Crowd Funding Websites - Strategy of Innovation Crowd Funding Internet Platforms If you do not see your platform, indicate me your website with a short pitch indicating your type of crowd funding, your theme and where in the world you are located (the owner of the platform) Crowd Funding = Raising money online by soliciting small amounts from many (the crowd) instead of a wealthy few These articles will help you to understand what Crowd Funding is about: - 1/2: Types of Crowd Funding: Ways Entrepreneurs Can Face the Investment Crisis (Eng) - 2/2: How to Invest Using a Crowd Funding Website (Eng) - French version of articles 1 and 2: (Fr) - Examples of CrowdFunding for big projects: (Eng) - Examples of biotech startups funded by Equity-based Crowdfunding/Micro-investing: (Eng) Types of Crowd funding (from money offer to money seeker): 4 can only be used by incorporated companies You can download the below list in a pdf file. inShare
Will social funding change small business finance? - Crowdfunding for small businesses Rory Earley, CEO of Capital for Enterprise, investigates the emergence of a social funding marketplace for small companies. Rory Earley, CEO of Capital for Enterprise, investigates the emergence of a social funding marketplace for small companies. One fascinating consequence of the ongoing financial crisis is the emergence of a new breed of finance providers - crowdfunders and/or peer-to-peer lenders and investors. They seem to be growing rapidly and are generating much press coverage as alternatives to banks and venture capital investors. “Crowdfunding”, where lots of individuals come together to finance a project, seems to have originated in the creative and charitable sectors and was largely philanthropic. The concept of crowdfunding If we ignore, for our purposes, the charitable sector, the theory of crowdfunding and peer-to-peer lending is pretty simple. See also: Funding boost for small business Like everything in life however, it may not be quite that simple. Le site d'emploi des Start-Up - Le Gang des Entrepreneurs Cette semaine, je vais vous présenter une forme de financement de votre entreprise qui à le vent en poupe. Love money, Busines Angel, Venture Capitalist ne sont pas les seuls moyens à votre disposition pour lever des fonds. De nombreuses plateformes web vous permettent désormais de faire appel à tous les particuliers qui souhaitent investir dans une TPE/PME non coté . J’ai rencontré le fondateur d’une de ces nouvelles plateformes de financement , il s’exprime pour le Gang des entrepreneurs. le crowdfunding ou le financement collectif Le crowdfunding, c’est quoi ? Le Crowdfunding est une approche permettant le financement de projets en faisant appel à un grand nombre de personnes ordinaires (internautes, réseaux de contact, amis, etc.) pour faire de petits investissements. Il est donc assimilable aux business angels, sauf que l’investissement est divisé petits tickets répartis entre un nombre plus ou moins important d’investisseurs. Panorama de 2 plateformes de Crowdfunding
Doing Equity Crowd Funding Right How to raise money from crowds: 11 crowdfunding platforms and examples Crowdfunding is one of the more interesting (and important) neologisms of the last few years. It takes the idea of crowdsourcing (getting services delivered by crowds) and applies it to raising money. In a later post I will write about the implications of the rise of crowdfunding for venture capital and other early stage funding sources. Here I will just cover some examples of crowdfunding, many of them in creative domains. Kickstarter is a well developed creative crowdfunding platform, covering films, music, games, theatre, technology and far more. It uses the common all-or-nothing model, so projects are only funded if they raise their target funds in a defined period. IndieGogo, originally providing crowdfunding for independent filmmakers, has diversified across other creative, environmental, and community endeavours. Sellaband provides a space for musicians to raise money, having already raised over $3 million for bands who want to record, tour, or promote their music.
Crowdfunding tour : le financement collaboratif, ça existe ! "L'appel peut être largement ouvert, ou réduit à un cercle de réseaux de contact et d'amis. Le degré d’implication des internautes peut être très variable, allant du simple soutien financier à la véritable collaboration et co-production avec le créateur" (wikipedia). Wiseed pour les start-up Wiseed est positionné sur le marché de financement d'amorcage des start-up sur le modèle du crowdfunding ... le capital risque versus 2.0. Babyloan pour les micro-entrepreneurs Le micro crédit pour les micro entrepreneurs. le premier site français de mise en relation des entrepreneurs ayant un besoin de financement pour leur projet professionnel et des investisseurs qui les soutiennent (un fac similé de Prosper aux USA et et de Communitylend au canada) Ulule pour les projets Une plateforme de financement et le collecte des fonds pour les projets. Mutuzz pour le numérique Financements de projets numériques et/ou artistiques. Dreamshake pour donner vis à ses rêves et pas seulement </b>*}
Kickstarter vs NEA with Real Numbers Kickstarter vs NEA with Real Numbers Feb 27, 2012 Clay Johnson Kickstarter by the Numbers Yancey posted a response to my post about the NEA and Kickstarter, and in it he states my numbers are inaccurate. First: they're not inaccurate for what it says they're representing. The design category does represent the largest portion of the top ten highly funded projects on Yancey has the data though, of course. In the comments of the last post, Yancey stated that 70% of Kickstarter's disbursements happened last year. Also: while Yancey's data is clearly more accurate than mine, I wonder if it is representative. Things like the Elevation Dock for 1.5 Million dollars or the Hidden Radio & Bluetooth Speaker are not only new -- they represent people purchasing an item before the item's being released. The site's more popular. That's the point: these things are not the same, and that things change. sidenote: There's other interesting things in Yancey's numbers to share.