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The World’s First Vertical Forest: An

The World’s First Vertical Forest: An
I’d like to introduce you to the world’s first Bosco Verticale (Italian for Vertical Forest), which is being built right now in Milan. According to Christopher Woodward, a writer for the Financial Times, it’s “the most exciting new tower in the world.” This vertical forest will span across two towers that have fabulous balconies designed to house these trees. This forest, designed by architect Stefano Boeri, will allow the greenery to get shade in the summer, sunlight in the winder and protection from the wind while it cleans the air, produces oxygen and cuts down on all the noise pollution in Milan. Via: [Amusing Planet] [Treehugger]

Small Urban Space Rain Gardens Rain gardens aren’t just for homeowners with large tracts of land. A rain garden planted in a small urban area can make a big difference in the water quality and environment of its surrounding area. When it rains in densely populated urban areas, impervious surfaces such as roads, sidewalks, and roofs not planted with gardens, trees, or turf, produce runoff that goes straight into storm sewers. Some storm drains carry water to treatment plants, while water from other storm drains washes directly into lakes, rivers, and oceans. Any time a large influx of water pours into an aquatic ecosystem, the balance of oxygen and nutrients is disturbed, causing death to aquatic life, and other disruptions of the ecosystem. Photo, City of Kingston, Melbourne, Australia In addition to impervious surfaces made of concrete or asphalt, many urban areas have vacant, muddy lots. Planting a rain garden, even a small one, can help divert water and keep it within the aquifer and out of streams and lakes.

Vertical Gardening Ideas: Tube Planters - Gardening Gone Wild I was transformed into a lover and student of vertical gardening after seeing Patrick Blanc’s vertical wall designs years ago in a magazine. I’ve written about vertical gardening on GGW over the past few years. Since then, the field has continued to grow at a quick pace. In he 1980s, Pat McWhinney noticed that many rock and waterfall type projects were lacking plant life around the rock formations. Tube planters are made of an industrial cloth: Patrick has them sown up by a seamstress into circular tubes and lengths of varying dimensions. Five tube planters secured to a latticed screen, ready to be planted. An example of a single tube (on the production table) planted with a lush variety of succulents Succulent framed walls in a variety of sizes Close up of an intricate tapestry of color and shapes Fewer varieties of plant material can still make for an outstanding living wall Vertical and horizontal succulent tube planters on latticed wall Agapanthus in 4 inch tube planter in full bloom.

General Motors and Partners Create Detroit Urban Garden Using Repurposed Shipping Crates GM’s metal shipping crates were repurposed into raised beds. Photo: John F. Martin for General Motors They paved paradise and put up a parking lot. Katherine Guzman, 8, of Detroit fills her bag with tomatoes and peppers during the opening Wednesday of Cadillac Urban Gardens. Officially opened Wednesday, the gardens are a collaborative effort initiated in April between General Motors, Ideal Group, Southwest Detroit Environmental Vision, and local composting company, Detroit Dirt. Detroit Dirt founder Pashon Murray, left, and John Bradburn, manager of General Motors’ waste reduction efforts, helped tend the Cadillac Urban Gardens. “Instead of recycling this material, we found a direct reuse, which saves energy and resources,” said John Bradburn, GM’s manager of waste reduction efforts. One of the metal shipping crates repurposed as a raised bed. Katherine Guzman, 8, of Detroit looking for peppers. Photo: John F. Detroit has more than 500 gardens, many on land that once held houses.

Locavore-dom taken to the extreme—by bike Photo: MetrofietsI stepped out onto my front porch one day this summer just in time to see my farmer pedaling down the street with a trailer full of tools. To an outsider, such a vision must seem like a sketch right out of Portlandia, the television show that spoofs my hometown’s supposedly eccentric ways. Here in real-world Portland, however, it’s a normal sight. The farm from which I get most of my vegetables, aptly named Sidewalk’s End, is one of several local examples of something called “dispersed urban agriculture.” Rather than farming all in one place, the two young farmers who run Sidewalk’s End, Holly Mills and Caitlin Arnold, cultivate five urban backyards around southeast Portland. I subscribed to their CSA (community-supported agriculture) program this summer because the pickup point is an easy one-mile bike ride from my house. It would be easy to take farming by bike as a sign that dear old Portland has jumped the (locavore) shark. Biking is no exception.

Úžasná zahrádka do bytu i na balkon? Ta vertikální! Vertikální zahrada v moderním pojetí? To je rostlinami pokrytá fasáda domu tak, jak ji technologicky vymyslel Francouz Patric Blanc. Přestože nebyl první, jeho jméno se v souvislosti s vertikálními zahradami nejčastěji zmiňuje. Ovšem i vy, kteří nemáte dům, můžete rostlinami ozdobit balkonovou stěnu nebo i část interiéru. Hodí se všude „Vertikální zahrady se používají na fasádu domu i jako ozdoba plotu, ovšem vejdou se i do malého panelákového bytu, aniž by ubíraly prostor k bydlení. Foto: Svobodné zahrady KlusŽivé zelené stěny nabízejí doslova pastvu pro oči a používají se nejen v soukromých interiérech Foto: matouš hydroponieUkázka použití rostlin jako originálního rámu televizoru. Konstrukční možnosti Konstrukce pro svislou zahrádku může mít mnoho podob, byť se mnohdy montují na rošt ukotvený ve zdi. Co je důležité? Při zvažování vertikální zahrádky myslete na to, jak stabilizovat ve svislé poloze substrát, nebo jak ho nahradit zmiňovanými textiliemi pro hydroponii.

BBC Learning English | Pronunciation Tips How to Turn a Pallet into a Garden Good news and bad news. I had planned to film a short video showing you how to make a pallet garden, but the weather didn’t cooperate. I was stapling the landscape fabric onto the pallet when it started drizzling and got really windy. That’s the bad news. But I know I promised a tutorial today, so I took photos and have kept my word to share how to make the pallet garden. I tried to be as detailed as possible. So keep reading my pallet loving friends, instructions on how to make your own pallet garden are just a few lines away… Find a Pallet The first thing you need to do is–obviously–find a pallet. Don’t just take the first pallet you find. Collect Your Supplies For this project, you’ll need the pallet you found, 2 large bags of potting soil, 16 six packs of annual flowers (one six pack per opening on the face of the pallet, and two six packs per opening on the top of the completed pallet garden), a small roll of landscape fabric, a staple gun, staples, and sand paper. Now for the sides.

Zahrady na svislé ploše aneb Vertikální zahrady | Dům a zahrada - bydlení je hra Zahrada na střeše už dnes asi nikoho nepřekvapí, ale co taková vertikální zahrada? Ta už u mnohých z nás jistě překvapení vyvolá. Jak vypadá? Vertikální zahrady jsou bezesporu zajímavou alternativou klasických i střešních zahrad. Vertikální zahrady, co si máme představit pod tímto pojmem? Kdy a kde se tyto zahrady objevily poprvé? Kde všude nacházejí uplatnění? schopnosti rostlin absorbovat látky znečisťující prostředí; regulují teplotu budovy – vytváří další izolační vrstvu; a v neposlední řadě také působí estetickým dojmem. Jak náročné jsou na realizaci? Je možná jejich realizace svépomocí? Ačkoliv je pravdou, že „zlaté české ručičky“ dokážou vyrobit cokoliv, v tomto případě je opravdu lepší obrátit se na odborníky, nejen kvůli konstrukčním detailům, ale také výběru vhodných rostlin a správnému poměru živin v oběžném roztoku. Pokud bychom si nechali vertikální zahradu vytvořit odborníkem, kolik bychom za ní zaplatili? Jaká je následující péče?

Podcasting for the ESL/EFL Classroom Is This the Future of Farming? - Sarah Rich - Technology ATLANTA -- It's easy to miss the Podponics headquarters on Ponce de Leon Avenue. We breezed right by before company co-founder Dan Backhaus came out to the curb to wave us in. To look at their setup--six rust-colored, graffitied shipping containers tucked between a Cactus Car Wash franchise and a halfway house--you'd never suspect this was one of Atlanta's flourishing young startups. But behind the padlocked doors, an urban farming operation is in full swing. When Backhaus founded Podponics in 2010 with Matt Liotta, the pair had no previous experience with food or farming. Backhaus worked in sales and marketing, Liotta was a software engineer in the telecommunications industry. The six containers, or "pods," represent a trial-and-error process through which Podponics found their way to a cost-effective means of production. As urban farming outfits go, Podponics is exceptionally focused on business viability and growth. Alexis Madrigal Full Screen

Zelené (živé) fasády - vertikální zahrady Zelené fasády dokáží klimatizovat budovy pasivní cestou - pomocí stínění a odvodu slunečního záření, a pomocí evapotranspirace lepšit mikroklima uvnitř a v blízkosti budovy... Neustále rostoucí ceny energií vedou v poslední době k tlaku na snižování energetické náročnosti budov. Podíl budov činí na celkové spotřebě energie v EU 40% a s přibývající zástavbou a urbanizací krajiny neustále roste. Základem pro nízkou energetickou náročnost budovy je především energeticky úsporný obvodový plášť. Jednou z jeho variant, která je zároveň šetrná k životnímu prostředí, jsou systémy zelených fasád. Zelené fasády dokáží klimatizovat budovy pasivní cestou - pomocí stínění a odvodu slunečního záření, a pomocí evapotranspirace lepšit mikroklima uvnitř a v blízkosti budovy. Speciálním prototypem zelených fasád jsou fasády francouzského botanika Patricka Blanca, který pro ně využívá systém panelů a stěn. Systém vertikálních zahrad (Mur végétal) představuje novou techniku kultivace rostlin bez substrátu.
