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Kelly Gallagher – Resources

Kelly Gallagher – Resources
Part of the reason my students have such a hard time reading is because they bring little prior knowledge and background to the written page. They can decode the words, but the words remain meaningless without a foundation of knowledge. To help build my students’ prior knowledge, I assign them an "Article of the Week" every Monday morning. Below you will find the articles I assigned* this year (2013-2014) to my students. "How Earth Got Its Tectonic Plates/On Saturn's Moon Titan, Scientists Catch Waves in Methane Lakes" by Monte Morin for the Los Angeles Times and by Amina Kahn for the Los Angeles Times, respectively "Hard Evidence: Are We Beating Cancer?" Looking for previous year's Article of the Week assignments? Related:  NewsNews

Linguistadores | Learn English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish Free SNN - Student News Net Thank you for visiting SNN. For 10 years, the same team of professionals has been producing SNN with a sharp focus on original, interesting content as both a mediator and motivator for learning. SNN has spent years studying the challenge of providing meaningful integration of technology in the classroom, conducting educational research, and working closely with teachers. The bottom line is that SNN today is aligned to basic principles of learning to support student achievement. Motivating students to read and explore a topic in more depth is one of SNN's greatest strengths. SNN's only source of revenue is subscriptions. Click here to learn about SNN's subscription options! Judith Stanford Miller, M.Ed., M.A.

Accountability Services NOTE :: Various file formats are used on this page that may require download. If larger than 1mb, it will take longer to download. For instructions or more information, please visit our download page. The State Board of Education’s Framework for Change: The Next Generation of Assessments and Accountability provides for the modification and improvement of state assessment and accountability policies and practices. As part of this new direction, the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) Accountability Services Division/North Carolina Testing Program has released one form of the test for each grade level and subject tested in the 2012–13 school year. These materials and the information contained within must not be used for personal or financial gain. Released test forms may be used by school systems to help acquaint students with valuable test taking strategies in summative assessment situations. The paper-and-pencil versions are available in a pdf format.

The Times and the Common Core Standards: Reading Strategies for 'Informational Text' Update | Sept. 2012: We’ll be exploring the new Common Core State Standards, and how teaching with The Times can address them, through a series of blog posts. You can find them all here, in the lesson plan category “Common Core.” Forty-four states and United States territories have adopted the Common Core Standards and, according to this recent Times article, one major change teachers can expect to see is more emphasis on reading “informational,” or nonfiction, texts across subject areas: While English classes will still include healthy amounts of fiction, the standards say that students should be reading more nonfiction texts as they get older, to prepare them for the kinds of material they will read in college and careers. Well, The New York Times and The Learning Network are here to help. As always, please let us know if you have more ideas! Easy Ways to Weave in The Times 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Reading Strategies Before Reading Preview Text Types and Text Features: Gallery Walks:

News in Easy English | Easy News for ESL Listening DOGO News - Kids news articles! Kids current events; plus kids news on science, sports, and more! What Ed Said Need Content? Just Google It! « Common Core I teach in a school that typifies skills-based education. We practice project based learning, utilize the latest technology, and hold to a mission of helping our students acquire “21st century skills.” We work diligently to replace traditional classroom norms with those of corporate culture so that our students will someday thrive in an increasingly competitive global marketplace — a new world demanding innovation, collaboration, and critical thinking. Unfortunately, bowing to the norms of 21st century business interests leaves little room anything else. Literature, poetry, music, theater, or even a solid understanding of history are either omitted or given short shrift in favor of developing skills. Utility takes precedence over “fluff” and most content, after all, can be Googled anyway. So, how does my school help build the much-hyped 21st century skills? So, what is the role of content in a 21st century classroom? Emma Bryant
