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3D Model Libraries Free Download, GDL Objects and 2D Shapes

3D Model Libraries Free Download, GDL Objects and 2D Shapes

Architecture Design Architectural Images Drawings History and More - ArchitectureWeek Great Buildings Free ArchiCAD Tutorials - Interactive Training Guides for Self Learning Commentary: Why the new Mac Pro will rock for ArchiCAD but not for Revit by Anthony Frausto-Robledo AIA, LEED AP | Architosh “Multiprocessing support is critical for the BIM database heavy processing, which involves model generation,” says Pfemeter. Graphisoft has updated its flagship BIM modelling tool, ArchiCAD, with a host of ‘themed’ new features and enhancements. by AECMagazine "Every Building Information Modelling (BIM) vendor claims to be ‘BIM’, but they usually come from a 2D document-centric world and offer a far less integrated solution than the latest ArchiCAD offering. ArchiCAD 17 Goes Deep With Intelligent Building Materials by CAD Insider "ArchiCAD has been in the forefront of architecture software for some time. Product In-Depth: Looking at Graphisoft ArchiCAD 17 by Anthony Frausto-Robledo AIA, LEED AP "Every spring it is fun to look forward to our early introductions to the newest version of Graphisoft ArchiCAD. For Graphisoft, ArchiCAD 17 is all about details ArchiCAD 17

How Cloud Computing Works" ­Let's say you're an executive at a large corporation. Your particular responsibilities include making sure that all of your employees have the right hardware and software they need to do their jobs. Buying computers for everyone isn't enough -- you also have to purchase software or software licenses to give employees the tools they require. Whenever you have a new hire, you have to buy more software or make sure your current software license allows another user. Soon, there may be an alternative for executives like you. In a cloud computing system, there's a significant workload shift. There's a good chance you've already used some form of cloud computing. What makes up a cloud computing system?

Gson User Guide - gson Serializing and Deserializing Collection with Objects of Arbitrary Types Sometimes you are dealing with JSON array that contains mixed types. For example: The equivalent Collection containing this is: Collection collection = new ArrayList(); collection.add("hello"); collection.add(5); collection.add(new Event("GREETINGS", "guest")); Where the Event class is defined as: class Event { private String name; private String source; private Event(String name, String source) { = name; this.source = source; You can serialize the collection with Gson without doing anything specific: toJson(collection) would write out the desired output. However, deserialization with fromJson(json, Collection.class) will not work since Gson has no way of knowing how to map the input to the types. Option 1: Use Gson's parser API (low-level streaming parser or the DOM parser JsonParser) to parse the array elements and then use Gson.fromJson() on each of the array elements.This is the preferred approach. Compact Vs.

NASA’s Nebula: The Cloud in a Container « Data Center Knowledge The Verari data center container housing the NASA Nebula cloud computing application arrives at Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. What do you get when you combine cloud computing and data center containers? You get NASA’s Nebula, the space agency’s new data powerhouse, which provides on-demand computing power for NASA researchers. Nebula was recently cited by federal CIO Vivek Kundra as an example of the government’s ability to “leverage the most innovative technologies.” The Nebula application lives in a 40-foot container at the NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. The “data center in a box” was built inside a FOREST container from Verari Systems, which is filled with Cisco Systems’ Unified Computing System and servers from Silicon Mechanics. Science Compute Power on Demand Nebula is a self-service platform built from open source software that provides high capacity computing, storage, and network connectivity for NASA research.

OpenStack Open Source Cloud Computing Software Why NASA uses Open Source - InternetNews:The Blog - Sean Michael Kerner From the 'Best Tech Isn't Necessarily in Area 51' files: With Billions of dollars and massive technology needs that are literally out-of-this-world, NASA has a lot of unique computing requirements. As it turns out, some of those requirements can be fulfilled by technology that isn't all that different from what regular enterprises need too. In order to save the data from distant spacecraft, satellites and other scientific endeavors, NASA is leveraging open source tech (including Ubuntu Linux) and regular enterprise networking components to meet their mission. I had the privilege of speaking with NASA's CTO for IT Chris Kemp this week around the OpenStack project in which NASA is participating. Kemp told me that NASA's Nebula cloud IT environment was built for science and research and has been optimized for low cost and massive scalability. He added that NASA is using KVM on Ubuntu's Lucid LTS.

OpenStack Wants to Be Android of The Cloud Say hello to OpenStack, an open-source cloud platform, which hopes to compete with several proprietary cloud platforms including those being developed by Microsoft and VMware. RackSpace is spearheading the project and is donating the code that powers its Cloud Files and Cloud Servers to the OpenStack project. The project is also going to incorporate technology from the Nebula Cloud Platform developed by NASA. Here are the key components of the platform: * a fully distributed object store based on Rackspace Cloud Files. (Available now for download.) * a scalable compute-provisioning engine based on the NASA Nebula cloud technology and Rackspace Cloud Servers. Research Report: Defining Internal Cloud Options: From Appistry to VMware Using the OpenStack software, any company can turn physical hardware into an internal/hybrid cloud platform. So far, the group has gained a lot of support, mostly from vendors. Manage OpenStack From iPhone Developers Developers Developers Commoditize the Cloud

OpenFlow GENI and IF-MAP Network Instrumentation and Measurement | IF-MAP What if you were designing the Internet from scratch? What capabilities would you build into it? How would the protocols work --- would you have chosen TCP/IP? The GENI project looks at all that and more, and takes a "clean-slate" approach to designing a next-generation network from scratch. GENI (short for Global Environment for Network Innovations) is sponsored by the National Science Foundation, and provides collaborative and exploratory environments for academia, industry and the public to find discoveries and innovation in emerging global networks. Gurkan's field is fiber optic communications, and she has been working to develop a conceptual design of a measurement platform for GENI, one that would enable cross-layer communications, make more power-efficient use of a network's resources, and build programmable measurements and instrumentation directly into the network itself. "Measurements can be a network resource, just like bandwidth," she explains. That's where IF-MAP comes in.

Tutorial Welcome to the OpenFlow tutorial! OpenFlow is an open interface for remotely controlling the forwarding tables in network switches, routers, and access points. Upon this low-level primitive, researchers can build networks with new high-level properties. For example, OpenFlow enables more secure default-off networks, wireless networks with smooth handoffs, scalable data center networks, host mobility, more energy-efficient networks and new wide-area networks – to name a few. This tutorial is your opportunity to gain hands-on experience with the platforms and debugging tools most useful for developing network control applications on OpenFlow. Innovate in your network! After completing this tutorial, please fill out the feedback form. Active ONS Tutorial Slides (4/16/2012): Main Slides pptx, pdf Virtualization Controller Showdown Deployment Experiences Archived Tutorial Slides: To get you started quickly, we provide a preconfigured virtual machine with the needed software. Pre-requisites Stuck?

Tools and Libraries OpenCL™ is the first truly open and royalty-free programming standard for general-purpose computations on heterogeneous systems. Open Computing Language allows programmers to preserve their expensive source code investment and easily target multi-core CPUs, GPUs, and the new APUs. Developed in an open standards committee with representatives from major industry vendors, OpenCL™ gives users what they have been demanding: a cross-vendor, non-proprietary solution for accelerating their applications on CPU, GPUs and APUs. AMD, an early supporter of OpenCL™, and leading innovator and provider of high-performance CPUs and GPUs, is uniquely positioned in this industry to offer a complete acceleration platform for OpenCL™. Getting Started with OpenCL™ Since AMD’s OpenCL™ release works on both x86 CPUs as well as AMD GPUs, you can get started coding in OpenCL™ immediately Tools & Libraries A variety of tools and libraries exists today for developers interested in writing OpenCL™ applications Training
