Documenting the links to our past through social media... Last month I promised an update to my "Links" page with some additional attention directed towards archives, museums, historical societies, and related cultural organizations in Tennessee that use social media. Well, it's a work in progress, but I have finally updated this online list. This link list includes the traditional website links, but also includes social media icons hyperlinking to various outposts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, and YouTube. As I said, this is a work in progress, so if your cultural institution is not listed, please let me know. I'm constantly on the lookout for archives and museums in my home state of Tennessee that are using social media, and would like to include as many as possible. Social media can provide archives, museums, and heritage organizations with an effective way to collaborate with colleagues and share collections with the public. The social media landscape in Tennessee - The Posterity Project
New University: Re-Claiming Higher Education for All The New University Cooperative consists of students, professors, academics and community members from around Canada. Incorporated in 2008 as a solidarity cooperative, we are committed to developing an institution for higher education that is grounded in sustainability, social justice, and that is accessible to all. Given the massive environmental and concomitant social crises that face humanity today, such as climate change and growing social inequality, we believe that we need an institution that fosters innovation and leadership to help bring about sustainable communities. Young people today are told they must seek some post-secondary education in order to be “successful”, however the costs of university has risen steadily, limiting accessibility. The New University Cooperative seeks to provide students with the space that is accessible to marginalized individuals, so that students can create and enact visionary ideas, and provide leadership towards a sustainable and just world.
Digital History: A Guide to Gathering, Preserving, and Presenting the Past on the Web This book provides a plainspoken and thorough introduction to the web for historians—teachers and students, archivists and museum curators, professors as well as amateur enthusiasts—who wish to produce online historical work, or to build upon and improve the projects they have already started in this important new medium. It begins with an overview of the different genres of history websites, surveying a range of digital history work that has been created since the beginning of the web. The book then takes the reader step-by-step through planning a project, understanding the technologies involved and how to choose the appropriate ones, designing a site that is both easy-to-use and scholarly, digitizing materials in a way that makes them web-friendly while preserving their historical integrity, and how to reach and respond to an intended audience effectively. On this website, we present a free online version of the text. , Barnes and Noble, or U. of Penn. Press.
What is Knowledge Mobilization? — Institute for Knowledge Mobilization Note: This page is a reprint of an original resource created by KMbW on a previous web platform. This version includes and updates the text and links. This version also includes the transcript of the video discussing “what is knowledge mobilization?”. Background: Knowledge Mobilization as a concept, was introduced in Canada in 2001-2002 by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada ( SSHRC ) under the leadership of Dr. The definition of mobilization was taken in large part, from the French conceptualization – mobilisation – making ready for service or action. It was determined at the time that the ability to use much of what was produced in the social sciences and humanities was hindered by the conceptual and physical inaccessibility of the “production” of this sector. KMbW’s Founding Perspective Never in human history have we hunted for so much data, information and knowledge. Production of Value Value is always created in exchange. Some core questions include:
Développer les sciences humaines numériques au Québec Louis-Pascal Rousseau, Ph. D, Chercheur postdoctorant au McNeil Center for Early American Studies (Université de Pennsylvanie) et Collaborateur de recherche au Laboratoire SHANTI (Université de Virginie) Version PDF Louis-Pascal Rousseau chemine dans le monde de la recherche en histoire depuis une quinzaine d’années. À l’heure du 2.0, quelles sont les nouvelles manières de penser la discipline historique? C’est dans ce contexte que s’organisent présentement dans les universités un peu partout autour du monde, particulièrement aux États-Unis, des groupes de recherche en « Digital Humanities » ou « sciences humaines numériques ». J’ai pour ma part l’immense chance de voir ces changements de près et de contribuer à ce qu’ils prennent de l’ampleur, notamment dans le cadre de ma formation au laboratoire SHANTI implanté à l’Université de Virginie. Le milieu où je me trouve est idéal pour travailler et se former dans ce nouveau champ d’activités. Animer un tel groupe est enrichissant.
3: Building Community » Tooling Up for Digital Humanities Perhaps the greatest development in developing online community is the emergence of Creative Commons in 2001. Creative Commons creates copyright licenses that are free and open to the public and which allow creators to share as much or as little of their work as they like. Rather than the traditional “all rights reserved” copyrights, Creative Commons allows creators to reserve some, all or none of the rights to any piece of work. With Creative Commons, scholars can post information online and put a Creative Commons license on it that allows it to be shared in ways the author sees fit. Particularly with the advent of new digital tools for analysis, Creative Commons will allow for the collective advancement of scholarship in ways unimaginable before the Internet. Creating an online presence is not only an important piece of self promotion, but also a critical part of being a connected and engaged scholar.
Humanités numériques : so what ? Geoffrey Rockwell s'énervait récemment contre les critiques - un peu convenues - de Stanley Fish ou - très féroces - de Matthew Reisz à l'encontre des Humanités numériques. Les deux universitaires adressent la même critique récurrente aux Humanités numériques (là même que je faisais moi-même) : elles doivent faire la démonstration de l'importance de leur contribution... Mais les universitaires installés qui mènent cette critique ne tiennent-ils pas un discours mortifère sur l'utilité des contributions aux sciences humaines ?, s'interroge Rockwell. En fait, estime Rockwell, "maintenant que mêmes les chercheurs les moins au fait des humanités numériques ont noté qu'il y avait beaucoup d'activité dans ce domaine, ils se précipitent pour le juger". Pourtant, estime Rockwell, nous sommes contraints de prendre leurs questions aux sérieux, même si pour cela, il est nécessaire de les déplacer, à défaut de pouvoir vraiment y répondre. Image : les Noces de Cana de Véronèse. Share and Enjoy
Digital Collections and Aggregations | DH Curation Libraries, museums, and archives have been producing digital collections for decades, providing scholars with broad access to countless special collections. Researchers engaged in digital scholarship have also created many digital collections tailored to the interests of their particular research communities. Both kinds of collections are curated, in that they have been carefully selected and assembled for a specific purpose or audience. In the networked information environment, curated collections will become increasingly important as organizational units for the scattered and diverse mass of available digital information and for providing coherent contexts for meaningful engagement with that information. Aggregations, or collections of collections, are essential backbone resources in the evolving e-research platform that also need to be curated if they are to truly support and enhance discovery and innovation across the disciplines.
Sur trois textes: épistémologie de l’histoire et Humanités numériques Guichard, Éric. « L’internet et les épistémologies des SHS ». Sciences/Lettres nᵒ 2 (Automne 2013) – pre-print.Wieviorka, Michel. L’impératif numérique ou La nouvelle ère des sciences humaines et sociales ? Dans un article à publier dont le pre-print est disponible en ligne, Éric Guichard remet en cause les Humanités numériques, tout du moins en tant que discipline []. Bien qu’en ayant commencé la lecture avant, j’ai vu dans le petit essai de Michel Wieviorka, L’impératif numérique, une sorte d’écho à l’article d’Éric Guichard. Involontairement, Michel Wieviorka répond à l’inquiétude d’Éric Guichard sur le silence des chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales face aux liens entre l’écriture numérique et sa technicité d’une part et la pensée qui éclot au sein des sciences humaines et sociales. Tim Hitchcock, par contre, s’interroge de plus en plus sur le paradigme sous-tendant les sciences historiques – paradigme ancré dans le texte [].
History of Oral History: Foundations and Methodology Lecture des sources historiennes à l’ère numérique | L'histoire contemporaine à l'ère numérique Tous les historiens développent une relation spécifique aux sources primaires. Au début des années 2000, pendant ma thèse, certains documents trouvés dans les archives m’ont plus marqués que d’autres. Par exemple, je peux citer les compte-rendu des réunions entre dignitaires nazis qui ont suivi le grand pogrom de novembre 1938 en Allemagne. Statue de Clio, au Capitole (Washington) Mais cette proximité avec le document peut aussi être un handicap. J’ai donc utilisé dans ma thèse un discours, tenu en 1933 par Hjalmar Schacht, qui n’a pas été commandé ni visé par le ministère de la propagande. Cette amorce de réflexion ainsi qu’une discussion sur une première (et assez mauvaise) version de ce billet m’a poussé à préciser cette interrogation. Par exemple, il existe dans les archives de la chancellerie du Reich un échange de lettres entre le ministre chinois des Finances Kung et Hjalmar Schacht, alors ministre sans portefeuille et président (affaibli) de la Reichsbank. Imprimer ce billet