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I have a new obsession - Zentangles. Basically, it is like doodling, but with intention. It looks much harder than it is. I made myself a little book, just for my zentangles. It is 6 inches square, made from Strathmore Bristol smooth paper, bound with my bind-it-all.

Zentangle What is a Zentangle? In a word, a doodle. A structured, contained doodle. I use the technique of Zentangle in my own artwork, incorporating them into sketching, art-journalling and collage. On this page, I will describe how to draw a Zentangle from scratch, what materials are required for Zentangles and also show you how to use the techniques imaginatively in your own work. Note: Zentangle-inspired drawings are often called 'zendoodles'. © This page was created by TheRaggedEdge. Zentangle® is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Tags: Zentangle, doodle, Zentangle-inspired, zendoodle, zendala, pen and ink drawing, Sakura Pigma Micron, Zentangle how-to, Zentangle instructions.

How to Think of What to Draw: 23 steps (with pictures) Edit Article Edited by Dvortygirl, Laptop123, Nicole Willson, Random and 41 others Have you been inspired to draw, including getting inspiration from famous artists, or are just doing it for fun? Drawing can often be fun, but sometimes it can be hard to think of ideas for what to draw. Well, don't worry about that -- there are many, many different ideas - just read this article to find out what they are. Ad Steps 1Doodle. 21Look back through old sketchbooks for ideas. Tips Don't be afraid to try something new or make something up as you go. Warnings While there's nothing wrong with drawing from a photograph to practice, keep in mind that you may not be able to publish the result if you don't hold the copyright or have permission.

Zendala Templates | Tangle Harmony Here are previews of my mandala/Zendala templates; new ones are added at the top.Click one of the images below to download the full-size PDF templates. If you would like some more detailed designs for colouring, check out my colouring book, Geneviève's Mandalas. Template #52 Template #51 Template #50 Template #49 Template #48 Template #47 Template #46 Template #45 Template #44 Template #43 Template #42 Template #41 Template #40 Template #39 Template #38 Template #37 Template #36 Template #35 Template #34 Template #33 Template #32 Template #31 Template #30 Template #29 Template #28 Template #27 Template #26 Template #25 Template #24 Template #23 Template #22 Template #21 Template #20 Template #19 Template #18 Template #17 Template #16 Template #15 Template #14 Template #13 Template #12 Template #11 Template #10 Template #9 Template #8 Template #7 Template #6 Template #5 Template #4 Template #3

Tangle Tangle Tangle
