Prodageo Triporama - Group Trip Planner | Group Travel Guide lafabriqueavoyage Wikis for Everyone - Wikispaces Wipolo Petite méthode des prises de notes collaboratives « Site compagnon des cours de François Jourde Je pratique depuis 2009 la prise de note coopérative du cours de philosophie. A presque chaque séance du cours, un élève est nommé “secrétaire” : il veillera à la publication des notes du cours de philosophie. Ce travail se fait avec en ligne. L’outil principalement utilisé est Google Docs, qui présente de puissantes fonctions de collaboration (commentaires de type "forum" sur toute partie du texte, historique des révisions, clavardage) et de publication. Voici le petit guide de méthode que je remets aux élèves (en le commentant avec eux). Quelles sont les finalités et les avantages d’une telle pratique ? N’hésitez pas à m’indiquer les (vos) bonnes pratiques ! Voici quelques copies d’écran de l’interface de Google Docs. image d'illustration du billet cc . Like this: J'aime chargement…
Top Web Tools for Enhancing Collaboration 11/1/2010 By: By Özge Karaoglu It’s not news that collaboration is a proven method for effective teaching, and Web 2.0 has enlarged the possibility of peer collaboration to a global scale. What follows is some of the coolest tools you can use to kick-start collaborative projects in your district in any curriculum. ¦ AwesomeHighlighter is the easiest way to highlight texts on Web pages. ¦ Board800 is a multi-user-shared interactive whiteboard with simultaneous access and drawing capabilities. ¦ CoSketch is another whiteboard that you can collaborate on to visualize your ideas and share them as images. ¦ Creately lets you create professional-looking online diagrams with your colleagues. ¦ With CubeTree, you can create wikis, blogs, profiles, and feeds for your groups. ¦ DabbleBoard is a whiteboard that enables you to visualize, explore, and collaborate. ¦ Dimdim is a tool for hosting or attending online meetings and Webinars. ¦ DoingText is a Web-based text editor for collaborative writing.
ASCILITE 2004: Augar, Raitman and Zhou - Teaching and learning online with wikis Naomi Augar, Ruth Raitman and Wanlei ZhouSchool of Information TechnologyDeakin University Wikis are fully editable websites; any user can read or add content to a wiki site. This functionality means that wikis are an excellent tool for collaboration in an online environment. This paper presents wikis as a useful tool for facilitating online education. Introducing wikis Ward Cunningham used the word wiki (the Hawaiian word meaning quick) to name the collaborative tool he developed for use on the Internet in 1994. Figure 1: The Wikipedia wiki encyclopaedia home page Wikis can be used to facilitate computer supported collaborative learning, CSCL. How wikis work Wikis have two different writing modes, or styles of usage. Wikis have two states, read and edit. Figure 2: Users edit Wikipedia articles by clicking the 'edit this page' tab Most wikis use a version of wiki syntax that helps users to format wiki content (eg. bold, underline and hyperlink text formatting). Comparing wikis
Rememble Etherpad Foundation
organiser ses vacances à plusieurs by durasbib Dec 16