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Free Online Piano Lessons
If you would like to submit your own fan video, artwork, and/or picture (i.e. you holding up a sign that says "I Love Zebra Keys!"), please submit to! We would really appreciate it! =D Name:Joseph ChimkupeteLocation: United KingdomYouTube Channel: tdotfamily 1.

Key Chords Key Chords app generates guitar chord progressions automatically. Use it free online, or get the app for Mac, Windows or iOS (iPad) - Click on a chord to preview how it sounds. - Drag and drop to arrange the chord progression - Tweak the settings to control the playback speed Or role the dice and Key Chords will automatically generate a nice sounding progression. Select a Key: Select a key and choose a the major or minor scale.

15 Online Background Generators April 22nd, 2009 by Webmasterish in Articles I think we all agree that backgrounds, whether viewed on a website, a mobile phone, or a desktop, act as a key visual element that could render the viewing experience from pleasant to utterly disturbing. Of course what we are interested in is to have a great looking background, and there are many simple ways to achieve that. This roundup is just about that. The list includes online generators that will easily create patterns, stripes, gradients and even tartans, all you have to do is download, tile, and impress!

Video: Sounds of Threat "Mental Instability" - Punks in Vegas Local punk rock band Sounds of Threat has released a new music video for their song “Mental Instability.” The song comes from their debut album Creature Of Habit, which you can purchase now via SquidHat Records. If you like what you hear, check out Sounds of Threat live at the SquidHat Records third annual showcase at the Double Down Saloon. Sounds of Threat will be playing the first night, Friday, January 23rd, 2015 and you can get more details for that gig via facebook. 10 Ways to Play the Most Beautiful Open Chord Shapes 10 Ways to Play the Most Beautiful Open Chord Shapes Part I A great way to make your chord progressions and songs sound awesome is to use open chord shapes. I always love to use these chords to add some flavor to my chord progressions.

Top 10 things to do before you hand in your essay 10. Spellcheck. It's obvious but often overlooked. 5 Things You Didn't Know About Nirvana Here we are now, entertain us ... with trivia. Nirvana's "Nevermind" was released on Sept. 24, 1991. The band's original record contract with Sub Pop only paid them $600, but this album would go on to sell 30 million copies worldwide. Perhaps they weren't always understood at the time -- MTV even misspelled the group's Moon Man award in 1992 as "Smells Like Team Spirit" -- but over the years Nirvana has certainly captured the zeitgeist for anyone who wishes to come as they are, no matter what team spirit they feel. Never mind Charles Barkley, here's five things you didn't know.

TextRoom TextRoom is a room of your own. Read GPLv3 It is a free (as in freedom and free beer) full screen text editor developed with especially writers in mind. TextRoom and all other similar editors share one goal: to get you writing right away by providing distraction free environment to your liking, as well as familiar set of keyboard shortcuts to control its behavior. If you don't feel comfortable already with your editor of choice, you may find it useful. Works on Windows, Ubuntu, Fedora and other Linux distributions. Meet the Burmese Punks Feeding the Country's Homeless Punks in Yangon handing out food to the city's homeless. Photos by Charlotte Bauer Every Monday night, a group of black-clad, silver-studded punks meet beneath the overpass bridge that crosses Sule Pagoda Road in downtown Yangon, to distribute food to people living on the streets. On the evening VICE attended, even after the torrential monsoon rain had turned gutters into rivers, about 30 punks and hangers-on had gathered to help combat Yangon's rising homelessness crisis. Given the big turnout, we were split into two groups before making our way around the city, handing out meals of fried rice, bananas, and bottled water.

Social Media Marketing Mistake Every Small Business Makes You constantly extend your virtual handshake in every possible direction... yet no one embraces it. Very few people follow, connect, or "like" you. Why? A History of the 27 Club ”Now he’s gone and joined that stupid club,” Kurt Cobain’s mother said in the wake of her son’s death in 1994. Cobain’s life had ended sensationally, overdosing on heroin and then shooting himself in his Seattle home. Wendy Cobain was talking about the club no one would want to join and yet an astounding number of musicians have: The 27 Club. To the uninitiated, this refers to the over 50 people who have achieved notoriety through popular music and also met their end at this precise age. This week marks the release of a new book which takes a look at this peculiar trend: 27: A History of the 27 Club Through the Lives of Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse (Da Capo Press, November 12) by Howard Sounes. Sounes isn’t a newcomer to writing about personalities like these, having previously published biographies of Bob Dylan, Charles Bukowski, and Paul McCartney.

Early 2000s Vegas hardcore documentary "Army of Kids" makes its way online - Punks in Vegas Army of Kids, an early 2000s documentary about the Vegas hardcore scene directed by Sasha Perry for CineVegas, has been converted from VHS and posted to YouTube. It’s an absolutely fascinating look at what the scene was like at the turn of the millennium, right before social media and file sharing really disrupted everything. It’s also interesting to see how much things have stayed the same, with venue woes, bands reluctant to make Vegas a regular stop on tour, and the public’s misconception on what the scene is about, remaining ever constant. According to Perry: It was a small scene so we went to every show, didn’t matter the genre, and saw the same kids.

Top 10 Fonts Web Designers Love [Infographic] Ever wonder what fonts other web designers prefer to use in their work? Ever wonder if your choice of font can help you set you apart from the rest? Ever wanted to know the answers to a question so badly that you would carry out a research to find out? Fellow web designer and writer of, Tomas Laurinavicius did just that. Granted it’s not a large sample size but the research revealed some interesting information like 3 Top 10 lists of fonts designers most love, most popular free fonts and most popular premium ones.

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