A Detailed Visual Guide To Distributed Project-Based Learning Project-based Learning is a passion of ours at Edudemic. We’ve seen how effective it can be in and out of the classroom. Quite simply, it provides the opportunity for students to learn from each other, get their hands dirty, work in an active learning environment, and to simply have fun at school. What could be better than that? PBL teachers are typically on the lookout for PBL-aligned apps and web tools that can bolster their powerful learning environment. In an effort to help those teachers out, Katie and I found a fabulous new visual diagram that’s all about which apps and tools go with the different parts of distributed project-based learning. This chart reminds me a bit of the popular ‘Padagogy Chart’ by Allan Carrington we shared here on Edudemic. This diagram breaks down the different phases and goals of PBL into bite-size chunks. As you can see, the tools and apps are all organized quite neatly into each phase. Want a bigger version of this incredible diagram? Source: Visual.ly
Taksonomia Blooma, Krathwohla i Simpsona - E-learning - notatki projektanta Zapytałem Wujka G o szkolenie sprzedażowe. Trafiłem na ofertę szkoleniową, w której trener informuje mnie o celach w taki sposób: „W trakcie wykładów uczestnicy szkolenia zobaczą w jaki sposób stosować technikę sprzedaży X”. Mam nauczyć się techniki X poprzez zobaczenie jej? Forma wykładu? Co to jest taksonomia Blooma? Taksonomia mimo, że stworzona w 1956 i później rozwijana, do dziś jest bardzo użytecznym narzędziem. Po co mi to narzędzie? Taksonomia Blooma składa się z trzech sfer aktywności edukacyjnych: Don Clark przyrównuje trzy sfery taksonomii Blooma opracowane w szkolnictwie wyższym, do odpowiednika w branży szkoleń – modelu KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes/Abilities) – kompetencji niezbędnych do wykonywania określonej pracy w podziale na wiedzę, postawy i zdolności oraz umiejętności: Każda ze sfer/kategorii dzieli się na kategorie – poziomy zaawansowania – od najprostszego zachowania uczącego się do najbardziej złożonego. Sfera kognitywna dzieli się na 6 głównych kategorii:
PopSci While the body sleeps, the brain is busy filing away the day's activities, processing memories so they can be recalled later on. Under the influence of Ambien, sleep has been shown to improve recall of bad memories. But new research shows that what sleep giveth, it can also take away: Fearful memories can be extinguished through naptime exposure to a scary stimulus. A recent study from neuroscientists at Northwestern University's medical school found that the fearful memories brought up by a specific odor could be reduced by exposing participants to that odor repeatedly as they snoozed. The researchers induced fear, as measured through sweat and fMRI scans, by giving people mild electric shocks. While they were being shocked, the participants saw two different faces and smelled a specific odor for each. "If it can be extended to pre-existing fear, the bigger picture is that, perhaps, the treatment of phobias can be enhanced during sleep."
Extended Essay - IB History An extended essay in history provides students with an opportunity to undertake in-depth research in an area of history of genuine interest to them. The outcome of the research should be a coherent and structured essay that effectively addresses a particular issue expressed as a research question, or, if this is unsuitable, a hypothesis. Students writing their extended essay in history are strongly advised to use a research question.Assessment Criteria Criterion A: research question Criterion B: introduction Criterion C: investigation Criterion D: knowledge and understanding of the topic studied Criterion E: reasoned argument Criterion F: application of analytical and evaluative skills appropriate to the subject Criterion G: use of language appropriate to the subject Criterion H: conclusion Criterion I: formal presentation Criterion J: abstract Criterion K: holistic judgment
Science education myths that keep us from fixing the system. Photo by Leah Anne Thompson/iStockphoto. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education is critical in the high-tech global marketplace that has replaced the industrial economy. Unfortunately, American students perform poorly on international assessments of math and science knowledge. In 2005, Bill Gates said, “When I compare our high schools to what I see when I’m traveling abroad, I am terrified for our workforce of tomorrow.” One challenge to reforming our educational system is that politicians and voters think they know what’s wrong with American schools—after all, they went through the system themselves. Here are five of the myths that are making it difficult for us to fix science education. 1. FACT: The mantra from many educators and policy-makers for a quarter-century has been to lament the decline of American schools. The fact that we score poorly now does not mean that our educational system has deteriorated. 2. 3. 4. It’s like pouring water into a sieve. 5.
The Activity Idea Place High School: How Can Science Be Used to Help Make Our Lives Better? Unit submitted by Next Generation Science Storylines. Denver Public Schools teachers, working with a team of researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder and Northwestern University, designed this unit. Scientists are part of the team and have reviewed all content for accuracy. Rating: Quality Work in Progress Science Discipline: Life Sciences Length: Unit This high school unit on genetics starts out with students making observations and posing questions about what they see in a brief video that depicts boys who have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). It is the second unit in the inquiryHub (iHub) high school biology full-year curriculum. How Can Science Be Used to Help Make Our Lives Better? Peer Review Panel Feedback
Harvard Education Publishing Group Show, Tell, Build Twenty Key Instructional Tools and Techniques for Educating English Learners Joyce W. Nutta, Carine Strebel, Florin M. Mihai, Edwidge Crevecoeur Bryant, and Kouider Mokhtari cloth, 240 Pages Pub. Add to Cart paper, 240 Pages Pub. Building upon the theoretical and practical foundation outlined in their previous book, Educating English Learners, the authors show classroom teachers how to develop a repertoire of instructional techniques that address K–12 English learners (ELs) at different English proficiency and grade levels, and across subject areas. Show, Tell, Build is organized around two decision maps for planning and implementing differentiated instruction for ELs: the Academic Subjects Protocol (for teachers of academic subjects) and the Language Arts Protocol (for teachers of language arts). Praise Expertly written and elegantly crafted, Show, Tell, Build is a comprehensive guide for English learner instruction, K–12. MoreLess About the Authors Joyce W.
1 A New Conceptual Framework | A Framework for K-12 Science Education: Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas More generally, this framework should not be interpreted as limiting advanced courses that go beyond the material included here—all students at the high school level should have opportunities for advanced study in areas of interest to them, and it is hoped that, for many, this will include further study of specific science disciplines in honors or AP courses. Such course options may include topics, such as neurobiology, and even disciplines, such as economics, that are not included in this framework. Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Although some aspects of the behavioral sciences are incorporated in the framework as part of life sciences, the social, behavioral, and economic sciences are not fully addressed. First, the original charge to the committee did not include these disciplines. Fourth, understanding how to integrate the social, behavioral, and economic sciences into standards, given how subjects are currently organized in the K-12 system, is especially complex.
jultika.oulu Tutkielmani aihe liittyy Suomessa käynnissä oleviin valtakunnallisiin perusopetuksen ja lukion opetussuunnitelmien uudistuksiin. Aiheesta käydyissä keskusteluissa on noussut esille ilmiöpohjaisuuden nostaminen osaksi opetusta. Tässä tutkielmassa selvitän mitä tuo ilmiöpohjaisuus tarkoittaa ja miten sitä voidaan hyödyntää maantieteen opetuksessa ja oppimisessa. Tarkastelen aihetta suomalaisessa koulutuksessa ja opetussuunnitelmissa. Tutkimus on toteutettu syksyn 2013 aikana yhteistyössä Raahen, Vihannin ja Pyhäjoen lukioiden kanssa. see all
Scientific Practices 8 Awesome English Vocabulary Apps to Easily Learn New Words Growing your English vocabulary is like growing a garden. It takes time and effort every day. You need the right strategies to be successful. And if you do it well, the results are so rewarding. In this article, we’ll help you grow your own beautiful, full garden of English words using eight fantastic vocabulary apps. Each app is unique in its own way. Let’s get growing! How Do Vocabulary Apps Help You Learn English Words Faster? Many vocabulary apps are designed to help you learn words faster and remember them better, compared to traditional teaching methods. They usually have relevant vocabulary to suit your needs: English learners have diverse needs. Therefore choosing resources to cater to your needs is very important. They’re often in the form of interesting and engaging games that make it more fun: You’re not likely to remember much if you memorize a bunch of words from a list. Based on your needs and preferences, you can take your pick! Word of the Day FluentU Voxy Catena 4 Pics 1 Word Voxy
Ops- ja kompetenssipohjaa ilmiöpohjaiselle lukuvuodelle | Verkkopedagongi Uuden lukuvuoden ilmiöitä suunniteltaessa syntyi tarve rakentaa malli, joka tukisi tulevaisuuden avaintaidoissa kehittymistä, jossa opetussuunnitelman yleiset ja oppiainekohtaiset tavoitteet olisi huomioitu, ja joka olisi muunneltavissa ja toistettavissa lukuvuodesta toiseen. Opetussuunnitelman erilaisen toteutustavan pohtimisen taustalla oli myös yleissivistävän koulutuksen osakseen saama kritiikki ja uudistustarve (ks. esim. aiemmat tekstit: lukiokoulutuksen kehittämistyöryhmän muistio, Lukion tulevaisuus 2030 -raportti ja lukiolaisten korkeakouluvalmiudet). Yhtä uuden yleissivistyksen punaisista langoista voisi kuvata osallisuutena omaan elämään. Siihen liittyvät niin itsetuntemus eri osa-alueineen ja vastuu omista valinnoista kuin aktiivinen kansalaisuus, oman kulttuuri-identiteetin tuntemus ja globaali vastuuntuntokin. “Minä” maailman ja todellisuuden kehien keskiössä ei korosta yksilöä itseään vaan pikemminkin hänen suhdettaan kaikkeen ympäröivään.
Toimikas: otavanopisto Yleissivistävän koulutuksen uudet opetussuunnitelmat tulevat käyttöön syksystä 2016 alkaen, kolmen lukuvuoden kuluttua siis. Otavan Opistossa ajateltiin, että nyt onkin oiva tilaisuus tehdä kolmivuotissuunnitelmaa, miettiä, mitä vielä ehtii ja haluaa opettaa vanhojen ops:ien mukaan. Samalla seuraavien vuosien lv-suunnitteluaikaa vapautuu ops-työhön, samoin tämä mahdollistaa pitkäjänteisemmän opintojen suunnittelun myös opiskelijoille. Ilmiöpohjainen opetussuunnitelma rakentuu viiden "todellisuuden kehän" varaan. Opiskelijat, opettajat ja yhteistyökumppanit olivat mukana valitsemassa tulevan kolmivuotisen ilmiöitä. Lukion opetussuunnitelman yleinen osa on yhtenä taustana kehäajattelussa, oppiainekohtainen osa puolestaan on purettu ilmiöittäin. Kuluva lukuvuosi on ensimmäinen, jota toteutetaan tällaisen suunnittelun avulla. Tiina Airaksinen verkkopedagogi, Otavan Opiston opetussuunnitelmat-yksikön vetäjä tiina.airaksinen@otavanopisto.fi