Minjae Lee – Colorful Illustrations | Illustration
Minjae Lee is a young South Korean artist whose work is filled with powerful colors, aggressive scenes and a clever blend of beauty, innocence and fragility. At just 22 years old, he’s a self-taught artist, that uses old-fashioned tools, such as markers, pens, crayons, acrylics, to create his illustrations. His dramatic works are all about pattern and texture that just add more authenticity to his illustrations. For purchasing his canvas prints and other products, check out the artist’s website. I have loved color since I was 7 year old. (All images via Minjae Lee)
Artist Creates Paper Zoo
It was only a matter of time before Calvin Nicholls' life-long passion in art and wildlife combined! The Canadian has been a full-time paper sculpture artist since the mid-1980's. With such a variety of animals in his collection, he's essentially created his own paper zoo. Many of the animal paper sculptures belong in Nicholls' most extensive collection, which includes over 75 pieces for Follett Library Resources in McHenry Illinois. The series began in the mid-1990's and continues to this day. "Initially a rigid form is constructed which establishes the contours of the subject and provides a stable base upon which the detail pieces are attached," Nicholls' says, as he explains his process. Calvin Nicholls' website
Fake Painting Photographs by Alexa Meade
What you are about to see, are not paintings on canvas! Alexa Meade paints with acrylics directly on human flesh creating the illusion of painterly portraits. “Alexa Meade is an installation artist based in the Washington, DC area. Her background in the world of political communications has fueled her intellectual interest in the tensions between perception and reality. Alexa Meade’s innovative use of paint on the three dimensional surfaces of found objects, live models, and architectural spaces has been incorporated into a series of installations that create a perceptual shift in how we experience and interpret spatial relationships.” Website: alexameade.com | Flickr: flickr.com/photos/alexameade/ Jamie Portrait of Alexa Meade Bernie Egg On Egg Living Still Life Natura Morta Sara Timmy Will Ann All Images ©alexameade.com
Mind Blowing 3D Street Art Paintings by Edgar Mueller
Home » Paintings » Mind Blowing 3D Street Art Paintings by Edgar Mueller 38.8K Flares38.8K Flares × Edgar Mueller, a master of 3D street art painting uses the street as a canvas. His 3D painting becomes the perfect illusion if you look from the right spot. Please support this site by clicking on the button below Written by Waheed Akhtar I am Waheed Akhtar, a freelance web designer from Dubai.
Tugboat Printshop
Une façon originale de recycler et décorer en même temps
A court d’idée pour votre décoration intérieure et extérieure ? Voici quelques idées parmi les plus brillantes qui soient. Mode d’emploi : vous prenez un vieil objet ou un vieux bout de plastique, de bois ou de ferraille qui ne vous sert plus à rien et vous lui donnez une seconde vie en le transformant en objet utile de la vie quotidienne ou bien en pièce unique d’art. Admirez la classe. [h/t : source]
Occupy the infinite
External Stimuli : Peter Kogler works
Story Behind Those Stunning Cinematic Gifs
Here at theMET, we're always looking for creative projects that catch our eye. More than anything, we love posting about work that pushes boundaries, showing our audience something that has been changed, flipped or spinned into something magically different. Then, we see it as our job to find out the story behind such projects. A few days ago, when Met member Mark Huckabee put up a post called Astounding Animated Gifs, we knew we had to dig deeper. Before we go into that more, enjoy these lovely cinemagraphs that they sent directly to us. What's been the response like, so far, on your animated gifs? Which of them is your favorite piece and why? What do you hope others get out of these works? Which gif has been the most popular and why do you think that is? Were you inspired by other gifs or anyone else before you started this more artistic ones? What do you have next in store for us? Thanks for the interview, Jamie and Kevin. From Me to You website
3D GIFs Created With A Simple Trick
A simple visual effect. Two white lines added to split the images into 3 panels creates an awesome 3D effect. 3D GIF'S on Tumblr
Scott Campbell
L’artiste tatoueur de New-York Scott Campbell expose ses dernières oeuvres à la galerie OhWow de Los Angeles. Intitulée « Noblesse Oblige », cette exposition dévoile des créations réalisées au laser dans des planches de billets de $1. Un rendu impressionnant à découvrir dans la suite.
Realistic Handmade Dolls by Santani -
23-year-old Moscow-based artist Santani creates amazingly cute and realistic dolls using several materials. Santani on DeviantART