Eastward Missions Pickle Publishing: Publishers of "100% Vegetarian" Home | The Biblical Timeline Uchee Pines User Account Behold The Lamb Of God By Brother Aaron Earnest Topics: Behold, Lamb Of God, Aaron Earnest, Jesus, Gospel, Salvation, Redemption, Bible, Grace,... The Astonishing Doctrine By Brother Aaron Earnest Topics: Astonishing, Doctrine, Aaron Earnest, Bible, Jesus, Gospel, Salvation, Redemption, Teachings,... Civil (See Evil) War State Of RuiNation by brother Aaron Earnest Topics: Civil War, See Evil, State Of RuiNation, Divided, Division, Unity, Family, Country, Rebellion,... Book History Jesuits The History Of Romish Treasons & Usurpations By Henry Foulis Topics: Jesuits, History, Loyola, IHS, Rome, Papacy, Roman Catholic, Black Pope, Illuminated, Illuminati,... Book History Jesuits The Jesuits Catechism By A H Etienne Pasquier Topics: Jesuits, Catechism, A H Etienne Pasquier, History, Loyola, IHS, Rome, Papacy, Roman Catholic, Black... Pfizer DOC - Pfizer Vaccine Side Effects Topics: Pfizer, Vaccine, Pfizer DOC, Injury, Injuries, Excipient, List, Vaxxed Sworen In - Do You Solemnly Swear?
Shepherd's Call Ministry - Message • Music • Media Homepage White Horse Media | Steve Wohlberg Three Co-Eternal Persons — ADvindicate Anti-Trinitarianism is starting again to make headway in certain circles of conservative Adventism. Typically, those drawn to these views adhere to—or find themselves attracted to—one or both of the following theories: That Jesus, at some distant point in eternity past, was brought forth (or begotten) by the Father.That the Holy Spirit is not a separate divine Person, but is rather the spiritual presence of the Father and the Son. Faithful Seventh-day Adventists should never permit themselves to be surprised or spooked by controversy. Long ago Ellen White warned the church: The days are fast approaching when there will be great perplexity and confusion. But we need not despair, for the same writer assures us: Not one cloud has fallen upon the church that God has not prepared for; not one opposing force has risen to counterwork the work of God but He has foreseen. To the law and to the testimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them (Isa. 8:20).
The Holy Spirit - Third Person of the Godhead An extensive survey of the Ellen G. White CD ROM shows the following terms applied to the Godhead: "The Father, Son and Holy Spirit" — appears 97 times (some repeats of the same phrase were found in compilations and daily readers). It is used in conjunction with the following terms: "three-fold name" "Godhead" "eternal heavenly dignitaries" examples: Counsels on Health p 222— "The Godhead was stirred with pity for the race, and the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit gave Themselves to the working out of the plan of redemption." Please note that ALL THREE "gave Themselves" for our redemption. Manuscript Releases, Volume 6, p 163— "These three all cooperate in the great work of the covenant made by baptism in the sight of the heavenly universe." Are the terms "Father," "Son," and "Holy Spirit" used to define the "attributes of the divine nature" in language our finite minds can comprehend? example: "Three dignitaries of heaven"— used only one time:
Who is the Holy Spirit? (a Bible study) There is no personal name for the Third Person of the Godhead. The Bible does not give us His name. There are various appellations applied to Him throughout Scripture, but they divulge nothing of His personality. They show instead His office and His work, and the relationship which He maintains between God and fallen man in the plan of salvation. He is known variously as the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of the LORD, the Comforter. Just as "Word" is used to suggest Christ's unique position as the mouthpiece for the Invisible God, so does the term "Holy Spirit" designate the One who supervises the implanting of God's own nature in the lives of His sons—and daughters—elect. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS A PERSON: having the characteristics of personality THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD: having all the attributes of God NAMES OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (87 from both the Old and New Testaments)
Free Book Library in English | Amazing Facts Search Media By » Collection Scripture Topic Language Search Featured Book: Featured Book: Holy Spirit - The Need Every day approximately 44,000 lightning storms occur throughout the world, with lightning striking the earth 6,000 times a minute. Continue Reading Bible Study | Free Book Library | Bible Study Guides | Storacles of Prophecy Please choose a language BulgarianChineseEnglishFrenchGermanIndonesianLatvianPortugueseRomanianRussianSpanishSwedish Free Book Library - English Absent From The Body What happens to us after we die? Topic: Death | Soul Sleep Alone In The Crowd How can you be part of the group without compromising your principles? Topic: Trials Amazing Wonders of Creation God's creation or Evolution? Topic: Creation & Evolution America & the Ten Commandments From prayer in schools to God's Law displayed in courthouses, the cultural battle is soon to ignite ... Topic: Law | Commandments Anything But Secret The rapture has become the prevailing interpretation of Christ’s second coming. AddToAny