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Feng Zhu Design

Feng Zhu Design

TOYOTA — GLASS ORGANS on Behance THUMS (Total Human Model for Safety) is simulation software, which represents actual humans in detail, including the outer shape, but also bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and internal organs. Therefore, THUMS can be used in automotive crash simulations to identify safety problems and find their solutions. The technology then helps Toyota build safer cars across the entire range. The aim of the campaign was to highlight the notion of 'human fragility'. This was brought to life through a glass body.

Muddy Colors: “The Art of David Palumbo” Exhibit at University of the Arts, Philadelphia David Palumbo Apart from whatever I can bring with me to conventions (and those seem fewer and fewer each year for me), it is a rare moment for me to have a showing of my illustration work. For that reason, I’m very proud and excited about my exhibition just installed at the Richard C. von Hess Gallery at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. This has been in the works for awhile now and the result is a collection of many of my favorite paintings and preliminary roughs from recent years. I’ve written in the past about finding one's vision as an artist and, for me, this show is something of a marker in the progress that I feel I’ve personally made.

The acid humor of Mexican illustrator Eduardo Salles Eduardo Salles, aka Sallesino, is a young illustrator, copywriter and designer with an acid style and humor. He has a formula which encapsulates his ironic commentary on the internet, politics, TV and daily habits: Design + humor + social critique. We already published one selection of Eduardo's illustrations on Awwwards. You can see it here: Cynicism Humorously Illustrated by Eduardo Salles. But as devoted followers of this bearded illustrator, we felt it was our duty to publish another article with his latest creations. Sam's Tasty Art Particle Deathmatch: Arnold vs. Vray for Maya! ***UPDATED 11/16/2013*** Link to scene files at the bottom of the article! Today we settle once and for all which render engine will reign supreme over the world of non traditional particle renderers! Exciting, I know. We began this journey a few weeks back when the question was raised, “Why not render our particle simulations in Vray/Arnold?”. It’s been well documented that traditionally something like Krakatoa or Renderman would be the first choice to handle large scale particle simulations, but why not Vray/Arnold?

(Solved) How to Remove “Ads not by this site” Ads (Removing Help)Tech Support All Question How to Remove “Ads not by this site” Ads Popups from my browsers, it is appears in below of google search bar, please help me some it. Ads not by this site removal Guide Liquid Experiments Produce Hypnotizing Swirls of Color New York-based artist Kim Keever experiments with colorful tinted paints and water to create these beautifully abstract, hypnotizing formations. As a former thermal engineer for NASA projects, Keever tends to veer his work towards the scientific and experimental. To produce this particular style, the artist drops various amounts of color into water and documents the swirling liquids as they mix and mingle. He uses an enormous 200-gallon fish tank as the setting for much of his work, which offers plenty of space for the incredibly unpredictable reactions to emerge. Staring at the mesmerizing photographs is a similar experience to pointing out shapes among the clouds. Within the blobs, swirls, and trickles of color, viewers might begin to imagine recognizable forms like fabric or faces, and some of the swirls almost solid enough to touch.
