Hobby Engineering Home Page Liquidware : Open Source Electronics Blue Wolf Robotics Main Menu undefined Guitar Amp and Effect Projects This page is a directory of projects available on this site. All projects have been constructed and tested. Most of the schematics on this site are Adobe Acrobat pdf format. Guitar Amp Circuits and Mods Alternate BF Fender Preamp This is a alternate design for a BF preamp that eliminates some of the noise created in the reverb section. An Ultralinear Guitar Amp This is a guitar amp design that utilizes an ultralinear output stage with no negative feedback. Guitar Effects The Tube-O-Vibe, Auxiliary Information This page is additional information pertaining to the article I wrote that was published in Vacuum Tube Valley, Issue 17. The Super Tron This is a design for an envelope filter that starts with the classic mutron circuit, removes some of the compromises in the original, adds some useful new features, and utilizes easy to find Vactrol VTL5C3 LDRs instead of the mystery "0805" component. The Octave Screamer The RangeMOSter Copyright Notice to this page.
C&H Surplus 10 Best Electronics Suppliers First off, I would like to give notice to Electronics Projects for Dummies for most of this info. I wanted to make a site with many of the best sites to buy Electrical Parts, because it can sometimes be a strenuous activity. I have 10 here, because if you can't find something on one online store, you might be able to find it on the next. Reynolds ElectronicsReynolds Electronics is a good supplier of remote control components, micro controllers, and robot kits and parts. One feature that stands out on Reynolds Web site is the clear and helpful project/circuit tutorials. Hobby EngineeringHobby Engineering is a sit slanted towards the hobbyist. All ElectronicsAll Electronics has an incredible selection of many of the useful items you would use to build your project. BG MicroBG Micro is a cool site for rare and pretty neat gadgets as well as a nice selection of alot of the items one will need for a weekend project. Jameco ElectronicsJameco has a very nice site catalog.
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\\\ Original Analog Bass/Guitar Effects and DIY /// Custom/Original Designs JC Maillet (c) 1996-2010 High Precision Rectifying Octaver JCM(c)2010 Stereo Guitar/Bass Fuzz with Presence and Blend Updated Sampler with Effective Clock Nulling my original Aliaser circuit centered around the typical "switched-gate jFET pass-transistor into a cap" idea, where a sharp pulse drives the gate voltage well above and well below the mean Drain-Source channel voltage ... this typically introduces a "pulse noise" on the channel voltage whenever the sampler takes a snapshot ... the interesting thing about the Nyquist Aliaser is that this switchign noise could be minimized by varying the channel DC voltage - but unfortunately not cancel it out by a long shot ... a recent conceptual discovery has lead me to a circuit which gives near-total clock nulling ... ok, perfect clock fundamental nulling with very slight feedthgrough of clock harmonics ... good enough ! Super Wide-Range Univibe re-Design JCM(c)2009 OptoVibe JCM(c)2008 JCM(c)2008 "StereoVibe" mp3 JCM(c)2007
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