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Landing Page Optimization For Dummies Cheat Sheet
Cheat Sheet Landing page optimization means that you strategically craft your landing page — with images, layout, language, and links. By optimizing landing pages and the consumer experience, you can turn good search engine placement into sales conversions and real money. Common Landing Page Optimization Terms Landing page optimization terms such as conversion and SEO may look familiar but remain a mystery to you. Benefit statements: Benefit statements show how your product or service solves an immediate problem. Essential Landing Page Optimization Tips Follow these optimization tips to keep visitors who land on your Web page from moving to other sites. Choose keywords carefully. Web Resources for Landing Page Optimization Want to find out more about landing page optimization? SEO Chat: Use this site to check out the keyword density used on your site and the competitor’s site. Optimize a Landing Page by Troubleshooting the Fold
How to Sell A/B Testing to a Skeptical Client
While SEO, SEM, Web Analytics, and Usability have become commonly established as cornerstones of any successful online business, A/B testing remains a discipline shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding. The fact that few companies understand what it really is, and how they can benefit from it, leads to a high level of skepticism and anxiety that makes A/B testing a tough sell. This article will give you 6 tested and proven methods for mitigating anxiety and selling A/B testing to a skeptical client. 1. The first step in building a relationship with a skeptical client is to understand who you are selling to and how your service will help them solve their specific problems. Learn as much about the client as possible. Also, make sure to research the competition. Moreover, if you’re already in dialogue with the client, ask them to describe their main conversion related challenges, as well as the dream conversion scenario. 2. Don’t be a show-off 3. This is where case studies become your ally.
Why would I link to you?
I like to email people and ask them for a link. My niche is quite dry, competitive, and people don't naturally link. It's not a tasty subject. So I have to give them reasons to link to me. Here's some of the specific things I've done or am working on so that I have a good reason for you to link to me when I send you a link request email. 1) I dug up some historical content in my industry, compiled and published it. 3) Bloggers in my niche are suspicious. I knew the bloggers couldn't find decent high paying ads. Now the ad network looks like 'top bloggers in my niche', or more likely 'top bloggers in my niche I want a link from,but that no one can get a link from'. It's been some work, but the ads are now getting started. Now what do I have? In fact, I've now got these top quality but very suspicious bloggers calling *me* to get onboard. So in this case I couldn't answer the reason why they would link to me just with my good content.
544 Conversion Rate Optimization Tips (now 741 and counting)
All tips are appreciated. Here's 544 ways to make you landing pages convert more effectively. Optimizing your landing pages or website to perform better is a no-brainer, but if you’re short on time or resources then it helps to have a bag full of tricks to kick things off. The collection of links below brings together over 500 tips on conversion rate optimization and landing page improvement. Naturally, there will be some repetition of the core principles, but it’s a good idea to read the perspective of several experts when forming your own opinion. The Art of the Landing Page: 7 Tips For Increasing Conversions Tim Ash 7 fundamental tactics from one of the industry’s established leaders in landing page optimization and testing. Read more 31 Conversion Optimization Tips – and Counting Chris Goward – Wider Funnel A great quick read from Chris Goward. Read more 108 Ways to Improve Your Conversion Rate Conversion Rate Experts Read more 10 Tips for Writing the Ultimate Landing Page Read more Wingify Kayden
Five surprising split testing tips | Facts and Figures
Split testing – the process of simultaneously testing multiple versions of your site – can provide some surprising results; sometimes changes don’t have the impact you expect. We’ve compiled 5 tips to broaden your horizons and open your mind to some counter-intuitive split-tests which could seriously boost your profits. 1. Sometimes call-to-action buttons should stand out less “Add to basket”, “Checkout”, “Sign up now”– Call to actions buttons are usually a high priority for any split testing plan. Our natural instinct is to make them bigger, brighter and ultimately to stand out as much as possible. If you’re nodding along so far and thinking “too right”, follow this link to see that you can definitely go too far! The image to the right is the current Amazon “Add to Basket” button. In contrast, red buttons can stand out even more, but are often subconsciously associated with danger. Recommendation: Split test de-emphasising elements of your calls to action 2. 3. 4. 5.
Big Oak Search Engine Optimization Services Company : Richmond S
5 Landing Page Conversion Killers
You may not know it, but there are a few conversion killers that stalk your landing pages, hacking and slashing away at your leads and sales when you aren’t looking. They’re quite insidious… you may not even know you’re making these mistakes. Fortunately, there are a variety of studies that can help us out in this regard. Today we’re going to look at a few more research studies that can help you drastically improve the “leaks” your landing pages may have at this very moment. Here are the 5 conversion killers you need to look out for… 1. Designers are going to rejoice hearing this, but marketers need to play close attention as well. All of that typography stuff that your design guy/gal warned you about? They were right: according to this study on readability, small margins were good for one thing — making people read faster. The problem was that they also drastically cut down reading comprehension, and everybody knows that an effective landing page is one that gets it’s message across clearly.