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Best Christmas Gifts 2018 - Great Gift Ideas for Christmas - Attention Trust

Best Christmas Gifts 2018 - Great Gift Ideas for Christmas - Attention Trust
The only thing that is on every individual’s mind these days is Christmas and the gifts. Yes, the countdown for Christmas is on and many have not yet planned the parties that are going to happen during Christmas holidays. It is not that hard to plan a party but choosing the best Christmas gift for your mom or kids can be a difficult task. Here is a list of Best Christmas Gifts that you can check out to choose a unique gift for your loved ones this Christmas that will bring a beautiful smile in their faces. 1. Xbox 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

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I Peed Myself Running a 10K—and Still Finished the Race It had been a full 10 years since I’d run a race of any distance. In the meantime, there’d been a wedding, two cross-country moves, a kid who was somehow pushing 5, and a few halfhearted and ultimately failed attempts at reigniting my running practice. I was excited to finally be back in the game. I’d been running regularly for over a month, and dang, if I wasn’t feeling pretty all right. Even a little puffed up. 5 Immunity-Boosting Foods & Nutrients Find out which foods and nutrients bolster your immune system. The much-dreaded cold and flu season is upon us. How can you bolster your defenses against the germs lurking in the common areas in your office, the mall where you do your holiday shopping and the rest stops you encounter in your holiday travels? Include these 5 immunity boosters in your diet, plus make sure to wash your hands, take a multi-vitamin and try to get enough sleep too. Related: Healthy Immunity-Boosting Recipes
