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The Future of Free Energy is here now! The end of oil, coal and nuclear pollution!

The Future of Free Energy is here now! The end of oil, coal and nuclear pollution!
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Attack on the pentagon results in discovery of new mathematical tile | Science In the world of mathematical tiling, news doesn’t come bigger than this. In the world of bathroom tiling – I bet they’re interested too. If you can cover a flat surface using only identical copies of the same shape leaving neither gaps nor overlaps, then that shape is said to tile the plane. Every triangle can tile the plane. Things get interesting with pentagons. The hunt to find and classify the pentagons that can tile the plane has been a century-long mathematical quest, begun by the German mathematician Karl Reinhardt, who in 1918 discovered five types of pentagon that do tile the plane. (To clarify, he did not find five single pentagons. Most people assumed Reinhardt had the complete list until half a century later in 1968 when R. That same year an unlikely mathematical pioneer entered the fray: Marjorie Rice, a San Diego housewife in her 50s, who had read about James’ discovery in Scientific American. But then the hunt went cold. I blog here about maths.

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my heterochromia. for all you homos WOMAD: A vegan debate - Sustainable Food Trust What to eat Last weekend I was invited as a guest of the sustainable energy company, Ecotricity, to speak at WOMAD, on the role of livestock in sustainable food systems. I was there to make the case for the benefits of sustainable livestock farming, whilst my opposition, Jasmijn de Boo of the Vegan Society, was promoting a vegan diet for a sustainable future. We need more vegans and vegetarians I don’t consider myself to be an extreme ‘pro-carnivore’ and I firmly believe that society’s relationship with meat needs some serious reconsideration. An estimated 60 billion land animals are killed each year to satisfy our desire for cheap meat. Conscious carnivore However, as much as I agree that we need to eat less meat generally, I am also comfortable with my role as a meat-eater. Taking a life is a meaningful act. In my case, the experience made me absolutely confident that meat is a product to be valued highly. Vegan philosophy The morality of meat and the pleasure of taste | Collecting all the cheat sheets Lucid Dreaming Synopsis[edit] This book attempts to teach the skills that can help you to have lucid dreams — dreams in which one knows he or she is dreaming. For the skeptical, lucid dreams have been scientifically demonstrated to exist. The ability to lucid dream will open your mind to a world of infinite possibilities as you become adept at taking control of your dreams. We will start by explaining how lucid dreaming works biologically. Next, the book will prepare you for lucid dreaming by helping you to remember more of your dreams (dream recall). Contents[edit] Before each target there is an image with a subjective indication of how complete that target is: Means that there is little information or the information there may not be reliable. Means that there is some information, but it's not very detailed or extensive. Means that much of the information is there, but it needs to be touched up or organized. Means that the information is basically complete. Introduction[edit] Dream Recall[edit] Using[edit]

Diez grandes novelas olvidadas | Cultura Esta pequeña selección recoge obras por completo olvidadas por el gran público y otras algo menos, algunas de ellas han tenido incluso numerosas ediciones en español pero, en todo caso, por sus méritos merecerían mucha más atención. 'La correspondencia de Fradique Mendes', José María Eça de Queirós La inteligencia y el humor incomparables de este genio de la literatura portuguesa y universal alcanzan cotas sorprendentes en esta obra. Junto a los valores habituales en la literatura de Eça de Queirós, su humor aquí es inigualable. 'Cuadernos de Serafino Gubbio operador', Luigi Pirandello Esta novela ha sido considerada por la crítica como lo mejor de Pirandello, junto con sus más renombradas obras de teatro. Serafino Gubbio es un cámara de cine cuya perplejidad ante el mundo nos traslada las inquietudes siempre presentes en la obra del genial Nobel italiano, y en particular el desasosiego del hombre ante la deshumanización de la nueva sociedad. 'Adiós a todo eso', Robert Graves
