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Feng Zhu Design

Feng Zhu Design

Carol’s Drawing Blog | Carol's Drawing Blog | Pencil drawing for everyone. Hello again my pretties, I don’t know what it is about spring that turns my mind to unpleasant things, but no matter how hard I try to draw themes of life and beauty, they always turn out a little macabre. Carnivorous Bulbs For example, here is a drawing I just completed that I’m calling Carnivorous Bulbs. Oh, it started out as a nice enough drawing of sprouting bulbs, but then I decided to show the struggle that the roots were going through to bring water and nutrients up to the bulbs. Well, after I’d drawn the thing and stepped back to contemplate it, it seemed to me that the bulbs looked really very plump and satisfied. First Fingers of Spring Here’s last years’s lovely doing. Strugglers From another delightfully verdant spring, my mind expressed these strugglers. Well, I hope your pencils are busy. Hugs and kisses to all, Carol

Nic ter Horst - sQetches Muddy Colors: “The Art of David Palumbo” Exhibit at University of the Arts, Philadelphia David Palumbo Apart from whatever I can bring with me to conventions (and those seem fewer and fewer each year for me), it is a rare moment for me to have a showing of my illustration work. For that reason, I’m very proud and excited about my exhibition just installed at the Richard C. von Hess Gallery at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. This has been in the works for awhile now and the result is a collection of many of my favorite paintings and preliminary roughs from recent years. I’ve written in the past about finding one's vision as an artist and, for me, this show is something of a marker in the progress that I feel I’ve personally made. Assembling this exhibit was an interesting review along those lines. For anyone in the Philadelphia area who wants to see the show, it runs from now until May 17th with a presentation this coming Thursday on some of the above themes of progression and voice followed by the opening reception.

Graphite, Charcoal, Carbon Pencil Drawing Tutorial. Join me on and Watch me on This tutorial contains the steps I used to create the drawing entitled White Bouquet. Graphite Pencil Drawing Tutorial #1. Title: White Bouquet Size: 18" x 14" Medium: Charcoal, Graphite and Carbon on White Paper Step One To begin with, I cut the subject shapes out of frisket and apply them to my white paper. After applying the fiisket, I begin applying layers of charcoal to the background and blending with felt. Step Two: Here I’ve begun adding texture to the background. The left side of the background is close to being done. Step Three: At this stage I have completed the basic values and texture of the background and added the same type of texture for the front of the ledge. I have also sprayed it with fixative, pealed the frisket from the glass and started laying out the details of the wine glass. Step Four (a): I've continued to enhance the background texture and started on the glass by blending hb charcoal pencil with a stump and a chamois.

Julia Lullaby - Sing me a lullaby Sam's Tasty Art Apprendre a dessiner - Comment arrêter de dessiner en copiant? - Avant de lire cet article, je vous recommande la lecture de ces deux articles: – Copier intelligemment un dessin – Comment dessiner d’observation Une grande majorité des dessinateurs commencent en copiant les dessins des autres ou des photos diverses et variées. Nous avons tous commencé comme ça étant petits. Sauf qu’arrivés à l’âge adulte, nous pouvons être confrontés à nos propres incertitudes et nos propres peurs. Cela dit, une grande majorité des copieurs invétérés voudraient d’une manière ou d’une autre s’en sortir. Voici donc les étapes à suivre que je vous conseille de suivre si vous souhaitez vous détacher peu à peu du dessin de copie pur et dur. Détendez-vous avant tout. Si vous souhaitez apprendre vraiment à dessiner et faire fonctionner votre cerveau autrement qu’à votre habitude, cela ne regarde que vous. Détachez-vous une bonne fois pour toutes du regard des autres, et assumez vos faiblesses d’humains! Félicitation! Je passe la moitié de mon temps à dessiner de cette façon.

Sparth - Nicolas Bouvier Gridvu – Artist's Drawing Tool
