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Get The Math
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Code Monster from Crunchzilla <h2>Code Monster gets kids excited about programming. It is a combination of a game and tutorial where kids experiment with learning to code. <p> Code Monster use Javascript. Please enable Javascript if you want the play with the Code Monster. Otherwise, Code Monster will not be able to play with you. </p><p></h2> I'm Code Monster! Getting Started Lesson 1 BACK How to Play | Lesson Sections | About | FAQ | Terms of Use | Privacy | Contact | © 2015 How to Play Code Monster teaches kids and adults a little about Javascript programming! It's easy to play. Click on the Reset button if you really mess up your code and want to start over on a lesson. Code Monster saves what lesson you are on, so feel free to stop at any time and come back later. Have fun! About Code Monster from Crunchzilla is an interactive tutorial for kids that focuses on action. Projects start with simple boxes and colors, rapidly progressing into exciting experiments with simple animation and fractals. Sure! Terms of Use Oh my.

Foldables/Study Guides Lose a foldable? All foldables & study guides that we have made in class are available below. If you need help filling in the blanks, please see the completed foldable or study guide in the classroom. Remember, many of these files were copied back-to-back, so a two-page file is the front and back of the foldable. 6th Grade Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers (PDF 11 KB)Four-door foldable for operations with fractions. 6th Grade Multiplying and Dividing Fractions and Mixed Numbers (PDF 12 KB)Four-door foldable for operations with fractions. 6th Grade Decimals Foldable (PDF 43 KB)Four-door foldable for decimal operations 6th Grade Ratio, Rates, and Proportions (PDF 46 KB)This foldable gives definitions and examples of ratios, rates, and proportions. 6th Grade Proportions (PDF 32 KB)This foldable shows the steps needed to solve a proportion. 6th Grade Percents (PDF 70 KB)This tabbed-book is a great overview of percents. Mrs.

Amazing Mathematical Object Factory AMOF, the Amazing Mathematical Object Factory, shown on the left, produces lists of mathematical objects in response to customer orders. Today you are a customer and you must tell AMOF what you want produced. This factory is totally non-polluting and the objects produced are absolutely free! (There is a vicious rumour however, that the workers are underpaid and overworked.) Click on a icon with an Indigo background, such as , to learn about that object, or on an icon with a Green background, such as to generate the object. , which appears both at the top and at the bottom of all succeeding pages. appears on every page as well; clicking on it will take you back to the SchoolNet home page. Combinatorial objects are everywhere! But what is a combinatorial object? There are many, many types of combinatorial objects and we work with just a few of them in AMOF.

Fejtörő feladványok (Gáspár Merse Előd honlapja) Logikai fejtörők Átkeléses feladatok Fizetség és osztoszkodás Mérleges feladatok Időméréses feladatok Stratégiai feladatok Egy kis valószínűségszámítás Egy kis geometria Egy kis fizika Enni vagy aludni, az itt a kérdés Egy logikai probléma a Gulag világából: Tegyük fel, hogy az ember pontosan két hétig bírja evés vagy alvás nélkül. Megoldás Forrás: A minszki csirke A fogoly és az őrök Fogoly vagy, s celládnak két ajtaja van, egy-egy őr áll mindkettő előtt. Ugyanez másképp: Van egy ikerpár, akiket nem lehet kinézetre megkülönböztetni, viszont az egyik mindig igazat mond, a másik mindig hazudik. Forrás: Alice Rejtvényországban Megoldás A három bölcs Három bölcs elmegy a legnagyobb bölcsek bölcséhez, hogy megtudják tőle, ki közülük a legbölcsebb. Megoldás Az igazságos bölcs Az előző feladat nehezítése. Megoldás Kannibálok fogságába esett bölcsek Három bölcs kannibálok fogságába esik. Megoldás Kannibálok fogságába esett bölcsek II Megoldás Négy tanuló és a színes sapkák Négy tanulót a logika tanár sorbaállít. J.

Math Games - from Mangahigh Web 2.0 Tools for Math Educators By Laura Turner This is a continuing series on Web2.0 and other web-based tools for educators. This information is specific to math educators, but there is some crossover into science. Math educators will find a large number of useable interactive companion web sites for the teaching of math concepts and skills. 3Dvinci 3D design is a great motivational and instructional tool. Algebasics This site contains a variety of interactive Algebra help/ problems/activities Archimy This site has a service for drawing the graphs of all kinds of functions . Arcademic Skill Builder Our research-based and standards-aligned free educational math games and language arts games will engage, motivate, and help teach students. Calc3D This site has interactive Mathematical graph and charting software for geometry and statistics

8 math talks to blow your mind Mathematics gets down to work in these talks, breathing life and logic into everyday problems. Prepare for math puzzlers both solved and unsolvable, and even some still waiting for solutions. Ron Eglash: The fractals at the heart of African designs When Ron Eglash first saw an aerial photo of an African village, he couldn’t rest until he knew — were the fractals in the layout of the village a coincidence, or were the forces of mathematics and culture colliding in unexpected ways? Here, he tells of his travels around the continent in search of an answer. How big is infinity? There are more whole numbers than there are even numbers … right? Arthur Benjamin does “Mathemagic” A whole team of calculators is no match for Arthur Benjamin, as he does astounding mental math in the blink of an eye. Scott Rickard: The beautiful math behind the ugliest music What makes a piece of music beautiful?

Matek GIFek - Tudomány / Science Kezdjük is a Pitagorasz-tétellel. Ha nem értetted az összefüggést, most jól figyelj: Így lehet szabályos négyzetet rajzolni körzővel. Így pedig ellipszist két fix pont és egy madzag segítségével Miért 3,14 a pí? A kör területének kiszámításában is van ám logika Láttad már mozogni a sinus-cosinus függvényt? És a végén a grátisz: így kell szumóbirkózót rajzolni körök segítségével Forrás:

Quick Guide to the Common Core: Key Common Core Expectations Explained - Mathematics - Vander Ark on Innovation Guest blog by Kathy Kellman, executive editor of mathematics at Curriculum Associates Note: This is part two of a two-part series. Last week, my colleague Adam Berkin wrote the first part in this series, " Quick Guide to the Common Core: Key Common Core Expectations Explained " for the English Language Arts standards. A lot of people (including some educators) have a lot of anxiety about math: How do we teach it? All of mathematics is built on a few basic ideas. Following are some of the key differences between the new standards and many of the current educational standards in place around the country. Narrower and deeper focus in each grade The Common Core standards for math were designed to focus instruction on fewer topics each year, allowing more time to be spent on each topic to foster deeper understanding of key concepts and skills. Coherent connections and consistent progressions The goal behind the demand for coherence is to make math make sense. Rigor Mathematical practices

10 Useful Math Practice Apps for Elementary Students April 4, 2015 Looking for some good iPad apps to help elementary students with their Math? The list below features some of the most popular iPad apps in this category. These apps have been endorsed by a larger base of teachers and educators and are ideal for classroom inclusion. 1- Math Puppy From toddlers to grade school, for Children of all ages – Math Puppy is the perfect way to build up your math skills. 2- My Math Flashcards My Math Flash Card App is for mastering basic elementary math facts. 3- MathBoard MathBoard is a highly configurable math app appropriate for all school aged children. 4- Motion Math Feed your fish and play with numbers! 5- Pizza Fractions In chef's pizzeria your child masters the concept of naming simple fractions using pizza picture examples. 6- Picture Math An incredibly fun and effective way to learn math operations (+, -, ×, ÷). 7- Everyday Mathematics 8- Mathmateer While your rocket is floating weightlessly in space, the real fun begins! 9- Geoboard

MathsWorldUK - maths museum Geomatech

This website shows videos and applications of math in real world situations. It could be used when introducing a new topic during classroom instruction. by reneejernigan Apr 22

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