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Minimum Viable Product – How to Build an MVP for Your Project and Why You Should A product with just enough features to gather comprehensive qualitative feedback Proof of concept, prototypes, wireframes, mockups… what actually constitutes a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)? In practice, it's as easy to understand the concept of an MVP is as it is to ride a bicycle. So should we compare MVPs to a bicycle then? Let's do it. What is an MVP? Every customer wants to be heard and understood. What Is an MVP? A Minimum Viable Product represents one of the major stages in the software product discovery process. The minimum viable product is a perfect opportunity to let potential users voice their opinions and test out a product before its final launch. Gathering and analyzing qualitative feedback is a primary task of MVP development. This process turns into a cycle of MVP product development which takes place over and over again until the ultimate customer satisfaction is reached. How MVP Software Development Is Conducted Idea At first, you have an idea. Product Discovery User Journey

Marie Glandus □ on LinkedIn: #ethnographie #ux | 31 comments sans titre 11 Best Icebreakers for Meetings & Training Seminars Icebreakers were initially part of the dating game. It made sense; two people meeting for the first time and the whole situation rife with nervousness. However, the term “icebreaker” became so popular at one point that it eventually transitioned into the professional world. Today, we see different companies looking to learn different icebreakers for meetings & training seminars. Icebreaker techniques are popular for a variety of reasons. My personal favorite is that they loosen up the atmosphere to a degree where everyone feels comfortable. Many organizations work on their employees’ communication skills by scheduling training sessions on the subject of icebreakers for meetings. The point is that these activities have now become the norm. 6 Team Building Exercises and Games to Foster Creative Thinking A typical icebreaker training session in a company can span over different activities. They can ask, “How do you feel when you are in a room full of strangers during a seminar?” 1. 2. 4.

Free and open source WalkMe alternatives | Pronovix Guided tours are a series of small pop-ups added to a website, that guide users through the steps required to accomplish a task. Recently guided tours have gained a lot of attention, as they are a user-friendly, natural way of assisting users on online interfaces. There is a large demand for solutions that you can use to create guided tours. From a wide variety of available solutions, this post aims to offer an overview of guided tour applications that have a free trial, free plan, or a free, open source version. WalkMe offers a collection of Walk-Thrus (guided tours), analytics, pinpointed search, onboarding and surveys. These modules are integrated to create a powerful and complete engagement platform. WalkMe features By exploring the many features WalkMe offers, you can learn more about what you can do with guided tour solutions in general and think about what features to look for when deciding about the platform of your choice. Pricing and plans Javascript-based solutions Hosted version

Manifeste #OpenSeriousGame - OpenSeriousGame How to Track the Team’s Mood with a Niko-niko Calendar » Agile Trail Example of a Niko-niko Calendar for Teams You can track a lot of stuff in Agile projects, like lead time, velocity, bugs and so on. Tracking those metrics helps the team to identify problems early and without them it’s harder to improve. The faster you can get those numbers, the faster you can analyse them, look ahead and steer the project in a better direction. Feelings are the fastest feedback I know. Ever worked in a software development team which produced a very ugly bug? It would be great to track those feelings before it comes to the big mess, right? Niko-niko calendar, also known as smiley calendar or happiness index, is a tool to track the mood of a team. You can create such a tool in a few steps: Get a regular calendar and put on a wall in a highly visible place in the team room. Now start tracking. (Hint: You might want to get one of it-agile’s team calendars. In regular intervals (like e.g. in each retrospective) the team gathers to analyse the data. Read further:

Aidants Connect Contexte Lors de la phase de consultation de la Stratégie Nationale pour un Numérique inclusif a été soulignée l’importance de la sécurisation juridique de l’ensemble des aidants numériques (Haut Conseil du Travail Social, médiateurs numériques, intervenants sociaux, agents d’accueil en collectivité territoriale, etc.) tant pour orienter et accompagner les usagers en difficulté que pour les aider à effectuer leurs démarches administratives. Si la création d’une charte de l’aidant numérique a notamment été suggérée par des représentants des professionnels au contact des publics les plus en difficulté avec les outils numériques, il est préconisé d’aller plus loin dans la sécurisation du professionnel comme de l’usager avec un dispositif « Aidants Connect ». Sécuriser les démarches administratives en ligne réalisées avec l’aide d’un tiers Feuille de route Etre habilité Aidants Connect Les pré-requis La procédure Pour aller plus loin

M.I.M – Mutualisation Inter-Ministérielle Logiciels Libres. 27 Revenue Models for B2C & B2B #1 Loss / Aversion A technique used by drugs dealers for many years and also known as locking-in customers: give something for free (or cheap) and provide lots of hassle (€ or effort) when they want to change to a different service/solution. #3 Acquisition convenience The acquisition of new customers is an expensive business associated to convincing a customer to buy your product/service. Ultimate convenience is achieved when customers are coming to you without active sales or marketing. #5 Employee satisfaction Employees can be seen as internal clients of a company. #7 Flexibility (aka. lower fixed cost) High investments equal high risk. #9 OPEX saving Automation of repetitive tasks and making an organisation ‘lean’ are examples of clean OPEX savings. #11 Strategic partnership Typically two companies form a strategic partnership when each possesses one or more business assets that will help the other, but that each respective other does not wish to develop internally. #13 Pay-what-you-want

TimeTonic. Une base de données intelligente pour tout gérer en équipe TimeTonic est une étonnante base de données visuelle, aussi souple et flexible qu’un tableur qui permet de tout gérer en équipe, au bureau comme en mobilité. Un outil impressionnant auquel je prédis un grand avenir. L’idée des concepteurs français de TimeTonic est révolutionnaire. Plutôt que de créer et développer une nouvelle application pour gérer des données, ils sont partis du postulat suivant : « The Data is the Application ». La base de données TimeTonic est la seule application nécessaire à partir de laquelle vous allez pouvoir construire des applications métiers en fonction de vos besoins. Et pour ce faire pas besoin de passer par des développeurs et de longs mois de travail, l’outil a été pensé utilisateur final. Oubliez votre tableur traditionnel, passez aux données intelligentes. Encore aujourd’hui de nombreuses entreprises utilisent un tableur comme outil de gestion interne. Une base de données visuelle et un outil de communication centralisé.
