of different ways: by shape, by size, by leaf venation and leaf type.
US Green Bldg Council Hear what others have to say about the benefits of USGBC membership Why should your organization become a USGBC member? We asked hundreds of members what they value about their membership. Here's what they had to say. "Love the new platinum membership and the engagement I get with USGBC team!" GRESB: Bringing sustainability to the capital market Last week the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), launched its 2014 Survey. Know we're back! We know. U.S. Washington, D.C. — (April 10, 2014) — The U.S. Science Games for 1st Grade & 2nd Grade . Science . Education Try some of these free science games for grades 1 and 2 featuring PBS KIDS characters to boost your child’s early development of science skills and interest in science. Sid the Science Kid: Super Fab Lab Help Sid, May, Gabriela and Gerald play a series of games all about weather, temperature and more!Muscle Memory Learn how to follow directions by clicking on the body part that Sid’s dad tells you to move.Vegetable Patterns Use the vegetables in the baskets to complete the pattern of vegetables on the counter.Super Duper Antibodies! Help Sid use antibodies to fight off the flu virus.I want to be a Scientist! Curious George: The Cat in the Hat: Dinosaur Train: Hungry Hungry herbivore Guide Tank the Triceratops to find yummy plants to eat while keeping him safe with his herd! Sesame Street: A Twiddlebug Tool Adventure Use different tools to help Timmy the bug get home. Arthur: FETCH! Water We Doing? Caillou: Caillou the Paleontologist Help Caillou uncover and rebuild a dinosaur skeleton.
Solar Energy Interntl Solar Energy International is the leader in developing industry aligned textbooks and curriculum. From our leading textbooks to classroom presentations, assessments, and exercises, SEI's learning material is the leading curriculum in the industry. SEI's Textbooks Since 2003, SEI has published industry-leading textbooks that set the standard for renewable energy training programs all over the U.S. and internationally. These textbooks include introductory topics for people just entering the field, as well as highly technical topics for solar professionals: Introduction to Renewable EnergyiPad / iBooks Format - Click here to purchase on iTunes Solar Electric Handbook: Photovoltaic Fundamentals and Applications (2013)Print and eBook Format. Includes full color, high resolution photos of real-world PV applications, informational graphs, and interviews with professionals throughout the industry. Curriculum Credentials Frequently Asked Questions SEI licenses the following curriculum: No. No.
US Dept Of Energy Teach your students the importance of green energy while enhancing your required curriculum. Here you'll find many creative lesson plans, labs, projects and other activities for grades K-12 on energy-related topics. Incorporate them into your classroom. Prepare your students for a greener future! Activities Energy Awareness Quiz This is a free online interactive quiz that provides answers with links to references, datasets or spreadsheets that can be used to further explore these topics. Advanced Search Select one or more options to refine your search. Type in a search term or phrase, and/or select a topic, and/or select a grade, then click search. Please Note The collection of energy-related lessons hosted on this website is dynamic. You can also add this lesson plans search to your own website; see our Teach and Learn widget. Download the Teach and Learn mobile app from the App Store and Google Play.
Wind Powering America As the United States dramatically expands wind energy deployment, the industry is challenged with developing a skilled workforce and addressing public resistance. To address these issues, Wind Powering America launched the Wind for Schools project in 2005 by conducting a pilot project in Colorado that resulted in one small wind turbine installation in Walsenburg. The program has ended, but by the end of September 2013: Wind for Schools Portal on OpenEI Visit the OpenEI Wind for Schools Portal to access data from turbines at U.S. schools, such as: Kilowatt-hours produced Utility dollars saved Average kilowatt-hours per year and month. You can also compare the performance of turbines at different locations and find educational resources. Wind for Schools projects were supported in 11 states (Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, North Carolina, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, and Virginia) More than 134 systems were installed at host schools. Wind Energy Curricula .
Solar in the Schools K-12 Energy Outreach Program Today's youth need to understand energy in order to wisely power their homes, their cars and their careers. The Solar In the Schools outreach program is devoted to teaching the growing importance of energy - both how it is used and where it is sourced. Our hands-on renewable energy education approach not only teaches these vital concepts, it instills precious hope for the future. School Presentations Since its inception in 2002, thousands of students and teachers have participated in the Solar In the Schools program through our regional Hands-On Classroom Presentations. Teacher Training Workshops In 2007, SEI created its first accredited teacher training workshop, now called Teaching Solar Energy to Kids. Free Online Course In 2010 Solar In the Schools dramatically increased its range by adding a free, high-school-level Introduction to Renewable Energy online course covering energy efficiency and the many types of renewable energy. Curriculum Standards
NREL Model Car Comp The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) hosts car competitions that race solar- and battery-powered model vehicles. Middle School teams from all around Colorado participate in this fun, educational, and exciting event every May. Teams work together building cars with guidance from a parent, teacher, or coach to compete in race and design categories. Building solar- and battery-powered cars requires skills in both math and science. Model Car Competitions The 2013 Model Car Competitions are complete; see the list of winners. Please check back early next year for information on the 2014 competitions. Sources for Model Car Kits and Accessories From the suppliers listed here, you can order kits containing solar cells modules and electric motors, surplus motors, and gears. Resources How To Build A Junior Solar Sprint Car Step-by-step instructions for building a Junior Solar Sprint model car. Hosting a Model Car Event Regional Junior Solar Sprint Car Competition Sites Regional Host Sites
Solar Learning Lab™ » Teaching STEM Subjects with Renewable Energy Data The Nature of Water Power | FWEE A Hands-On Science Curriculum for Students The Nature of Water Power is a thematic science unit appropriate for grades six through eight. The science activities in this curriculum are written to the latest science standards. I. II. III. IV. V. VI.