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The 12 Best Ice Cream Toppings, Ranked

The 12 Best Ice Cream Toppings, Ranked

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"The Story of an Hour" text The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin Knowing that Mrs. Mallard was afflicted with a heart trouble, great care was taken to break to her as gently as possible the news of her husband’s death. It was her sister Josephine who told her, in broken sentences; veiled hints that revealed in half concealing. “Sweetness” Oh, yeah, I feel bad sometimes about how I treated Lula Ann when she was little. But you have to understand: I had to protect her. She didn’t know the world. With that skin, there was no point in being tough or sassy, even when you were right. Race and Motherhood in Toni Morrison's "Sweetness" American author Toni Morrison (b. 1931) is responsible for some of the most complex and compelling literature regarding race in both the 20th and 21st centuries. The Bluest Eye (1970) presents a protagonist who longs to be white with blue eyes. In 1987's Pulitzer Prize-winning Beloved, an escaped slave is haunted by the daughter she murdered in order to free her -- however brutally -- from slavery. Though Paradise (1997) opens with the chilling line, "They shoot the white girl first, but the rest they can take their time," the reader is never told which of the characters is white.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on politics, human rights and storytelling You were invited to discuss the art of writing at the Berlin International Literature Festival. You personally started reading and writing at a very early age: What were the stories you wanted to tell? When I started writing, I was maybe 5, and I was writing the stories that I was reading — mostly children's books from England. I lived in a small town in Nigeria, in a university community. I had never seen snow, I did not know what an apple was, but I was writing stories in which children were playing in the snow and eating apples, because that's what happened in the books I read. So it actually took a while before I started writing about my own experiences and my own world.

Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina A fines de 2007, el Congreso Nacional aprobó la Ley 26.331 de Presupuestos Mínimos de Protección Ambiental de los Bosques Nativos. Sin embargo, el Poder Ejecutivo recién la reglamentó en febrero de 2009, tras el reclamo que hicieron más de 70 organizaciones sociales, entre ellas la Fundación Vida Silvestre Argentina. La Ley de Bosques establece que las provincias deberán realizar el ordenamiento territorial de sus bosques nativos (OTBN) a través de un proceso participativo, categoriza los usos posibles para las tierras boscosas: desde la conservación hasta la posibilidad de transformación para la agricultura, pasando por el uso sustentable del bosque. Así zonifica los bosques de la siguiente manera: Categoría I (rojo): sectores de muy alto valor de conservación que no deben desmontarse ni utilizarse para la extracción de madera y que deben mantenerse como bosque para siempre.

The cure for boredom I'm going to talk today about the problem of boredom. Now, it's true, we encounter boredom less and less, with all of our gadgets and with the totality of human knowledge and artistic output always available to us. When you can always hear your favourite song or watch a great film or read a great book or text a friend because you can do all of these things with the device that you have at your side 24 hours a day, you might successfully avoid boredom for the rest of your life. Ten Ways to Engage and Instruct Students Remotely Schools all over the world are stepping up, getting creative and developing solutions to keep students learning amid possible school closures and general disruption caused by the coronavirus. Many, if not most, of these solutions rely on technology to deliver some form of remote, online learning. Taking your teaching into a fully virtual environment will have some challenges, but educators at full-time online schools, Connections Academy, encourage you to tap into the basics of teaching and learning -- things like communication, empathy, motivation -- that transcend the classroom type or teaching medium. They also have some practical, operational tips you can use right now for instructing and engaging students. “At the end of the day, and from one teacher to another, you’ve got this.”

Carrera de Especialización en Pedagogías para la igualdad en contextos socioeducativos diversos Esta carrera responde a los desafíos educativos que plantea el escenario histórico actual en nuestro país y en la región. Introduce debates conceptuales y brinda herramientas metodológicas para la formación profesional crítica de quienes están interesados/as en la profundización de las pedagogías para la igualdad. La construcción de un horizonte de igualdad requiere del despliegue de variadas perspectivas teóricas y de innovadoras estrategias de intervención pedagógica y socio-educativa. La carrera ofrece la posibilidad de especialización en una de las siguientes áreas temáticas a elección: educación y trabajo; educación, género y sexualidades; educación, lenguajes y comunicación. Destinatarios/as: docentes, sociólogos/as, psicólogos/as sociales, trabajadores/as sociales, comunicadores/as, recreólogos/as, trabajadores en arte y educación, referentes de organizaciones sociales y movimientos socio-territoriales.

Documental: ¿Agua o aguacates? El conflicto por la palta, el “oro verde” de Chile El aguacate está de moda desde hace años. Su sabor característico, su textura mantecosa y sus propiedades nutritivas lo convirtieron en un alimento imprescindible en los restaurantes de Europa y América del Norte. Cómo el aguacate pasó de ser "un anacronismo evolutivo" a conquistar el mundo En varias partes del mundo incluso se llevan a cabo festivales gastronómicos donde se celebra el preciado "oro verde" y se descubren formas creativas de degustar ese fruto. Sin embargo, el aguacate -o palta, como se lo conoce en parte de Sudamérica- también tiene un lado oscuro. Los daños ocultos que provoca el aguacate, el "oro verde" de México

Lesson Plans: "The Story of an Hour" (Grade 8) This unit is based on "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin. The unit was created for use with eighth-grade English language learners. Activities include interactive readings, embedded vocabulary instruction, mini lessons on literacy concepts such as irony, and an opportunity for students to summarize and paraphrase the story. The lesson plan documents are available online below, as well as in a zip file (44.2 MB) for download. "The Story of an Hour" Overview

Budín vegano de banana Yo soy vegetariana y desde hace un tiempo quería comenzar a practicar dulces sin derivados de animales, este budín fue el primero de espero muchas recetas más y salió riquísimo! Por un día de conciencia animal, ¿lo probarían? 2 tazas de harina 0000 1 cucharadita de bicarbonato de sodio AL RAS 1/4 de cucharadita de sal 3/4 taza de azúcar rubia 1/2 taza de aceite vegetal 5 bananas maduras

'Speak out to make a change' Presenter: Some people in America have said that when they're growing up, they often have a talk with their parents or older family members about what to do if you are stopped by the police. What types of things have you been taught to do? Young man: Don't make any sudden movements, because they might think that you're, like, reaching for a gun or something.
