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iPhone/iPad Apps for AAC

iPhone/iPad Apps for AAC
Home Support Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) Looking for the Apps for AAC list by Jane Farrall? It is now hosted on the Jane Farrall Consulting website What is AAC? AAC stands for Augmentative and Alternative Communication and it relates to all the tools and strategies that we use with people who have little or no speech. AAC tools can be low-tech options, such as symbol boards and communication books, as well as no-tech options such as Key Word Signing. With so many AAC apps available through the App Store, the Spectronics Consultancy Team would like to provide you with some tips and tools to help you find the right app. Top tips for successful AAC implementation: Choosing the right AAC app When considering AAC apps, you may want to consider: For more information and tools to help you match the right features for AAC apps, check out this blogpost App feature matching: an essential step. Spectronics APPraised AAC Apps Proloquo2Go Top 5 Features: Website links: Touch Chat Sonoflex TapSpeak Sequence

Autism Software & Support | Universal Design for Learning | VizZle Accelerations Educational Software | Powertools for Autism and Other Learning Disabilities Books and Products // Paula Kluth: Toward Inclusive Classrooms and Communities We Thought You'd Never Ask: Voices of People With Autism (DVD) In this revealing documentary, you will meet Barbara, Stephen, Kathy, Jamie, Sue, & Jenn, six adults with autism labels. They address questions such as “What is autism?”; “What is good about autism?” The purpose of this film is to communicate a message about personal power, agency, and voice.
