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La primera gran virtud del hombre fue la duda y el primer gran defecto la fe (Carl Sagan)

La primera gran virtud del hombre fue la duda y el primer gran defecto la fe (Carl Sagan)

Microsiervos: un blog divulgativo sobre ciencia, tecnología e Internet Colectivo Científico - Inicio Asociación Escéptica de Chile The Brights' Net - Who are The Brights? 2º ESO The Skeptic's Dictionary La pizarra de la ciencia | Un blog para aprender, enseñar, disfrutar y divertirse con la ciencia. The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine Crea y aprende con Laura Tecnología ESO. Sagrado Corazón de Placeres (Pontevedra) BLOG DE CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGÍA Gaussianos Science | The Creativity Post TheCreativityPost Quality content on creativity, innovation and imagination science Reverse Engineering the Brain By Joel Frohlich | Mar 16, 2018 | Can we learn everything about the brain by studying individual brain cells? No, You’re Not Left-Brained or Right-Brained By The Creativity Post | Mar 01, 2018 The idea that each of us are right-brained or left-brained is a myth. Not Everything Is An Interaction By Brian Boutwell | Oct 12, 2017 | Why is it wrong to say that all development is the product of interactions between genes and environment? Heritability and why Parents (but not Parenting) Matter By Brian Boutwell | Sep 06, 2017 | To be blunt, most of what you think you know regarding why parents matter is very likely wrong. Cheerleading with an Agenda: How the Press Covers Science By The Creativity Post | Dec 19, 2016 Media uses PR efforts, rather than critical thinking, to navigate the complex interface of science and society. 1 2 3 > Last › Twitter

