Clojure Notes Learning Clojure Some paragraphs in [ ] are author notes. They will be removed as the page matures. You should be able to read the text OK if you ignore these notes. This Book is currently being restructured to better satisfy the wikibooks standard. For detailed coverage of Clojure, consult the language and API reference at Clojure (read as closure), is a powerful, lisp-1 programming language designed by Rich Hickey and designed to run on the Java Virtual Machine. Getting Started[edit] History A brief history of the Clojure language. Installation Learn how to install Clojure on Windows, Linux, and Mac Learn how to launch the REPL execution system and the classic "Hello World" application Basics[edit] Basic Syntax Describes the basics in how the applications you write will be interpreted Coding Conventions Quickly describes the generally accepted conventions for Clojure. Functional Programming The entities used to store data of various shapes Namespaces Basic Operations Explains how use essential functions
Clojure - Functional Programming for the JVM by R. Mark Volkmann, Partner Object Computing, Inc. (OCI) last updated on 6/2/13 Contents Introduction The goal of this article is to provide a fairly comprehensive introduction to the Clojure programming language. Please send feedback on errors and ways to improve explanations to, or fork the repository and send a pull-request. You said X, but the correct thing to say is Y. Updates to this article that indicate the "last updated" date and provide a dated list of changes will be provided at Code examples in this article often show the return value of a function call or its output in a line comment (begins with a semicolon) followed by "->" and the result. (+ 1 2) ; showing return value -> 3 (println "Hello") ; return value is nil, showing output -> Hello Functional Programming Functional programming is a style of programming that emphasizes "first-class" functions that are "pure". In practice, applications need to have some side effects.
Clojure Cheatsheets Casting SPELs with Clojure - Home - Anyone who has ever learned to program in Lisp will tell you it is very different from any other programming language. It is different in lots of surprising ways - This comic book will let you find out how Lisp's unique design makes it so powerful ! This tutorial was adapted for Clojure, an exciting new dialect of Lisp running on the Java Virtual Machine. Most of the time, we will say "Lisp" instead of "Clojure", since most of the concepts presented apply to Lisp in general - we will point out the places where Clojure handles things a little different. Since Clojure is based on the JVM, you will need to have Java installed on your system. For the examples in this tutorial, simply unpack the archive, open a command line tool and switch to Clojure's main directory. java -jar clojure.jar If everything is working correctly, you should see Clojure's input prompt, which should look similar to this: Clojure 1.1.0 user=> This tutorial has small bits of Clojure code written in '(these kinds of boxes)
Basic Web Development | Clojure Documentation | Clojure Docs This guide covers building a simple web-application using common Clojure libraries. When you're done working through it, you'll have a little webapp that displays some (x, y) locations from a database, letting you add more locations as well. It's assumed that you're already somewhat familiar with Clojure. If not, see the Getting Started and Introduction guides. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License (including images & stylesheets). The source is available on Github. This guide uses Clojure 1.5, as well as current versions of the component libraries noted below. Conceptual Overview of Components We'll use four major components (briefly described below) for our little webapp: RingCompojureHiccupH2 Ring Ring (at clojars) is a foundational Clojure web application library. For this tutorial, we won't actually need to deal with these maps by-hand, as you'll soon see. For more info, see: Compojure Hiccup [:p "Hello, " [:i "doctor"] " Jones."] becomes See Also
Learn Clojure Clojure Atlas – An experimental visualization of the Clojure language and its standard library home