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Bibliothèque publique d'information pour les professionnels

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Blog de la bibliothèque Louise Michel - Louise et les canards sauvages Page d'accueil ACIM Les yeux doc CMA | Canadian Museums Association Virtual Accessibility Interpreting a virtual reality art history experience for blind and partially-sighted users Peter Pavement Virtual Reality (VR) and other 3D digital environments are firmly back in fashion for the museum world — the latest wave of the technology has produced a variety of creative responses from the cultural heritage sector and its suppliers. Institutions have often used the technology as a new interpretation medium, to deliver explanations and narratives in an immersive environment. Others have used VR to go “beyond the walls” of their buildings (just as they have with previous examples of emerging media technologies), with a plethora of museum tours or digitally reproduced historic buildings made available for virtual visits. At the end of the second English Civil War (1648-1649), Charles I was beheaded and his collection broken up and sold off. There are two essential documents that provide evidence about the collection, both inventories of works. “St.

Blog des BU de Lille - C'est pas demain la veille Biblidroit | Projet de recherche sur le droit des biblitothèques – S.I.Lex – – "Rien ne serait pire que d'abandonner le droit à ceux qui ont profession de l'édicter" (Dardot/Laval)
