Related: GENERAL • Formative/Summative Assessment • Digital Curation - Teaching resources • Teaching Oral Skills.15 online whiteboard options for remote learning Let's face it. When you're not present in your classroom, you miss your whiteboard. It's convenient. Everyone in the room can see it. You can write text and draw pictures on it, then erase it clean in an instant. When you're teaching remotely, the physical whiteboard may be gone. In this post, you'll see 15 options for teaching remotely with whiteboards. Start a video call using your preferred video call platform (Zoom, Skype, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, etc.). Have another idea for online whiteboarding for remote learning?
EdTech Tools for Formative Assessment – #RocknTheBoat And I’m gonna keep on lovin’ you Let’s talk assessment! Before we dig into a few tools, let me just remind us all that any tool that students can use to create something are also tools that teachers can use for a formative assessment. I have created a Wakelet collection of all the tools that I’ll showcase here plus others that are great for formative assessment too. ‘Cause it’s the only thing I want to do Creative and Versatile Tools The tools I go to when having students create amazing products as formatives are Buncee, Adobe Spark, Google Slides, and Canva. I don’t want to sleep, I just want to keep on lovin’ you Buncee (Full Disclosure-Ambassador) Buncee is one of my favorite tools to use personally and with students. InfographicsInteractive ImagesStoryboard SummariesExplainer GraphicMultimedia presentation or GraphicVisual Representation of ThinkingExplainer Video Don’t let the simplicity of this tool have you thinking that it is only for younger students. And I meant Every word I said
Kompetenzraster – – Orientierungsrahmen Digitale Medien / Aargau YouType: Bloggen im geschützten Rahmen Mit YouType steht eine Plattform für die Publikation vielfältiger Medienprodukte zur Verfügung, welche im klar eingegrenzten und damit geschützten Rahmen einer Klasse genutzt werden kann. Die Möglichkeit, neben «herkömmlichen» Texten auch Bilder, Videoclips und Audioaufnahmen zu posten und diese dann wiederum gegenseitig zu kommentieren und zu liken, lässt sich für vielfältige Aufgabenstellungen nutzen. Der Einbezug von YouType in den Unterricht ist eine gute Gelegenheit, um sich auch mit rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen sowie Sicherheits- und Verhaltensregeln im Netz auseinanderzusetzen und medienpädagogische Themen wie Netiquette, Datenschutz, Urheberrecht oder den Umgang mit Pseudonym und Passwort zu thematisieren, denn «das Internet vergisst nichts»: Texte und Bilder, einmal im Netz publiziert, können dort auch nach Jahren noch auffindbar sein.
Oral literature Literary genre Oral literature or folk literature is a literature that is spoken or sung as opposed to that which is written, though much oral literature has been transcribed.[1] There is no standard definition, as folklorists have varying descriptions for oral literature or folk literature. A broad conceptualization refers to it as literature characterized by oral transmission and the absence of any fixed form. Background[edit] Pre-literate societies, by definition, have no written literature, but may possess rich and varied oral traditions—such as folk epics, folk narratives (including fairy tales and fables), folk drama, proverbs and folksongs—that effectively constitute an oral literature. Literate societies may continue an oral tradition — particularly within the family (for example bedtime stories) or informal social structures. Oral literatures forms a generally more fundamental component of culture, but operates in many ways as one might expect literature to do. See also[edit]
Oral literature Oral literature, the standard forms (or genres) of literature found in societies without writing. The term oral literature is also used to describe the tradition in written civilizations in which certain genres are transmitted by word of mouth or are confined to the so-called folk (i.e., those who are “unlettered,” or do not use writing). Oral literature is, arguably, the best phrase available for describing these two senses. The term oral covers both, but these two meanings should be distinguished. While certain forms, such as the folktale, continue to exist, especially among the unlettered component of complex societies, what might also be called oral tradition (or folk literature) is inevitably influenced by the elite written culture. Because writing is an additional register to speech, writing’s advent has an important influence on speech. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content.
Faire une frise chronologique : 4 outils gratuits Faire une frise chronologique, c’est une excellente façon de visualiser les étapes d’un projet, d’enseigner la chronologie historique, de visualiser l’écoulement du temps et donc l’évolution d’un objet, d’une population ou d’un concept. Voici quelques outils qui vous permettront de créer ces lignes du temps sans vous casser ni la tête ni la tirelire. Dans les outils de visualisation de données, les frises chronologiques – aussi appelées « ligne du temps » ou encore « chronologies » – sont les plus utilisées par les enseignants. Mais, pour utiles qu’ils soient, certains de ces outils peuvent s’avérer hors de prix ou très complexes à manier. Je vous en propose donc plusieurs qui sont soit 100 % gratuits, soit distribués sous le mode freemium (une version gratuite de base et des options payantes). H5PGeniallyPadletLogiciels de mindmapping : XMind, Mindomo, etc. Du multimédia gratuit : H5P H5P propose également un outil pour créer des frises chronologiques de grande qualité. WordPress:
80 Interesting Ways To Use Google Forms In The Classroom 80 Interesting Ways To Use Google Forms In The Classroom by TeachThought Staff When you think of innovative, edgy, compelling uses of technology, Google Forms isn’t exactly the first thing that leaps to mind. While you’d probably prefer a piece of hardware that’s affordable, easy to use, and mobile that allows students to direct their own mastery of content in peer-to-peer and school-to-school learning environments, for now you just might have to settle for a spreadsheet. No, wait. Spreadsheets are simply a kind of framework, yes? And they have built-in formulas to perform calculations, visualize data, and communicate information in ways we–and students–are not used to seeing, right? So maybe a self-grading assessment? Questionnaires? See, I told you it’s not so bad.
What are the features of songs in oral literature? - Quora How to Teach Listening to ESL Students: A Lesson Plan Template to Try Listening Lesson Plan Template and Ideas Do you know those listening activities that are in all ESL textbooks? Do you just skip over them, or quickly breeze on through on your way to other things? I did that for lots of years too. However, listening lessons can be quite interesting for students, especially those who don’t like talking all the time! How and Why to Teach Listening to ESL Students Listening is an extremely important skill if students want to speak fluently in English. In order to help our students, we need to include some practice with it in our English classes. ESL Listening Lesson Plan Template Here are the steps that you can follow when planning a listening lesson plan. 1. This introduces the theme of your listening topic. Or, if your topic is travel, you could ask students what are 5 things that people do while they’re spending time waiting at an airport. 2. Next, you’ll need to assign students a pre-reading task. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. More ESL Listening Ideas Business English Pod
Game show classroom: Comparing Kahoot!, Quizizz, Quizlet Live and Gimkit The best features of game shows can be used to review and teach in the classroom. Kahoot!, Quizizz, Quizlet Live, and Gimkit can help. See their pros, cons and what makes them different. As a child, I remember one specific thing I always looked forward to on days when I stayed home sick from school — The Price Is Right. Even aching, sick to my stomach or feverish as I laid on the couch, I made sure the TV was tuned to that game show around lunch time. I loved the unique games. Now, teachers can bring that experience into the classroom when students aren’t home sick. Several digital tools created for the classroom bring those exciting experiences to students with learning as the focus. These “game show classroom” websites do a number of things … Create an electric atmosphere for answering questions.Provide fun, interesting repetitions.Make in-the-moment feedback possible. It's easier than you think to bring the fun and excitement of a game show to your classroom.
12 Great Formative Assessment Tools for Teachers 'FlipQuiz is a web tool that allows teachers to easily create gameshow-style boards for test reviews in the classroom. All the boards you create can be saved for later use. You can also share your boards up on-screen and have students work on them collaboratively...To set up your new quiz board, you will need to register. Once logged in, click on “ Create a new board”. 3- Socrative Socrative brings smart clickers, student response and ease of use to a whole new level. 4- TodaysMeet 'TodaysMeet is a great web tool for creating backchannels with your students. 5- Plickers 'Plickers is a wonderful web tool that allows teachers to collect real-tine feedback from students without them having or using any device. 'Kahoot is another great student response system that teachers can use to create and deliver quizzes and surveys to students. 7- iClicker 9- GoSoapBox ‘GoSoapBox is a powerful, flexible, and intuitive student response system for educators to use in their classrooms. 10- AnswerGarden
363 FREE Warmers, Ice-Breakers and Fillers For The ESL Classroom Planning a lesson is no easy task, especially if you're about to introduce a difficult topic. Sometimes, you need a little bit of something extra to really make your lesson flow. For this reason, ESL teachers usually use warmers and fillers. Warmers are used in lessons to ease the students into the topic you're going to present. Along the same lines, fillers are used to reinforce topics or follow up with extra practice for students. has 363 warmer and filler worksheets to make your lesson run smoothly without skipping a beat. The beauty of using warmers and fillers is that very little planning goes into using them. These warmer and filler worksheets can be used in several ways. Another great feature of these warmer/filler worksheets is that most can be used for all levels. Don’t worry about registering or subscribing, since all worksheets on are free to download, and there's no limit to how many you can download!
Motivating speaking activities for lower levels Planning time has been shown to increase production in speaking tasks. Lower level learners often find it especially difficult to speak spontaneously, so these activities incorporate 'thinking time' during which learners can prepare for speaking by planning what they are going to say, and asking the teacher or using a dictionary to look up missing vocabulary. The following activities are relatively short, with minimal materials preparation time for the teacher. 1. This activity is good for activating existing vocabulary or revising vocabulary studied in previous lessons. Procedure Choose a vocabulary topic (this can be vocabulary you have recently studied or a topic you want to introduce). A faster-moving, fun alternative to this activity is a team game. 2. This activity can be adapted to revise a range of tenses (present simple, past simple, continuous, future tenses) by changing the time prompts, e.g. 3. This is a variation on the above activity and is great for practising adjectives.