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The human planet This is the first map that really does give everyone almost equal space. Previous cartograms which claimed that actually gave water too much space. Take almost all the water out and we see a new world. The cartogram shown in this graphic presents an experimental approach to the creation of a gridded world population cartogram. Cartograms have become a more commonly used alternative to conventional maps.
Modeling Reading and Analysis Processes with the Works of Edgar Allan Poe Home › Classroom Resources › Lesson Plans Lesson Plan Overview Featured Resources From Theory to Practice Explore reading strategies using the think-aloud process as students investigate connections between the life and writings of Edgar Allan Poe. Picture Dictionary: Useful Visual Dictionary With 150+ Topics Picture Dictionary! Learn English vocabulary words through pictures with our useful visual dictionary. All ESL lessons are classified by different topics and being illustrated with example sentences. What is a Visual Dictionary?
Create Active Learning with Timelines Timelines allow topics to be examined visually by graphically organizing and showcasing events. They allow for storytelling through a chronological narrative. Additionally, creating timelines requires students to determine the purpose and criteria for ordering, and can help students analyze the steps in a procedure according to cause-and-effect relationships. Creating a timeline can help students to accomplish Bloom’s applying level learning activities, aiding them in any implementation and execution of a plan.
Free Reading Comprehension Worksheets Readers in eighth-grade classrooms should have the skills to analyze how paragraphs are structured. Specifically, they need to be able to identify how sentence structure is used to present a concept in a reading. Likewise, readers are encouraged to learn how lines of dialogue in a literary piece help create the story of the character. Use the following activities to foster the growth of these particular abilities.
i-Human Patients Player i-Human Patients is unique in the world of patient simulation. The i-Human Patients Case Player simulates the hundreds of “micro” investigations and judgments that occur during the diagnostic process. Unlike the first generation of virtual patient programs, which simply hand users an expert synopsis of an expert’s findings then ask multiple-choice questions, i-Human engages the user with taking a patient history, performing physical exams, building a differential, ordering and evaluating tests, etc. Task and high-fidelity mannequins tend to focus on development of psychomotor skills and coordinated team responses to acute problems such as trauma or sudden cardiac arrest, while standardized patients (SPs) tend to focus on communication, interpersonal and professional skills. Learn More
Online Tense Exercises - English Grammar English Grammar Online Exercises and Downloadable Worksheets Tenses This section is all about English tenses.