Related: Business Website URLs • Business Websites • Business Websites • Businesses • Business Websites, URLsHausbetreuung in Wien 1210 - A.S.S. Anlagen Service System GesmbH Wir pflegen Ihr Stiegenhaus, befreien Treppen und Geländer von Schmutz und entfernen hartnäckige Schlieren von Ihren Fenstern. Wir kehren Ihren Hof, entsorgen Gerümpel, reinigen Liftkabinen, kehren Dachboden und Keller und vieles mehr. Unsere Mitarbeiter kümmern sich um Ihr Haus und sorgen für Sauberkeit zum Wohlfühlen – Hausbetreuung von A.S.S.! Ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Herausforderungen messen wir uns an den höchsten Qualitätsansprüchen. Zu unseren Tätigkeiten im Bereich der Hausbetreuung zählen: Grundreinigung, Stiegenhausreinigung, Fenster- und Fassadenreinigung, Hausbesorger-Vertretung, Winterdienst (Haftungsübernahme gemäß StVO), Bauendreinigung nach Handwerkerarbeiten, Entrümpelung und Vieles mehr. Mit vollem Einsatz bringen wir Ihr Büro wieder auf Hochglanz und sorgen dafür, dass Sie bei Mitarbeitern, Kunden und Besuchern einen erstklassigen Eindruck hinterlassen. Auf die Fähigkeiten unserer Mitarbeiter können Sie bauen – seit 1995 A.S.S. Senden Sie uns Ihre Anfrage
Preschool Classes Available for Copley OH KYLIE ROSE'S RUN/BAGS OF LOVE - Akron Children's Hospital We collect small activity items for kids and then sew small bags to put them in. We then donate to them patients at Akron Children's Hospital. Additionally, every August we host a 5K run to raise money for the patients at Akron Children's Hospital. Our preschool participates in the "PAJAMA PROGRAM of Eastern Ohio" providing pajamas, and books to children who are removed from their homes under emergency circumstance. HAVE A HEART - DO YOUR PART Change Bandits for Akron Children's Hospital.
Full Service Clinical Research Organization | Palm Beach CRO Towing in San Antonio, TX | Fireball Towing & Recovery Multicultural Preschool in Fairlawn, OH | Fairlawn Village Preschool We are recognized by a variety of local school districts, including: Akron Public SchoolCopely-FairlawnJudy Resnick ElementaryRevereSt. Hilary'sThe Elms We also participate in several community outreach programs. The Pajama Program of Eastern Ohio provides pajamas and books to children who have been evacuated from their homes. The Have a Heart - Do Your Part change drive collects spare change that is donated to the Akron Children's Hospital. If you want your child to attend a multicultural preschool in the Fairlawn and West Akron, OH, area, consider Fairlawn Village. Fairlawn Village Preschool was founded by Rosemary Forman in 1962. Our kids make the difference At Fairlawn Village, we use Piaget's theory of comprehensive development to create our programs. All our classes incorporate language arts, math, science, music, and art.
Graduation Stoles. Online Stole Builder. Free Shipping Refrigeration Repair Services in Merced, CA If you need heating, ventilation, air conditioning, or refrigeration repair in the Merced, CA, area, call Modern Air Mechanical Contractors to get the job done. We are a full-service heating and air conditioning contractor located within the community we serve. We understand the importance of quality work, as well as honesty and integrity in the recommendations we make to our customers, and have proudly served the Merced, CA, community since 1983. With active commercial construction jobsites across central and northern California, Modern Air Mechanical is proud to have partnered on large commercial projects with Amazon, Four Seasons Resorts, UPS, Yosemite National Park, UC Merced, Fresno State University, and dozens of private and public schools across central California. Our Refrigeration and HVAC Specialties Modern Air Mechanical specializes in the following: We install HVAC equipment for commercial, industrial, municipal, and residential clients. Our Service Guarantee
Preschool Classes for Richfield, OH | Fairlawn Village The five year old program has a maximum of eighteen children with one head teacher and one assistant. The focus of this program is refining gross and fine motor skills. Language arts continues with oral language, letter recognition and sounds, classification and role playing. Math concepts are continued with patterning, graphing, counting and one to one correspondence. Pre-K skills taught. Teacher Ratio: 1/9 All classes incorporate math, language arts, music, art and science for a solid academic foundation. EARLY RISERS - Drop-off is available with reservations from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. ($6/hr. or $3/ half hr.) EXTENDED CARE CLASS - Offered daily from 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ($6.00/HR.) CHEF COMBO CLASS - Offered once per month with reservations. 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. ALL ABOUT DANCE CLASS - Offered every Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. TUMBLING CLASS - Offered every Thursday, 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. MIGHTY KICKS SOCCER - Offered in Fall and Spring (Outside instructor.)
Kinderzahnspange in Linz Mit einer Kinderzahnspange sorgen Sie dafür, dass die Zähne Ihres Kindes nicht nur schön aussehen, sondern auch funktional einwandfrei sind. Gerne untersuchen wir das Kiefer und die Zähne Ihres Kindes, um festzustellen, ob und welche Kinder Zahnspange ideal ist. In unserer Ordination in Linz finden wir immer eine optimale Lösung für Ihr Kind im Alter von 12 bis 18 Jahren. Abnehmbare oder festsitzende Zahnspangen Zahnspangen gibt es mittlerweile in verschiedensten Ausführungen. Wir begleiten Ihr Kind auf seinem Weg zu einem gesunden, strahlenden Lächeln Die Zähne müssen natürlich nicht nur funktionalen Anforderungen entsprechen, sondern auch optischen. King County | Pedigo Piano Inc When you really think of a piano and the importance it can be in your life or the life of a family member, it just makes sense to "do your shopping" and do it well. We, at Pedigo Piano, take pride in working with people on a one-on-one basis, either by phone or in person. We will set down with you, asking questions to help find out what your are looking for or what you are hoping to find. You will experience, very quickly, our depth of knowledge that has been seasoned with 55 years of experience, ranging from playing the piano to tuning and all forms of piano repair and rebuilding to assist you in making that "Right Decision" on a life time product, yes, a life time product. Think of a piano as a tool or an extension to your hands. We will aid you in dodging the pitfalls of un-educated, lacking experience, piano purchasing decisions. Sincerely, John L. President Pedigo Piano Inc.
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