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United Nations: Human Rights

United Nations: Human Rights
A school girl at the Sitara School in Kabul pushes her classmate, a double-leg land-mine amputee in a wheelchair. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted on 13 December 2006. UN Photo/Hassan Zakizada UN Bodies General Assembly Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) Documents, press releases, related links. Thematic Issues Secretary-General's Campaign to End Violence Against Women Framework for action, activities and contacts, statements, resources. International Courts and Tribunals International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) Overview, documents, latest news, courtrooms, cases, reports. Other Resources Universal Declaration of Human Rights The full text of the Declaration. Past Conferences

Droits de l'homme - Nations Unies Une jeune fille de l'école de Sitara à Kaboul pousse le fauteuil roulant de sa camarade de classe, amputée des deux jambes. La Convention relative aux droits des personnes handicapées a été adoptée le 13 décembre 2006. (Photo ONU/Hassan Zakizada) Organes de l'ONU Troisième Commission de l'Assemblée générale (Questions sociales, humanitaires et culturelles) Elle examine notamment les rapports du Conseil des droits de l'homme. Questions thématiques Campagne du Secrétaire général pour l'élimination de la violence à l'égard des femmes Elle a pour but de mobiliser l′opinion publique pour que les décideurs s′emploient à prévenir et éradiquer la violence contre les femmes. Cours et tribunaux internationaux Tribunal pénal international pour l'ex-Yougoslavie (TPIY) Il a compétence sur les crimes de guerre commis dans la région des Balkans dans les années 90. Autres ressources Conférences passées

Nigeria - Commonwealth Forum of National Human Rights Institutions - Iceweasel National Institution National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria Mandate The National Human Rights Commission was established by the National Human Rights Act, 1995 in line with the resolution of the General Assembly of the United Nations which enjoins all member States to establish Human Rights Institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights. The Commission serves as a mechanism for the enhancement of the enjoyment of human rights. Its establishment is aimed at creating an enabling environment for extra-judicial recognition, promotion and protection and enforcement of human rights, treaty obligations and providing a forum for public enlightenment and dialogue on human rights issues thereby limiting controversy and confrontation. Functions The Commission’s Strategic Work Plan is based on the thematic areas of focus mentioned above and includes the following: public education and enlightenment, training, mediation, on-the-spot assessment, policy-oriented research and so on.

American Cultural History - Decade 1920-1929 Early modernism in art, design, and architecture, which began at the turn of the century, continued through to 1940 and the war. In cities, Skyscrapers (first in 1870s) were erected and hundreds of architects competed for the work. The first successful design was the Woolworth Building in New York. In Chicago, the Wrigley building was designed by Graham, Anderson, Probst, and White while the Chicago Tribune Tower was designed by Howells and Hood. The Art Deco design was exemplified by the Chrysler and Empire State Buildings (depression projects - the Empire State Building completed early 1931.) Frank Lloyd Wright was prolific during this period, designing homes in California and in Japan. Art movements included the modernist movement [George Luks, Charles W. World Wide Art Resources from the Metropolitan Museum of Art | Searchable by artists, movement, galleries, museums, architecture. 1925 The Year in Review | Museum of Art - an online art museum.Books e.e. cummings

El Zapotillo encarecerá el agua a Los Altos de Jalisco: CONREDES El Zapotillo, además de llevarse casi toda el agua a León, está siendo construida con el fin de encarecer el líquido a los poblados de Los Altos de Jalisco, los cuales algunos de ellos ya tienen un sistema más eficiente y barato para surtirse y los promotores de dicha presa lo único que buscan es vender más caro el vital recurso a los lugareños. Lo anterior fue afirmado por Juan Guillermo Márquez Gutiérrez, presidente del Consejo Regional para el Desarrollo Sustentable (CONREDES) y miembro del Observatorio Ciudadano para la Gestión Integral del Agua en Jalisco, quien estuvo en Tepatitlán, acompañado de académicos de la Universidad de Guadalajara y el ITESO, para presentar los resultados del estudio titulado Agua para el desarrollo regional en Los Altos de Jalisco, gestión del agua e impacto social de la presa El Zapotillo.

Teaching strategies Global education covers complex and controversial issues. This is a selection of teaching and learning approaches that develop knowledge and skills to respond to global issues. Freedom fighter or terrorist? The words used and our interpretation of images and statistics are an insight into our perspective or bias – our view of the world. Global education aims to assist students to recognise bias in written and visual texts, consider different points of view and make judgements about how bias can lead to discrimination and inequality. Activities to help students understand bias: Younger students might rewrite a well-known story from a different perspective – for example, Little Red Riding Hood rewritten from the perspective of the wolf. Cartoons are a great way to challenge thinking about an issue. Cartoons can be used in the global education classroom to: Activities Tell a story Cut up the pictures and ask students to re-order the story. Interpret an issue Answer questions such as:

Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l'Homme Chacun peut se prévaloir de tous les droits et de toutes les libertés proclamés dans la présente Déclaration, sans distinction aucune, notamment de race, de couleur, de sexe, de langue, de religion, d'opinion politique ou de toute autre opinion, d'origine nationale ou sociale, de fortune, de naissance ou de toute autre situation. De plus, il ne sera fait aucune distinction fondée sur le statut politique, juridique ou international du pays ou du territoire dont une personne est ressortissante, que ce pays ou territoire soit indépendant, sous tutelle, non autonome ou soumis à une limitation quelconque de souveraineté. Article 3 Tout individu a droit à la vie, à la liberté et à la sûreté de sa personne. Article 4 Nul ne sera tenu en esclavage ni en servitude; l'esclavage et la traite des esclaves sont interdits sous toutes leurs formes. Article 5 Nul ne sera soumis à la torture, ni à des peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants. Article 6 Article 7 Article 8 Article 9 Article 10

Home Design, Garden & Architecture Blog Magazine - Iceweasel The world’s pitiful response to Syria’s refugee crisis World leaders are failing to offer protection to Syria’s most vulnerable refugees with catastrophic consequences, Amnesty International has warned in a new briefing ahead of a UN pledging conference in Geneva on 9 December. Left Out in the Cold: Syrian refugees abandoned by the international community highlights the pitiful numbers of resettlement places offered by the international community. Around 3.8 million refugees from are being hosted in five main countries within the region: Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt. The Gulf states– which include some of the world’s wealthiest countries – have not offered to take a single refugee from Syria so far. “The shortfall in the number of resettlement places for refugees offered by the international community is truly shocking. “The World Food Programme announcement earlier this week that is has been forced to suspend food aid to 1.7 million refugees due to a funding crisis underscores the abysmal response of the international community.

Libertes & Internets Art Supplies Online | Art Shed Brisbane - Iceweasel Facts & Figures: Syria refugee crisis & international resettlement Refugees in the region 3.8 million refugees from Syria (95 per cent) are in just five countries Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt: Lebanon hosts 1.1 million refugees registered with UNHCR, which amounts to around 26 per cent of the country’s population Jordan hosts 618,615 registered refugees, which amounts to 9.8 per cent of the populationTurkey hosts 1.6 million refugees, which amounts to 2.4 per cent of the populationIraq hosts 225,373 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.67 per cent of the populationEgypt 142,543 registered refugees, which amounts to 0.17 per cent of the population Conflict in Syria Around 190,000 people have been killed and 10.8 million people are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance inside Syria More than 10 million Syrians, or 45 per cent of the country’s population has been displaced Of those, 6.5 million are displaced within Syria and approximately 4 million have sought refuge in other countries. International Resettlement Key facts:

RTDH - Revue trimestrielle des droits de l'homme
