Origami Instructions - Instructions on How to Make Origami Origami - Artis Bellus: June 2011 An origami Card Holder is a very nice, yet inexpensive gift for Father's Day. It can have an elegant or casual look depending on the paper choice. The model was designed by Humiaki Huzita. The instructions can be found in several books, like The Practical Illustrated Encyclopedia of Origami , by Rick Beech and Origami, Easy-to-Make Paper Creations by Gay Merrill Gross. The model display both sides of the paper, so I tried different combinations: Black Card Holder: I cut a sheet of 9"x 12" from a 12" x 12"of textured Canson Expressions paper, that is the same color on both sides. Leaves Card Holder: I cut one sheet of 9"x 12" from a 12" x 12" scrapbook paper with a leaf motif, and another one of 8" x 12" from a gold scrapbook paper. Felt Card Holder: I used a 9" x 12" sheet of alligator embossed felt and a sheet of 9.5" x 12.5" gold wrapping paper. The result was great, but the material was very difficult to handle, as the felt was very thick and difficult to fold.
Colored Lines - sempre_balla - Tokyo Ghoul [Archive of Our Own] Chapter Text Hide gulped and looked down, scratching the nape of his neck. He didn’t want to admit it, but he was definitely making shifty eyes at the graffiti artist, who was blushing nervously and looking to the side with an uneasy smile on his lips. Cute… “U-um,” the blond started, cursing himself for stuttering. The black-haired boy flinched and rapidly turned his head to look at him, eyes wide. “E-eh?” Even cuter… “I mean,” Hide said, chuckling and trying really hard to appear way more collected than what he felt like, “you seem like you’ve been out here for a while. The artist just stared at him without blinking, his mouth ajar. The boy looked down, smiling softly—cute—and hugging his own legs tighter. “I’m not cold,” he mumbled. Hide could feel himself getting goosebumps from the other’s tone when he thanked him. This is the real deal. “Well, it’s nice to officially meet you! The black-haired boy stared at him for a little while, looking quite awestruck. “Hey.” “Yeah?” “You know? Ah.
Chine-culture.com : découvrir la Chine et sa culture - apprendre le chinois Origami That's Fun And Easy Kade Chan Origami Blog 香港摺紙工作室 (日誌): Original Designs 2015年,適逢中國羊年新年,香港專業摺紙藝術家陳柏熹先生(Kade Chan),與法國著名時尚品牌 Berluti 攜手合作,設計出以摺紙羊為主題的櫥窗裝飾,為 Berluti 品牌產品作新年推廣。 客戶 : Berluti (Paris Headquarter) 設計者 : 陳柏熹 (Kade Chan) 生產者 : Atelier 2A 更多照片 : 2015 is the year of sheep in Chinese, Hong Kong professional origami artist Kade Chan cooperated with the world famous fashion brand Berluti, designed the origami sheep window display to promote Berluti's products according to the CNY theme. Client : Berluti (Paris Headquarter) Designer : Kade Chan Production house : Atelier 2A More pictures :
How to Color Paper for Origami and Other Paper Crafts When people become interested in origami they often ask what kind of paper is best to use. The short answer is that we can use any kind of paper including inexpensive recycled papers, and more expensive and unique handmade artistic papers. The longer answer is that choosing a paper for origami depends on the kind of model being folded and the effect we want to create with a particular model. To do this properly we must be willing to experiment and try different paper types for a given model. Office or copy paper can be a good choice for starters. With this type of paper we can fold a variety of models that are simple to intermediate in level. In this video I will teach one of my techniques for coloring paper which will expand your range of possible paper choices. Office paperOil pastels (artist-quality brand)Turpentine or Mineral Spirits (odorless, if possible)Cotton ballsCotton swabs The following are models featured in the paper-coloring video. Click here to see rose video instructions
Diy geoball Rakastan geometrisia muotoja. Näiden pienien pallojen sisälle voi synttäreillä tai joulupöydässä kätkeä vaikka karkkia tai sinne voi säilöä omat pienet aarteet. Piirrä vain kuusikulmio ja ruuduta se kolmioilla, taittele, leikkaa, liimaa ja kiinnitä siivekkeet toisiinsa. Tämä icosahedronin muoto on todella monikäyttöinen. Chinese Dragon origami tutorial | Xinblog This tutorial tell you how to make a Chinese Dragon origami DIY - GEOBALL ! Je sais pas vous, mais je ne sais jamais où ranger mes masking tape et autre petit objet qui traînent sur mon bureau. On voit beaucoup sur le net une forme géométrique appelée un icosaèdre, utilisée sous forme de mobile, abat-jour, porte-crayons etc... Et c'est sous forme de vide-poche qu'il m'ait le plus utile ! Je l'ai donc utilisé un peu à ma sauce en y ajoutant des couleurs pour chaque triangle.Et n'ayant pas un esprit très logique, j'ai voulu me simplifier la vie en créant un tutoriel simple et vous le faire partager : ) Avec ci-dessous le mode d'emploi.Merci de lire les termes & conditions 1/ > Téléchargez ici le Geoball 2/ Contre-collez la feuille sur une autre feuille pour renforcer le tout (d'une couleur c'est encore + joli !)