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TOP Google Plus Photos for September 27 Speak your mind! You can leave a comment at the Google+ post that is connected to this set of top photos: What is Plus Extract? It's your DAILY dose of TOP Google Plus photographs, which were chosen by an algorithm that combines automatic steps and manual curation. We strongly respect the authors and their rights. facebook, social,hacking Home » Hacks & tricks A useful but probably unintended side effect of the new Timeline profile, is that it allows you to very easily see who unfriended you on Facebook over the past few years. All credit to Matt Stopera for the screenshots below. And we’ll mention this video again with instructions on how to enable Timeline for your profile. UPDATE: Facebook addressed this issue and removed all ‘lost’ friends from the yearly new friends lists. 1) Select a year in the sidebar (TIP: Start with the year you joined Facebook and work your way to 2011) 2) Look for the Friends box that shows how many new friends you made 3) Click on the number of new friends 4) Those with an “Add Friend” button next to them are the people who unfriended you (or where unfriended by you) 5) Feel bad all day wondering why X unfriended you back in 2007.

Facebook Profile Headers Pimp any Facebook profile with Profile Headers and add a striking image or personal message to the photostream banner at the top. Update: With the advent of Timeline, Profile Headers has become obsolete. Sign up for the launch of Facebook Timeline Covers. "It's seriously awesome!" --Reface your Facebook. "We know, and we're still adding features..." "Wait! (login with Facebook first, then scroll down) Example: I Love... Example: Crime Scene Banners Preset Privacy policy. SEO for Non-dicks - Matt Legend Gemmell I recently read an account of John McElborough’s talk at Brighton SEO 2011, wherein he advocated some ethically questionable SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) tactics involving creating a private network of fake blogs. I don’t know John or his work, but this entire side of internet marketing and promotion makes me sad – and a bit angry. I fully acknowledge the value of, and need for, actual SEO; I just think that in many cases, the tactics employed under that title would better be described as Search Engine Manipulation or even Abuse. I periodically check my blog’s referrers, and there are a huge number of sites out there containing duplicate content and links, some of them extremely convincing when viewed in isolation. I’m asked sometimes for advice on building an internet presence, and I usually have to fumble for an answer – because I haven’t pursued any particular strategy beyond the glaringly obvious: create original, relevant content repeatedly. And so forth.

Top 20 Photo Storage and Sharing Sites Looking for the best way to store and share your photos? You’re not alone! There are many fantastic sites for photo sharing and we’ve rounded up the top twenty. One or more of these are bound to meet your needs and much more. We’ve rounded up the top twenty absolute best photo storage and sharing sites, including pricing, storage, accepted file types and other core information to make your decision even easier. Flickr, Picasa and SmugMug Shootout The following twenty photo sharing sites are listed in order—somewhat. If you haven’t had a chance, be sure to read our comparison of the top three photo sharing sites here, Flickr, Picasa and SmugMug Shootout. If you know of a site that should’ve been on this list, please let us know by leaving a comment below. Flickr 1. Flickr, one of the most popular photo sharing sites on the web, is one of the most community oriented photo sharing sites available. SmugMug 2. For professionals, it doesn’t get much better than SmugMug. Picasa Web Albums 3. Phanfare

Tonido - Run your own Personal Cloud Solve Puzzles for Science | Foldit Rexly By Eric Garland [Update: Rexly duderino Joel Resnicow has written a better and more informative announcement. Please read his first.] Tonight I’m feeling reflective, on the eve of the announcement that we have acquired iPhone social music star Rexly and that the Rexly team will establish our new San Francisco presence, Live Nation Labs North, or LN² as it’s already known around here. I’m feeling reflective (in addition to yeehaw, hellyeah, and damnright) because Joel and Kyle have just entrusted to the Labs something handmade, something precious and rare. I did that myself just a few months ago. I’m also feeling reflective because with team Rexly we continue to recruit the people who inspire us. After we started the Labs, but before we’d told anybody what we were up to, Ethan and I started sneaking** up north to court Rexly. The Live Nation Labs sketch looked a lot like Rexly’s sketch. I believe: A team of true believers will beat non-believers almost every time. **Well, I was sneaking.

Occupy Wall Street | September 17th | #OCCUPYWALLSTREET The joyous freedom of possibility. Dissent can be personal, collective, creative — whatever you want it to be. Revolt can be physical or spectral, a blackspot on a corporate logo or a digital mindbomb posted online. Edit a billboard, speak to a friend. There are no limits, no minimum or maximum. The revolutionary spark is the same one that lit human existence. Print & Post If you only do one thing today and during the heady days of climate protest that follow, print out as many copies of this #WORLDREVOLUTION poster as you can and tape them up on bus stops, bank and shop windows, cash machines, government buildings, everywhere in your city where people will see them. Download September 11, 2014 What will you do on the September 17th anniversary of Occupy Wall Street? September 16, 2013 Revolution is a Rhizome September 19, 2012 Tactical Briefing #38. September 12, 2012 Where do we stand? July 23, 2012 Tactical Briefing #36 June 5, 2012 Occupy morphs into a new model! May 24, 2012 May 16, 2012
