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Demolition of the Paris Metro

Demolition of the Paris Metro

La RATP lance des comptes Twitter dédiés à l’information trafic en temps réel Le 5 septembre 2012, la RATP a ouvert quatre comptes (@ligne1_RATP, @Ligne4_RATP, @Ligne12_RATP et @Ligne13_RATP sur le réseau social Twitter. Le 5 septembre 2012, la RATP a ouvert quatre comptes @Ligne1_RATP, @Ligne4_RATP, @Ligne12_RATP et @Ligne13_RATP sur le réseau social Twitter. Il s’agit d’un nouveau dispositif d’information voyageur permettant de suivre en temps réel l’état du trafic et l’actualité des lignes. C’est une expérience pilote sur trois mois avant une généralisation progressive du dispositif à l’ensemble des lignes de métro, de RER et de tramway. Le développement de nouvelles technologies représente une opportunité formidable pour la RATP, qui utilise tous ces nouveaux outils pour informer au mieux et au plus vite les voyageurs. Grâce à ces évolutions permanentes, la RATP est désormais en mesure de proposer à ses clients une information individualisée, au plus proche de leurs attentes, de manière à rendre les trajets toujours plus simples et plus fluides.

Algorithmic Essay-Grading: Teacher’s Savior Or Bane Of Learning? A contest is underway at data-crunching competition site Kaggle that challenges people to create “an automated scoring algorithm for student-written essays.” This is just the latest chapter in a generations-long conflict over the nature of teaching, and to that end it’s also just one of many inevitable steps along the line. Automated grading is already prevalent in simpler tasks like multiple-choice and math testing, but computers have yet to seriously put a dent in the most time-consuming of grading tasks: essays. Millions of students write dozens of essays every year, and teachers will often take home hundreds to read at a time. In addition to loading the teachers with frequently undocumented work hours, it’s simply difficult to grade consistently and fairly.

Deux groupes sanguins viennent d’être découverts : Junior et Langereis Les globules rouges, comme ceux sur l'illustration, sont les cellules du sang grâce auxquelles on détermine les groupes sanguins. Leur rôle consiste à apporter l'oxygène nécessaire à toutes les cellules de l'organisme et de conduire le dioxyde de carbone issu de la respiration jusqu'aux poumons, pour qu'il soit expiré. © Wellcome Images, Flickr, cc by nc nd 2.0 Deux groupes sanguins viennent d’être découverts : Junior et Langereis - 2 Photos Un groupe sanguin consiste en une classification du sang en fonction de l’absence ou de la présence de substances antigéniques à la surface des globules rouges, c'est-à-dire des molécules qui peuvent être reconnues par les anticorps du système immunitaire.

L’enfer de la ligne 13, il paraît que c’est fini Elle symbolise à elle seule la galère des transports parisiens, voire, à l'échelle du pays, le cauchemar quotidien des déplacements entre domicile et travail. Prononcer son nom, murmurer son chiffre porte-malheur, c'est déjà mettre un pied en enfer. Les habitués de la ligne 13 de la RATP, l'une des plus chargées du réseau, redoutent la promiscuité, la chaleur, les retards. Resources: Database: Norman Mailer, "The White Negro," Fall 1957, reprinted in Dissent, Winter 2008 Norman Mailer, "The White Negro," Fall 1957, reprinted in Dissent, Winter 2008 The White Negro (Fall, 1957) By Norman Mailer Norman Mailer ran in the Democratic primaries for mayor of New York City in 1969 with journalist Jimmy Breslin as his running mate (Breslin sought the nomination for President of the City Council). Their program called for New York City to secede from the state of New York.

A Better Strategy for Hangman I agree. My strategy has always been based on word patterns. In fact, I would go so far as to skip the first five letters in the "optimal solution to get a hit" as you can assume that those five letters are in the answer. If I see an N as the next to last letter, you can bet that my next three guesses are E, S, and G because those are the three most likely letters to follow (-INE, -ANE, -ONE, -NS, -ING). 'Tau day' marked by opponents of maths constant pi 28 June 2011Last updated at 09:46 By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News Fans of tau suggest it makes more sense than pi when describing fractions of a circle The mathematical constant pi is under threat from a group of detractors who will be marking "Tau Day" on Tuesday. Tau Day revellers suggest a constant called tau should take its place: twice as large as pi, or about 6.28 - hence the 28 June celebration. Tau proponents say that for many problems in maths, tau makes more sense and makes calculations easier. Not all fans of maths agree, however, and pi's rich history means it will be a difficult number to unseat.

The truth about AKB48’s Eguchi Aimi revealed! Fans suspicions about AKB48's12.5 generation member Eguchi Aimi being a "CG idol" have been confirmed! The features of Eguchi's face were taken from the members, which consists of Oshima Yuko (hair/body), Takahashi Minami (outline), Maeda Atsuko (eyes), Watanabe Mayu (eyebrows), Itano Tomomi (nose), and Shinoda Mariko (mouth). Twelfth generation AKB48 member Sasaki Yukari is confirmed to be the source of her voice as well. Additionally, fans correctly guessed the source of her profile information, which was posted on Glico's website as part of the promotion. Most of the information was based on the company, such as her birthday (which is the same day that Glico was founded in 1922) and her hometown of Osaka (where Glico's headquarters are based). Since the truth about Eguchi Aimi has finally come out, Glico has one more surprise up their sleeve for AKB48 fans.

Google: Bing Is Cheating, Copying Our Search Results Google has run a sting operation that it says proves Bing has been watching what people search for on Google, the sites they select from Google’s results, then uses that information to improve Bing’s own search listings. Bing doesn’t deny this. As a result of the apparent monitoring, Bing’s relevancy is potentially improving (or getting worse) on the back of Google’s own work. Google likens it to the digital equivalent of Bing leaning over during an exam and copying off of Google’s test. “I’ve spent my career in pursuit of a good search engine,” says Amit Singhal, a Google Fellow who oversees the search engine’s ranking algorithm. “I’ve got no problem with a competitor developing an innovative algorithm.

56 hours, 81m points, and the fall of Missile Command’s 30-year-old-record Some numbers just stick out. Joe DiMaggio hit safely in 56 straight games. UCLA Men's Basketball won 88 in a row. How to complete 'Snake' and accept the emptiness of life It takes 13 minutes and seven seconds to complete Snake, the decades-old game that enjoyed a renascence through Nokia's early mobile phones. 13 minutes, seven seconds, one hundred pellets. But what is this endless pursuit of pellets for? What reward lies at the end of this snake's insatiable desire for food?

If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It: Ancient Computers in Use Today It’s easy to wax nostalgic about old technology--to remember fondly our first Apple IIe or marvel at the old mainframes that ran on punched cards. But no one in their right mind would use those outdated, underpowered dinosaurs to run a contemporary business, let alone a modern weapons system, right? Wrong!
