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Technology Integration in a Cultural Diversity Classroom

Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. You can view samples of our professional work here. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Essays. I thought and thought about several disciplines in the Social Studies area that would be interesting to use. I looked at Geography and GPS. Cultural diversity is the variety of human societies or cultures in a specific region, or in the world as a whole (Wikipedia, 2010). Cultural diversity is increasing in the classrooms of school today. At I found this website that helps individuals learn languages free online. A great place to communicate and collaborate in the classroom or online is using Google Wave, This website gives students and teachers the ability to communicate with one another in a shared space by logging in to one site. Find out more

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Technology in the Classroom and the Arts Dolph Petris | October 2017 Perhaps the title of this article gives the impression that I believe we currently live in a virtual world, and that I would be providing classroom management tips and tricks for living in that said environment. However, note that the article title actually divides ‘Classroom Management’ and ‘Art in the Virtual World’ by the word and. This was done for two reasons. First ‘Classroom Management’ and ‘Art in the Virtual World’ are non-mutually exclusive, and as classroom teachers we need to hold on to that truth.

6 tips for teaching in a diverse classroom How much do you know about the cultural and linguistic backgrounds of your English learners? According to one researcher, this knowledge plays a key role in successfully teaching students for whom English is a second language. Read our Educational Equity White Paper: In her article, Arlette Ingram Willis says, “Effective literacy instruction builds upon the cultural and linguistic backgrounds, ways of making meaning, and prior knowledge that all children bring to the classroom.

The benefits of using technology in the classroom This year we may see national tech companies, such as Apple, Microsoft and Google, working together with the UK’s education system to ensure our graduates are future proofed against the rapidly changing demands of the modern workforce. It’s not just the tech giants who should be offering these skills to education centres, with the government recently challenging the technology sector to use their expertise to revolutionise learning in schools, colleges and universities. Schools, colleges, universities and any other education centres, also need to be more open to embracing the use of technology in the classroom. The Education Secretary, Damian Hinds, highlighted five challenges facing the education sector that tech companies can support, including fostering greater access and inclusivity, by developing more effective assessment methods and reducing administration.

The Value of Classroom Diversity ED TAF Patrick Kelly with students in his classroom in Columbia, South Carolina. (Photo courtesy Patrick Kelly) I am in my eleventh year teaching but often find my greatest educational epiphanies as a parent. One such moment occurred last spring when my daughter’s first grade class discussed de jure racial segregation of American society during the first half of the 20th century. How to Bring Diversity in The Classroom So how exactly do you bring diversity in the classroom? Read on to learn more. Understanding Diversity Diversity encompasses the many differences present in human beings. It is a term that may hold different meanings for different people, and one which has numerous applications. Login on Twitter / Twitter

5 Reasons to Incorporate Technology into Your Classroom – Capella University Blog Think that integrating technology into the classroom will only distract students and marginalize educators? Think again. Since students are already interested and engaged in technology, teachers can harness that attention for educational purposes. Incorporating the internet, laptops, tablets and even smartphones into the curriculum has many benefits for teachers and students alike. The Importance of Equity and Diversity in Art Education - For Harriet by Wisdom Baty I believe art has a universal language of engagement, transformation, and education. I've come to realize through teaching and parenting that art is not only vital to the growth of young people, it is necessary. Art creates a vehicle that can change the hearts and minds of people. For as long as I can remember, visual art has always been fun and challenging; it came natural to me.

It's Okay to Be Different: Teaching Diversity With Todd Parr Home › Classroom Resources › Lesson Plans Lesson Plan Student Objectives Session 1 10 Reasons Today’s Students NEED Technology in the Classroom Technology is everywhere--entwined in almost every part of our culture. It affects how we live, work, play, and most importantly learn. With mobile and other wireless devices like the IoT becoming an increasing requirement across every industry today, it only makes sense that our schools are also effectively deploying mobile technology in the classroom. However, for many schools, implementing the latest technology is a difficult strategy to navigate. There are two main reasons for this:

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