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What are 10 Addictive Types of Content?

What are 10 Addictive Types of Content?
Are you having problems driving traffic to your blog? Are you finding that no one is retweeting your content or sharing it on Facebook? When starting a blog the challenge for any blogger is providing content that will entice and delight your readers. Developing an antenna for creative ideas for content is a skill that can be developed. What I have found effective is to take notes when reading a book or after a meeting when customers provide insights into their business dilemmas. Everyone has Problems One thing to keep in mind is that every business or reader has day to day challenges and problems that they want help solving. Ideally you want your blog to become the industry resource or Bible that becomes the “Go To Portal” for your subscribers. Social Proof is Vital Do you have clients saying to you “What are some of your customers finding what works for them?” 10 Addictive Content Types 1. Example: 8 Great Twitter Tools That Will Get You Tweeting Like A Pro 2. Example 3. 4. Examples 5. 6. 7.

Blogging for SEO: How to Write Blog Posts That Rank Well A blog can be the most powerful web marketing tool at your disposal, but only if your ideal customers can find it. In this article I’ll show you some simple changes you can make to your own blog that will help increase your search engine visibility, drive more traffic to your blog and generate more leads and sales for your business. Start with keyword-rich topics. Why are blogs such powerful tools for SEO (search engine optimization) and online visibility? Because every blog post you write becomes another web page, and every web page is another opportunity to rank well for a specific search your ideal customer is doing right now. Or in a month. There are a number of ways to generate content ideas for your blog: Turn customer questions into “Dear Abby” style posts.Scour sites like Quora, Yahoo Answers, LinkedIn or other forums where your prospects may be asking questions.Take some keywords that you’d like to rank well for and run them through Google Adwords Keyword Tool. Warning!

120 Marketing Tactics for Blogging Success Blogging success can seem like a distant dream when you start out. You aren’t quite sure what to blog about. The choice of technology can be overwhelming. Then learning to use the features and functions of your blogging software is a maze of confusion and confronting choices. What plugins do I choose? Then you start and draft your first post. Then more doubt sets in. How do I write those awesome headlines that will draw attention? Then the killer doubt. Why would anyone want to hear what “I” have to say? So you push past the fears and you hit the publish button. Six months into your blogging journey more nagging fears arise. But world domination is felt to be more a fantasy than reality. Persistence is key This is maybe what you don’t want to hear. It is a matter of keeping the faith in yourself. Press on. My secret sauce recipe So what’s worked for me? What has sustained me and kept me ahead of the blogging curve can be summed up with three words, reading, writing and doing. Curiosity.

Can Blogging Be Your Secret Weapon For Local SEO? I get called frequently by local companies wanting a quick fix for local rankings. In many cases, they discover that local SEO doesn’t equate with a cheap shortcut to high rankings. Increasingly, local SEO is about ongoing, consistent online promotion activities. That’s where blogging comes in. Good blogging doesn’t have to be a back-breaking enterprise. Why Blogging Is Your Secret Weapon The cool thing is, a great many local businesses still are not blogging, so use of it as a search engine optimization tactic is still something of a secret weapon. Many local businesses in highly competitive categories have already done the straightforward things for optimizing their businesses to rank for local. Since all these businesses are doing essentially the same activities, they end up barely trumping the listings just below them in Google Local search results, and they may be frequently jostling, month after month, for the same slots. Advantages Of Blogging For Local SEO Use WordPress.

Twitter Local: How to Geo Target Tweets for Small Business Click Image to read why we need Geographically Targeted Group Blogs Small businesses and bloggers are missing enormous opportunities that can be easily accessed by creating geographically targeted Twitter accounts and blog content. By adding a local component to your social media accounts and blog, or creating accounts specifically to reach a location based audience, your Twitter account becomes far more valuable – for you and others. Any business that operates in a limited geographic area will want to implement these tips as will all bloggers – whether you think this applies to what you are doing or not. Read on to find out WHY your geolocation is your strongest niche. Small businesses probably already realize that a Twitter account with followers scattered around the world is unlikely to increase their local leads or sales. Are you a tiny fish lost in a HUGE ocean? When you are a tiny fish in an enormous ocean of 1000s or 1os of 1000s of Blogs in your niche –

[INFOGRAPHIC] Blogging: 3 Secrets To An A-List Blog Every blogger wants their blog to break through the ever-growing number of blogs to be top in their category. It’s the pot of gold at the end of our blogging rainbow that continues to elude almost everyone of us. This is in spite of how hard we work and out best intentions. The reality is many of us know the necessary components for breaking through, but we don’t know how to put them all together in the most effective way. To take your blog to the next level, here are the three secrets to creating an A-List blog. Here are details explaining the infographic. Connections. Build your network across social media platforms. Content. Craft magnetic headlines. Conversion. Sign up to receive email (or RSS feeds). While you may not become an A-List blogger, following these three secrets, namely connections, content and conversions, will improve your blog and help it to break through. Do you have any other secrets about blogging that you’d like to share? Happy marketing, Heidi Cohen

How to increase your blog following. Just show a little chest is all. I just got this on my Facebook wall: “Hi Kathy, you are my resident expert…I am trying to increase the audience of my new blog, Stepford Husband, do you have any tips or suggestions?” David’s post came with this picture on his blog: Now tell me, if you saw that wouldn’t you follow it? David, David, David, and you’re asking me for help? Ok, ok, so that’s not what you meant, but seriously, you are doing something right, VERY RIGHT, and I don’t think I need to tell you what that is. But I’ll tell you anyway. Satisfy them, then make them hunger for more. It doesn’t matter what your topic or how you present it, if you give your readers (or your voyeurs)… something that moves them (alright, don’t get any ideas),… delights them (now, now),… excites them (uh, oh),… or in any way leaves them with something memorable (oh my),… you’ve reached the pinnacle of success (yow!). This can be an an image, a video, a simple comment, or a treatise. As long as you’ve satisfied them (sorry, mom)… you’re doing it right.

7 Tips to Increase Your Blog Comments Does your blog put out a welcome mat for comments? Would you like more interaction on your blog? There are lots of blogs today, which means that people have many places where they can go to learn new things. If you don’t make people feel welcome, they may read and dash without leaving a comment. Here are 7 ways you can encourage your readers to leave comments. Tip #1: Check your blog comments settings Do you make it easy for someone to leave a comment? That might sound like a crazy question until you look closely at the comments settings available in the two most popular blogging platforms, WordPress and Blogger. Every business has a unique situation, so you need to consider your business blog comments options carefully. So how do you do that? On WordPress blogs: Make it easy for people to comment by only requiring commenters to provide their name and email address. The WordPress comment settings appear on the Discussion Settings page. On Blogger blogs: Tip #2: Ask for comments It’s your blog.
