hibernate - Architecture for spring enterprise web application Modern OpenGL 01 – Getting Started in Xcode, Visual C++, and Linux « Tom Dalling Welcome to the first of a series of articles about modern OpenGL, with a focus on making games. All the code will be open source, and downloadable from github: By the end of this article, you will have a working OpenGL 3.2 project in Visual C++ on Windows, Xcode on OSX, and Linux. The app will have a vertex shader, a fragment shader, and will display a single triangle using a VAO and a VBO. The project will use GLEW to access the OpenGL API, GLFW to handle window creation and input, and GLM for matrix/vector math. Yes, it is a little bit boring, but just getting a project set up correctly can be difficult, especially for beginners. Table of Contents Accessing The Code Download all lessons as a zip from here: All the code in this series of articles is available from github: A Note On Compatibility Visual C++ Setup Instructions Vertex Shaders
rybotron Pyramythical by Rybotron Audio reactive Quartz Composer composition built with the EMIT Library 10:19 am • 28 July 2016 • 2 notes jam session #quartzcomposer #emitlibrary #VDMX #realtime #bambounou #rybotron 7:31 am • 24 May 2016 • 2 notes The Separation / The Understanding are two tracks from Ceremony’s new album, “The L-Shaped Man” which marks a departure in style from their earlier hard-core work to a post-punk sound. Four projectors were connected to a Mac Pro using a 5k Resolume output driven by custom real-time Quartz Composer patches built with Rybotron’s EMIT Library. Download EMIT Quartz Composer library here: bit.ly/emit-github 7:45 am • 7 April 2015 • 1 note EMIT techniques with Cinema 4D XPresso 11:33 pm • 24 February 2015 • 21 notes Easy is a real-time generative audio driven Quartz Composer composition using a library I created called EMIT. Download EMIT & this composition: bit.ly/emit-github Audio: Son Lux - Easy 11:35 pm • 21 February 2015 • 1 note
Creating a raytracer for DOS, in 16 VGA colors Cursos de SuperCollider en el Centro Multimedia - tallerdeaudio Cursos-talleres SuperCollider3 Centro Multimedia Tres cursos anuales consecutivos (tres cursos al año) con los niveles 1- principiante, 2- intermedio y 3- proyectos. El objetivo es producir estudiantes que asimilen el lenguaje y puedan, en el tercer curso, desarrollar un proyecto de su autoría con asistencia de los profesores. SuperCollider es una plataforma de programación Open Source enfocada a la síntesis y composición algorítmica. 1-Curso principiantes Registro de la presentación 2010 2-Curso intermedios registro de la presentación final 2008 3-Proyectos Las clases se imparten de manera pesonalizada abordando los temas que el proyecto de cada alumno requiera. Documentación de los proyectos de los alumnos por año Material de apoyo synth.rtf bat.rtf improvisacion viernes.rtf substractiva.rtf Catálogo 1 de SynthDefs.rtf find rumba buena.rtf operacion con color en SCWindow.rtf archivo de ayuda en español SuperCollider keyDownAction en Linux y en Windows Ejemplos del curso principiantes 2010: FM con Tdef
byulparan/pdlisp software | Swedish VJ Union I couldn’t have imagined a better start of the year when it comes to software and hardware. So many good things has been announced and released already. Let’s have a look at some stuff that relates to us visualists. Read more → I’m on OSX but I’m not at all an early adopter when it comes to operating systems. I just upgraded to Lion in June and the next release, Mountain Lion is already here. Read more → I follow the Syphon Twitter feed and noticed a couple of new Syphon apps. Read more → This is what went on in and around our network in June 2012. Read more → These are things that has happened in our network and things I’ve seen in social media the last month. Read more → Beta testers are raving about the Processing app for iOS that will be released within the next few weeks. Read more → Just Add Music has been updated to 2.6. Read more → New releases from Vidvox, Vade and Bangnoise/The Syphon team, CoGe and Millumin. Read more → There has been a few notable software updates the last week.
Control Tutorial – how to create your own widgets Control user boblemarin, who is the author of the impressive Sprite3D javascript library, has made a couple of interesting new widgets. The first is a circle sliced into triangles; each segment can be used to trigger, for example, slices of a loop. He also has an interface using particles that are generated by touch and send out note messages whenever they bounce off the walls of the interface. Particle interfaceSlice triggering interface Best of all, he created a tutorial for people who want to make their own widgets. Some love for Control’s open-source brethren Forum member Jetsabel has also made a nice Pure Data patch that explains how to use Control with Pd-extended. For whatever reason, most of the videos / code I’ve posted so far has been geared more towards proprietary software. You can download the script here. Control 1.4 released (iOS) Control 1.4 is released for iOS. I’ll post some more info about these changes later this weekend.
qcOSC Description The plug-in was created because there seems to be a problem with the built-in OSC receiver in QC in that it sometimes outputs 0’s instead of the last received numeric value, causing something best described as “stuttering” when used for visual output. Additionally the plug-in automatically creates its outlets when receiving messages and advertises its input port via Zeroconf (otherwise know as Bonjour in Apple-land.) Installation Put the plug-in file (qcOSC.plugin) in either of these directories: ~/Library/Graphics/Quartz Composer Plug-Ins/Library/Graphics/Quartz Composer Plug-Ins Usage Drag a qcOSC instance into your composition Open the "Patch Inspector", go to Settingsand enter a Port number for the plugin to listen on Send OSC messages Enjoy
TUIO Quartz Composer Examples - Tutorial About To start making a Music Visualizer is incredibly easy in Quartz Composer. All you have to do is open up Quartz Composer, click on the File menu and select New from Template. This will open up the Template dialog box from which you can select the Music visualizer template. This will create a new music visualizer based upon that template. The default composition opens a Viewer and Editor window showing the Root Macro Patch and the visualization in a Custom ratio view. One of the great features of Quartz Composer is just how elastic its rendering space can be.In Custom Ratio mode you are able to set the composition to alomost any rectangualr relationship. Please note, unless you are running iTunes with the visualizer on, you won't be able to see anything happening in your new composition. This is because without audio data, the Audio Spectrum Macro Patch has nothing to work with. The resulting music visualizer is pretty simple at first glance, but merits further study.
Uni Weimar: Media Few other universities in Germany attach greater importance to the scientific and artistic consideration of media than the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Founded in 1996, the Faculty of Media brings together economists and experts from the humanities, scientists and information technologists and artists and designers. Together they contribute towards the growing importance and transformation of the media. On our homepage you can find detailed information about the study programmes Computer Science and Media, Media Culture, Research Master in Media and Culture, European Media Culture, European Film and Media Studies, Media Art and Design, Media Management and MediaArchitecture as well as project information and research results from the faculty’s departments. Download here all information about studying at the Faculty of Media.
★ audiocommander Ars Electronica: Physarum Polycephalum 2013-08-31, Saturday @ 9:25Articles in English | Arts/Kunst | Works/Werke I am very proud to show a new project at this year’s Ars Electronica in Linz. Bodymetries / “Physarum Polycephalum” is a collaborative work with Theresa Schubert and Moritz Dreßler. The installation by Theresa Schubert (DE), Moritz Dreßler (DE) and Michael Markert (DE) invites those who behold it to interact with a computer simulation that assigns configurations of human moles to the protoplasmic tissue of an acellular slime mold (Physarum polycephalum) … Mobile Media Workshop @ University at Buffalo, New York 2013-03-7, Thursday @ 4:31Articles in English | Arts/Kunst | Programming | Software | Teaching I’m very much looking forward to my Workshop “Mobile Media – HTML5 for Mobile Devices” at the State University of New York – University at Buffalo, NY. Mobile Media Workshop HTML5 for Mobile Devices – An introduction to Mobile WebApps March 18 to 22, 2013, 3 − … Comments Off 3.
TUIO-Client Plugin for Quartz Composer: Lion 64-bit compile Tonight I made a 64-bit compile of the TUIO-Client Plugin for Quartz Composer. I messed around with the Kinect-Plugin for Quartz Composer and discovered the TUIO-multitouch and gesture protocol, which looks really promising. The protocol support really a lot of common creative coding software. The binary of the TUIO-Client Plugin for Quartz Composer I downloaded from the TUIO-site did not launch in my Quartz Composer on OS-X Lion. Now I freshly compiled the source for 64-bit Mac OS-X machines and put it into the “right” plugin directory for Quartz Composer on Lion. /Library/Graphics/Quartz Composer Plug-Ins. And here is the binary: Download TuioClient-Lion-64bit